[Music Recommendation: Je te laisserai des mots ~ Patrick Easton]

Lily stayed in the woman's embrace for a moment, until she finally stopped crying. Then she moved back.

"I'm sorry, I just got so emotional with the story I heard," she cleaned her eyes with the back of her hand.

Mrs. Casgrove sighed, "You're really not like your father. Come, come... come sit down," she held Lily's hand and walked them to the living room.

Raven hesitated for a moment, watching Lily to see if she remembered or just cried because his story was touching, but she didn't show any sign. He followed them but didn't sit down; he walked around the room, looking at the picture frames.

"I'm very sorry about my father's actions and how he tore you away from your beloved daughter," Lily said to the woman as they were now seated.

Mrs. Casgrove exhaled, "A man like that deserves no happiness whatsoever. I know he is your father, but..." The woman's voice trailed off.