Know Your Place 1

Two days ago, I was given the title of 20th Consort of the Female Monarch. Well that's a good thing but what I didn't quite like was the fact that Wei Chang also got promoted.

He who was known as the 3rd Main Consort, is now the 2nd Consort, taking over Consort Xi's place as his reward for his bravery.

Sigh! Now I know who my ultimate enemy is but now I have to go through the task at hand.

"Brother Wei!" Shouted Li Meng as he ran towards me with his lips smiling from ear to ear.

I recognized him almost immediately. The only person in the whole palace who I think I can call a f-f-frie.. sigh, I still can't pronounce that word.

Either way, I could call him an alley but I won't place my full trust on anyone just yet.

With his white fan, he sat opposite me at my new chambers balcony.

"I'm still so happy that you are now a Main Consort brother Wei.. I couldn't believe it when I was told that you had become a mid consort and now a Main Consort, hahaha.. aren't you happy?"

He asked, smiling as I just nodded slightly. Yes I had to admit that the treatment given to me is quite satisfying.

I now have approximately 30 personal servants, a nice chamber and good hospital but the fact that I still possess one of the Lowest ranks in the palace still stands.

There are twenty Main Consort and I was the 20th meaning that I would still be looked down upon. Even Li Meng was still higher than me in ten ranks.

Sighing, I took a cup of tea and sipped it slightly as I heard Li Meng say, "Ah! I forgot why I'm here, I have News from ma'am Han.. she says that your welcoming party will be happening tomorrow at your Palace backyard. Invitation has already been sent to all the Consorts, I can't wait!"

"I gotta go now, I have some work to do," he said as he then waved me goodbye and left.

With him gone, I then called on to Harem bot, "Harem Master! What's with the welcoming party he keeps talking about?"

I asked as the bot Appeared in front of me:

"Ah, so that's what it is.. interesting, but why do I somewhat have a bad feeling about this?"


The Next day came in quite fast, and by sun down, I was already getting ready to attend my welcoming party.

I wore a dark green robe which fitted me perfectly. My black long hair was styled with a nice green pin and my face was without makeup.

I stared at myself in the mirror, although my scars were now healed, its traces could still be seen although I still looked absolutely breathtaking.

Sighing, I made my way out with Sisi behind me as I arrived at the party hall not long after.

But to my surprise, there was no single soul present at the hall.

No decorations! No servants! Nothing!

What the hell is going on?

"Where is everyone?" I asked Sisi who was Also as shocked as I was, and just then, Li Meng ran towards me and not with a happy expression this time around.

"10th Consort Li, where is everyone?" Sisi asked as he sighed slightly.

"Brother Wei, you won't believe it.. turns out that 1st Consort Ming is hosting a party of his own and everyone is currently at his palace, including all the maids and servants."

"But the decorations?" I asked, confused, "Didn't ma'am Han notify us about the preparations being ready?"

"Oh! It turns out that Consort Ming had complained about the little decorations so they had no other choice but to take down yours!" She said as I almost burst out in laughter.

I never knew Consort Ming could be this interesting. He seemed like a sensible and calm person or was that all an act?

"This is unfair, how could Consort Ming do such a thing to master.. today is supposed to be Masters Welcoming party, this isn't fair," Sisi said unhappy about the situation as I just patted her slightly on the head.

"What are you going to do now brother Wei?" Li Meng asked as I just smiled.

"What else am I to do? Consort Ming is the first Consort while I am the 20th consort of her majesty, our ranks are very much different as you can see. There's nothing I can do than to keep quiet," I said as I then slowly made my way out, leaving Sisi and Li Meng behind.

"Do you really think he would let things go?" Li Meng asked Sisi as she sighed.

"Although I've only known the master for a short while, what I know well is that no matter what.. master won't just let anything go, he will make sure he throws back the stone even though it takes time, he will throw it back!"

She muttered and I have to say that she knew me quite well. For the devil will never let anything go.

I'll make sure I teach each and every one of them a lesson and they would never ever think of crossing me again!