New Mission 1

"Why did you throw a party, even when you are aware of Consort Wei's welcoming party that is supposed to happen today?"

Ming Xia su asked, her voiced loud Enough to reach the ears of the maids and servant around.

And even though Consort Ming didn't show it, I knew well that he was already shaking in fear.

"Your majesty, all I did was throw a small tea party, I can't help it if other Consorts and maids attended mine inst-"


Before he could finish his words, he was hit by the Monarch with a tea cup.

"Your Majesty!" the maids and eunuchs all pleaded at her sudden action.

But the next thing I saw we a slight drop of blood, glowing out of his forehead.

Who the hell would have known that the Monarch had such a side in her.

"Get him out of my sight!" she said as she placed her hands on her forehead and lamented.

The servants immediately did as instructed and took him away as the room feel silent.

I just stood there, beside the beautiful woman whose eyes were closed.

I could see well that she Herself also enjoyed the silence. Nice.

"Eunuch San?" she called out.

"Yes Your Majesty?" she responded.

"Make preparations, I shall stay at 20th Consort Wei's quarters tonight!"

She said, as they all seemed shocked, including Me.

[Alert!! Monarch's affection rate analysis :

Love : 0.00

Hate : 0.00

Sympathy : 30.01

Care : 10.10

Lust : 1. 01

Ah! So such a scary woman could feel lust, huh?

Speaking of which, I happened to hear that runners surrounding the Monarch's virginity.

According to the laws set by their family, only when the Monarch has reached the right date of sexuality would she choose a Consort out of all her consort to lay with.

And whosoever she lays with, may either be her lover or her most favorite consort.

So here's my own personal aim, I'm going to make the body of this Wei Feng collide with that of the Monarch no matter what.



The Monarch had unexpectedly decided to rest in my chambers for the night.

Even though I knew not the reason for her actions, I didn't find it bad, though.

Just then, the dressing room door dashed open as A beautiful woman made her way out.

Ming Xia Su stepped out of the dressing room, draped in a white and light pink night robe that accentuated her milky skin and pink silky hair. Her beauty was truly captivating, and I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the elegance she exuded.

Taking a seat, she then placed her hands on her forehead as she looked at me silently.

"I'm bored, tell me a story!" she commanded as she laid back down slowly.

Meanwhile, I tilted my head slightly at her words, but I then digested her words and prepared to say my Story.

Relaxing on the wall, I with my thick voice, I began to weave a tale of a young boy named, abandoned by his parents at the doors of a desolate orphanage.

His life was marked by the cruel whispers of the caretakers and the disdainful glares from the other children. The boy, burdened by the label of a devil, endured each day with resilience.

As I painted the narrative, I described the hardships he faced, the loneliness that enveloped him, and the unspoken hope that lingered in his eyes.

Despite the challenges, the boy found solace in the small joys of life, like the warmth of a sunbeam filtering through the orphanage window or the kindness of an elderly caretaker who saw beyond the prejudices.

The Monarch listened intently, her eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and curiosity.

As I concluded the tale, the room fell into a thoughtful silence. Ming Xia Su, her gaze fixed on an imaginary horizon, spoke softly, "What then happened?"

She asked as curiosity took a tight hold of her, but I dropped the news on her like a bomb.

"He died," I said as I then closed myself and slept.

But the next time I awoke, I was welcomed with the sound of Something beeping as a holographic message appeared in front of me.

[User 105. Your new mission has been laid out;

Mission Three: Destroy the Monarch's favorite painting. ]