When Lily got to her room, she brought out her mother's files. Looking at everything her mother worked on before she died, Lily sighed.

"Mama... what kind of life did you really live?" she said. The pictures back at Mrs. Casgrove's house were different from the pictures her father showed her. Azalea looked very comfortable and happier with her friends. Was it a coincidence that all of them who worked for Augustine died mysteriously? What if Mrs. Casgrove was right, and her father was responsible for the death of the woman's daughter and also that of her mother?

Lily pressed her lips together. That was clearly a huge accusation, but she wanted to know the truth. Even her father wasn't able to give her a clear story about how her mother died.

'You remember, don't you? You're just trying to punish me for what I did, you're trying to make me go crazy,'