[Music Recommendation: Dear name ~ IU]

Turning on the bed for the umpteenth time since Maya finished eating at the grill place, she finally woke up and ran to the bathroom. She couldn't stop throwing up, and as Victor had told her, the stress eating didn't end very well for her. She was having indigestion, and it wasn't comfortable at all.

Maya washed her face and walked back inside the room. It was already daybreak. She barely had a wink of sleep as she was just restless. She groaned and ruffled her hair, which now looked really disheveled. Maya felt her stomach aching badly, so she left her room in search of something to eat or take to help her feel better.

"Maya?" Victor was the first person to notice her. He walked to stand in front of her, worry etched deep on his face. "What happened to you?"

Maya sighed. "You were right," she rubbed her stomach, "I had indigestion throughout the night and now I feel so sick."