[Music Recommendation: Goodbye My Love ~ Ailee]

Victor packed everything he owned. After selling his father's mansion and properties to the city, he gave the highest amount of money to the orphanage that was under Raven. The rest he gave anonymously to Luca and his grandmother. Before he left, he went to visit his mother in the mental facility where she was being taken care of.

Grace was led out of her room with two nurses holding her, while her hands were bound together as she had tried to kill herself in every way possible in the past few days.

"Mom," Victor stood up on seeing his mother, "How have you been?"

Grace chuckled, "Have you come to take me away? You betrayed your own family, I regret ever having husband, it was that woman who ruined us all. Now my son has turned against me," she started crying, then laughing before she became quiet again.