Know Your Place 2

It was 10pm and I found myself walking around the palace.

I felt slightly stuffy inside my chambers so I decided to walk around abd receive some fresh hair.

But to my surprise, I saw someone I wasn't expecting to see.

Smiling, I then calmly walked towards him, "Greetings 2nd Consort Wei," I said as I bowed slightly standing beside him.

Bug he seemed unsurprised, as though he had expected to see me here.

"Today is supposed to be your welcoming party yet I heard you retired to your chambers earlier!"

"I never expected you to go straight to the point like this. What? You've made fun of me today, you must be here to rob it in my face," I said not hiding my thoughts either.

And he respected with a chuckle, "we didn't make fun of you, we only should you your place."


"You may think you have a stand in this palace but let me advice, not as a brother but as a superior."

"I may not know the real truth behind all that had occured with Consort Xi, but I know that your hands had everything to do with it so you shouldn't think that you suddenly have the mind and Brain to survive in the palace."

"You better just keep on acting weak and dumb because this palace isn't for you.. Your mom and dad aren't here to protect you any longer so don't think I of all because will protect you-"

"But you did," I cut him short of his words.


Smiling, I said, "Have you forgotten? I was almost killed by Consort Xi but you protected and saved me.. "

I said as he laughed slightly, "Saved you? All I Did was protect myself-"

"See? You just admitted yourself," I muttered as I started to walk closer to him, slowly.

"No matter what, you have to protect me because protecting me means protecting yourself. If anything Happens to me, you will be the first suspect in the entire palace."

"After all, who doesn't love a good caption. 'A younger brother killed his elder brother to secure his place in the Monarch's Harem' if that isn't Interesting."

I said with a crazy smile plastered across my face as I whispered into his ear before leaving, "So for your sack, you better keep protecting me because if I go down, you'll surely go down with me!"

And with that, I left leaving him hanging with my words.

But I didn't lie, whether he liked it or not, the fact that his my brother still stands.

Whatever may happen to me, now or the future would be his cross to carry.

Now on to something more important, "Sisi, Have you sent the letter?"

I asked as she nodded, "Yes master, The letter has been sent and I told the servant to tell her Majesty exactly what you said."

"Good work.. Now all I have to do is relax and watch drama unfold."


"Is that all?" Asked Ming Xia su as she went through the appeals placed on her desk.

"No your majesty, there is still a letter remaining," said Eunuch San.

"Then bring it over, what are you waiting for!" And with that, the letter was brought forward and the monarch then opened it slightly.

[ Greetings your Majesty, ruler of the Ming Kingdom. It is I, your Humble Consort Wei Feng and I'm writing this letter to personally invite you to my welcoming party that is occurring tonight at my Place.. The Party is set to start by 6 and finish by 11.. so please do tale your time your Majesty.]

Your Humble Consort,


"Ha!! This is the first time any of my consorts had tried to invite me to their welcoming party through a letter. Quite interesting indeed," she said as a smile carved on her lips.

"Your Majesty, Will you be attending the Party?" Asked the Eunuch as Ming Xia su then stood up.

"Yes of course. He is Chang'An' elder brother and my newest Consort. Quick get me a change of clothes," she commanded and they did just that.

After she got ready, the Monarch together with her maids made their way to 20th Consort Wei's Palace. But only drama awaited them at their arrival.


I sat down with my eyes closed as I enjoyed the calm and peaceful surroundings.

I don't know why I'm usually so calm and relaxed when I'm in a quiet space. Only my thoughts keep me company.

But unfortunately, it was rudely ruined by Sisi' loud voice, "M-master, Master! H-her Majesty is on her way!"

She shouted and Immediately opened my eyes to her words. finally!

Standing up, I quickly straightened my back as I commanded Sisi to stand still and quite panicked for goodness sake.

And not long after, the female monarch, Ming Xia su, arrived.

"I greet her majesty the Monarch," I said as I bowed slightly and so did my other maids and Sisi.

Today the Monarch was dressed in a pure white robe that looked quite breathtaking on her.

It made her look as innocent as a lotus that I almost felt my little twitch a little.

"How is your health now Consort Xi, hope you are better now?" She asked as I formed a smile on my lips.

"Yes your majesty, thank you for your concern," I responded as I saw her eyes move around me.

"Where is the party? I don't see any decorations, has it ended?" She asked as I hesitated to speak, biting my lips slightly.

She mustn't hear it from my lips but instead, "Well your majesty, the party was actually canceled"

Said Sisi on my behalf and hearing that, the Monarch's brows shifted slightly, "Canceled? Why all of a sudden?" She asked, obviously confused by the change of events.

"Well.. I guess I wasn't aware of the 1st Consort Ming sudden party but all the decorations and guests attended his instead of mine.. I apologize for bringing her majesty here for now reason," I said as I bowed. Finally, the real drama could begin.

"Consort Ming's Party? Why wasn't I informed of it? And why would he throw his party on the same day as Consort Wei's welcoming party? That is absolutely ridiculous!" She shouted angrily.

"Quick! Eunuch San, send Consort Ming here immediately," she commanded as Eunuch San bowed and did just as she instructed.

With Eunuch San gone, I then said to the Monarch, "Your Majesty, you should rest and relax.. You should raise your temper in such a way that can make you fall sick.. please don't stress yourself out because of a lowly consort like myself."

"Nonsense! You are a Consort belonging to the Monarch Quarters, how dare you call yourself Lowly? Hmph!"

With that, she took a seat as we awaited Consort Ming's arrival.


Some time later he finally arrived and a ever calm expression he bowed to the Monarch, "I greet her majesty the Mo-"

"Enough! Keep your greetings, I am very unhappy with your actions Consort Ming," the Monarch said, disgust quite visible in her voice.

Ah! Now I knew… guess the rumors I heard weren't false after all.

I've noticed well that Consort Ming's relationship with the Monarch isn't that steady and I happened to find out that his brother was once a Consort of the Monarch as well.

Three years ago, he and his brother Jang Shu became the 15th and 14th consort of the Monarch but after his brother's hunger and power had gotten into his head, Jang Shu had poisoned all the Consorts belonging to the Monarch but was captured and beheaded for his crimes.

Because of that, Ming Xia su started to see some flashes of Jang shu in Ming Lu, making him her least favorite.

They investigated more and although all the Ministers saw Consort Ming as an accomplice in the brutal Event, there was no proof so he was proven innocent.

This making him the only Consort at that time and so he found himself bearing the title of '1st Consort'

But everyone knew that he only had his title but nothing else in this world so crossing the line could result in him being exiled or worse killed.

And unfortunate for him that he so happened to play games with the devil.