Raven, who had gotten to his house, was now sipping his plain black coffee, going through the files he found in the flower shop. When he checked earlier, there was nothing there, but he needed to make sure nothing was missed out.

His phone rang, and this was the second time. It was the police station; he picked it up. "I said I don't know the person you're talking about." He replied curtly, not waiting for the person at the other line to talk; he ended the call.

Shadow had made the policemen somehow believe that he was his guardian, and they've been calling him to come and bail the young man out at the station.

He focused on what he was doing on his workstation, clicking his mouse as he scrolled through the files. Then he stopped at a particular file he wasn't able to access. It was locked, encrypted with some type of code.

He relied on a his super-advanced Quantum Cipher Resolver. This setup was crucial for groundbreaking work in decryption.

Finally, when Raven opened the file, his coppery brown eyes darkened at what he saw in the file. He stared at his workstation for some time before going over to grab his jacket.

Before he stepped out, his house robot asked, "Are you really going to bail Shadow?" Lucy asked.

Raven donned the jacket over his shoulder, "I'm going to verify something," he replied, grabbing his car key, he left the house.

Back at the station, Lily waited around for her brother. Somewhere deep down, she prayed that he would be released on false charges; if not, she didn't have any money to even hire a lawyer unless she would use a public defender. Slowly the cold crept into Lily's body, biting her skin. She had forgotten the thin dress she wore didn't cover her back and neck properly. It had really been a long night for her, and all she wanted was to go home and sleep.

"Achoo!" Lily sneezed; she felt something wet run down her nose. She ran to the toilet to check herself out, and thankfully, it wasn't blood. She used the wet wipes to clean up her face and the already ruined makeup.

As she walked helplessly out of the toilet, Lily decided to step out a little and get some air. The air inside was already making her mind fuzzy; she walked outside mindlessly, not having any destination in mind. She stopped when she saw a group of men in a brawl. Lily checked her time; it was past midnight, and some persons thought it was great to fight in front of the police station. No. It didn't look like a normal brawl; one person was beating the hell out of the other men. Lily stood there stunned.

Raven had not expected to be double-crossed by another gang. All he wanted was to verify something he found in the file and go back, but here he was making contact with humans. Vermins. He scowled, bending the wrist of one who advanced with full force to punch him.

"Argh!" The man writhed in pain as he heard his wrist bone crack.

Raven continued to beat them up, as they didn't want to learn their lessons. He noticed one of them bring out something shiny. It was a pen knife. Raven sighed; he was really done stepping outside his house.

When the man with the pen knife charged towards him with force, Raven skillfully used his leg to brush the man down, taking the knife away from him, he punctured a nerve on the man's neck causing blood to splash on his black jacket.

"I hit a vital spot; any moment you waste, you're killing your own man." Raven advised the men who were now sure they weren't dealing with an ordinary person.

Lily was shocked when she saw blood; she thought it was just a fist fight until she saw blood. She reached out for her phone, as her hands trembled, she tried to dial the police number. Someone was dying, and a killer was on the loose.

Raven sighed when he noticed the blood stain on his shoe; he used his handkerchief to clean it off, then he said to the men who were now afraid of coming close to him. "Take this one and scram." He started walking towards his initial direction before he was blocked.

In front of him was a girl who witnessed the fight, and typical of human behavior, she was trying to alert the police. Raven rubbed his temples tiredly as he walked to where the girl was standing fear written all over her face.

Lily gulped when the man who stabbed someone came to stand in front of her. She didn't get a good glimpse of his face when he was fighting, but now he was closer to the light, she noticed how unholy the man looked with his out-worldly handsome features and sharp jawline. Lily gulped, it's the devil. She said in her mind with her hands still trembling.

Raven picked the phone from the girl's hand, turning it off, he said, "You don't want to do that. Now run along and forget everything that happened here, little girl." He said in a low tone before walking away from there, entering inside the police station.

Lily finally confirmed that he was indeed the devil. She had come face to face with the devil; she couldn't move from where she stood. It was as if he had compelled her; even his voice didn't sound human. It was chilly, akin to the first wind before the December rain. The coldness of his voice made the hair on Lily's neck rise, and like he had instructed, she dropped her phone inside her bag and walked back inside. She shouldn't have stepped out to get any air, she said to herself; now she had seen someone getting stabbed and she couldn't report it.

"Why is he entering inside? Is he perhaps going to report himself?" Lily gulped; she decided that the drama was enough for today, and she just needed to rest. From her brother being arrested, to her friend being touched by a pervert, now she was face to face with the prince of hell.

"I shouldn't have gone out today." Lily cried, walking back inside to continue begging for her brother's release.

Just outside the police station, from the car Lily didn't notice had been parked there since; someone stepped out of it and dialed a number.

"Raven was here; he beat up Pablo's men and talked to a girl. He is going inside the police station right now." The person reported.

"Raven spoke to a girl?" The person on the other line asked, "Find out everything about the girl, get men to follow her. She might be someone of importance; Raven would never talk to just anyone." The person replied, and the call ended.