Shadow raked his fingers through his hair; he was talking about an emergency, and this man won't even move from his chair. "Raven, it would be your fault if we lose the chip. Let's go in before they exchange the content in the chip and escape this place now."

Raven tapped his finger on the chair, his mind deep in thoughts. "Something doesn't feel right; I'll take full responsibility if we should lose the chip. Let's watch from here what would happen next."

"Full responsibility, you say? This is not the time for you to act all mighty and powerful. The ball is in our court, and I'm going down there to grab it," Shadow ranted, running down from the secluded place they had camped. He walked through the crowd, making his way to the VIP.

"I always have to get things done myself while he sits like he knows it all," Shadow murmured. He was so furious that he wanted to have a fist exchange with Raven. Shadow shook his head; that would be his sheer foolishness. Everyone in their foundation knows better than to engage in a fist fight with Raven.

Raven watched from a distance as Shadow got closer to the VIP section; his eyes narrowed at the men who were entering the place. "Cops," he muttered, tapping on his earpod he said, "Shadow, leave that place now, the cops are here."

Shadow said at the other end, "Exactly, the girl finally betrayed Adolf. Why do you think so? She wants to have everything to herself!"

Raven exhaled, "We are not sure about the girl's identity yet. I'm heading to the car, leaving in two." Finishing the content in his cup, Raven made his way out of the club.

"Raven, this is our only chance, the girl's guard is down, I'm making contact," Shadow said over the phone, before dropping the call.

Back inside the VIP room, It was as if the world had paused for Lily. When she tried to get up on her feet, the policeman holding her brother shouted.

"Stay down!"

But Lily didn't stop; she continued to walk closer, looking at her brother's hands that were bound with a silver metal. She raised her eyes to look at his face.


Another cop tried to push Lily away, but Jeffrey stepped in and asked that she should be left alone.

"Fred, w-what are you doing here?" Lily asked in a broken voice; she blinked the tears that were forming in her eyes away. The only question ringing in her mind was what her brother was doing in the club.

"Lily, I didn't do it..." Fred said shakily; he was already scared of the cold shackles that were latched to his skin.

Lily nodded, "I know, I know..." She turned to Jeffrey, "He didn't do it, Officer Jeffrey uncuff my brother. He is still underage; he doesn't even know what drugs are."

Jeffrey sighed; he knew how shocking it was for the girl. He went to hold her shoulder in a comforting way, "I know Lily but that's not how the law works, I promise to get to the end of this, let's take him to the station and question him first." Saying this, the young officer nodded, and this prompted them to drag Lily's brother and his accomplice out of the club.

"Officer Jeffrey, how did this happen? My brother, he doesn't even go to places like this. You have to help him," Lily felt a knot tie in her chest; she couldn't lose another family member. Was she cursed or something? Tears flowed down freely from her eyes, ruining her makeup.

"Let's leave this place first; we can talk better outside." The young policeman offered to help hold the girl steady.

Victoria, who was standing at a corner, picked up their bags. She didn't want to get herself involved because she had already been called in once to the station, and she didn't want it to happen again.

She rushed to open the door for them, because of the bags she was holding. Victoria pushed the door with her back, but she wasn't able to move. someone's hand was latched to her bottom.

"You pervert!" Victoria turned when she saw a crazy-looking redhead who grabbed her ass cheek like a lewdster.

"Wait I can explain; I was going for the door." The young man tried to explain.

Lily and Jeffrey stepped out of the VIP, to see that Victoria was fuming angrily, and she had her eyes staring daggers at the young man in front of her.

"That's what they all say, you think I don't know people like you?, Officer Jeffrey arrest this pervert." Victoria shouted, pointing at the man's forehead as she was already disgusted.

Shadow's eyes widened when he heard the word arrest. His foundation was going to kill him; they were warned never to be seen on the police database because they didn't exist. Now he was about to be arrested as a pervert! He checked out the woman who was accusing him, and she was not even his style.

Truthfully he wanted to reach for the door, when someone opened the door with their back. And who knew there was still a policeman inside the room. Shadow sighed; he was in trouble, he moved his face a little and said through the phone, "Raven..umm I made contact and I grabbed the wrong ball..umm help me."

Raven kicked off his ignition, "I'm leaving," Raven drove away from the club.

Shadow closed his eyes tightly, "T- that..." He slowly turned his head to look at the group waiting for him, and he said with a big smile, "I wasn't aiming for her back, why would I even do that? She's know...." The young agent squeezed his hands mindlessly trying to explain to them what he meant but he was only making things worse for himself.

Victoria shrieked, "Look at that dirty pervert, he is even having wild imaginations."

Lily who was already tired of everything happening with her brother, sighed and walked out of the place; she wanted to make sure her brother didn't sleep in police custody tonight.

"Sir, you might need to come with us to the station." Jeffrey dragged a reluctant Shadow who tried to explain to them that it wasn't his intention to touch anyone but it was already too late because the next minute he was sitting in front of an officer who was questioning him as a pervert.

"Officer, I am a law-abiding citizen who treats his health with great care; I would never hit my hands intentionally on a rock!" Shadow cried out and his words pissed Victoria off.

"Officer, I want this man to have a death sentence!" Victoria hit the table, shaking the contents on top of it.

The officer who was questioning them sighed; which law offers a death sentence to a one-time pervert. "Ma'am you need to calm down, And Sir I need to type in your data. What is your name?"

Shadow pressed his lips "I won't talk until my guardian comes here. Call me my guardian angel! He is the only person I'm willing to talk to." Shadow used his finger to zip his lips.

At the other side Lily was explaining to Jeffrey, "You can't hold him here tonight; he is seventeen. No law says you can lock up an underage!! Maybe he was blackmailed." She pleaded.

"Lily, there's little I can do in this situation, the Narcs have taken over the case, he faked his age so this case is not as light as it seems." Jeffrey replied, hoping that the young girl would understand.

"Then let me talk to him, please let me talk to him....I don't want to leave here without my brother." Lily begged, she wished all these would be a nightmare and someone would come to her rescue.