Far away from the mansion, a figure dressed in a hood, covering their face with a mask, walked into a dark and slippery alley clogged with rainwater that had no drainage.

"What is that?" Someone asked from the shadows.

The hooded figure handed over an envelope. "That's the background check on the girl. For now, she is clean, but Adolf seems to have a special interest in her again now that she has been seen in Raven's house."

The other person hummed. "This story sounds familiar, a woman everyone is interested in. Won't be long before she meets her tragic end. Find out more. If she is of no use, let her be. But if Raven really pays attention to her, then make sure to terminate her in the most gruesome way to teach him a lesson." Saying this, the other figure grabbed the envelope and walked away, retreating into the darkest part of the alley.