Hunger And Death

Mitch's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. The sun shined in my eyes. I covered them and thought about what just happened, but I couldn't remember. Water. I needed water. I got up and when I did, the whole world started spinning. Well, the world is always spinning, but now is not the time for being a nerd.

It was a long and painful walk, but when I got back to the cabin, I walked to the water fountain that's in the lounge and started chugging. Which is when I heard Gustavo's voice.

"Yo, slow down there, my friend."

I didn't stop though.

"Where were you and Kris last night?" Gustavo asked.

I stopped drinking and turned to face him.

"Sorry, we got lost in the woods."

"Oh, I see. You will never believe what happened last night."

"Listen Gustavo, I would love to listen to your story, but I haven't even figured out what happened to me last night. I just need to rest for a minute."

"Oh, okay, so sorry."

"All good, bro."

"But uh, where's Kris?"

"I honestly don't know." It all came rushing back. What happened to Kris? Did he get hurt by the shadow figure too?

Kris's POV (last night)

I was staring right in the face of Death.

"Listen, I don't know how I cheated death, I really don't." He didn't say anything though. We just stared at each other. Neither one of us moved. He didn't move because he was studying me in some way, but I didn't move purely out of fear.

He started talking now. "Fear is what you're feeling right now. You can't move or speak, and it starts getting hard to breathe." He started circling me now, like a lion waiting for the perfect time to pounce on his prey.

I wanted to speak but I couldn't. He was right, I started losing my ability to breathe. My hearing was going away, my mind was racing.

"I could kill you now," The snake started, "but that would be easy and not fun." He chuckled. "Let's play, cat and mouse." He grinned and snapped his fingers. "Now run!"

I started sprinting, but I was somehow able to run faster. I ran and ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care, I just needed to run. After a while of running, I stopped. My heart was racing. I thought I was safe. Then I heard it. The chuckle. That horrid chuckle. I couldn't see him. I spun around trying to find him, but it was no use. Then he appeared right in front of me.

He grinned. "Boo." He whispered. Without thinking I grabbed his scythe, spun it around and sliced him. He looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"N-no. You…" And with that he disappeared in a poof of smoke and dust. All that was left was his scythe. I dropped it and ran back; this time I could see the entrance to the forest. It was daytime now. I ran and ran, with tears in my eyes. I made it back to the cabin, but before I could enter, I ran right into Mitch's big muscular body, and of course, I'm the one who falls and not him.

"Woah, slow down there."

"I'm sorry. I- I need to catch my breath." We entered the cabin and I sat down on the sofa in the lounge.

"So," Mitch began. "What happened to you?"

"Well… I don't really know. I got lost and just decided to sleep there until morning so I could find the way out a little easier."

"Ah, I see."

"What happened to you? You got two red dots on your neck."

"I do?"

"Yeah." He went to the bathroom to check and came back with a puzzled face. "So," I started, "what happened to you?"

"Pretty much the same as you, but I have no clue how I got these holes in my neck."

"Well, we should get some rest. Especially you. You look pale."

Gustavo's POV

No one wanted to hear my story. I'm used to that though so I just went for a walk to clear my head.

While on the walk I thought about what happened last night. It's a bit strange that all three of us had something weird happen to us. And it feels weird that they are being weird about it. I just shook it off and continued my walk.

Walking was nice, but it made me think about my parents. People think that I don't realize what's going on, but I do. It's all an act. I put on a happy face and act clueless, but deep inside I'm going insane. I want my parents to make things right. It all happened when we moved. We were so happy in Mexico. I just want to go back. I just want to...

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden rush of people pushing past me. It was lunch time. So, I put my happy face on and went on my way.

Kris's POV

For once I wasn't hungry. I just wanted to lay in bed and stay there. I was shaken up about last night. I felt bad not telling Mitch what happened, but I didn't want him to worry about me. Ever since we met, he has always protected me, and cared for me. Even yesterday when a group of kids started picking on me, he came up and told them off.

"Yo," This came from Mitch. "I'm starving. I'm going to go to lunch. You coming?"

I didn't really feel hungry. To be honest, I didn't really feel anything at the moment. I wasn't mad, sad, happy; I wasn't even scared.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry."

"Alright, suit yourself. Cya around."


Mitch's POV

Not hungry? Something's not right. He's always hungry. I'm worried about him more than I'm worried about me. Now that I think about it, what happened to me? All I remember was a black shadowy figure lunging at me. And what's with these holes on my neck? Are they bite marks? Right now, all I knew was that I was hungry.

I entered the cafeteria and spotted Gustavo in line; he seemed upset about something.

"Hey, Gustavo."

"Oh, hey Mitch." His expression changed quite drastically. Now he was happy and full of life.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh, I was just wondering."

"Ah, okay."

The line seemed to take forever. I don't know how much longer I could take without food. Once we finally got our food we sat down to eat. Today we were having steak. It might sound nice, but camp steak tastes like shit. Not to mention how overcooked it is.

"Does this seem overcooked to you?" I asked Gustavo.

"No, if anything, it seems undercooked."

"Huh, that's weird. You're weird."

"I know." He said that in such a sad way. I was just joking with him, I didn't think it would bother him that much.

"Sorry, that was a bit rude."

"Oh, no, I don't really care."

"Really? It seemed like you were upset about it."

"I'm fine!" He said that a bit loudly. I just apologized and went back to eating.

Kris's POV

I woke up from my nap to the cabin room door opening. I thought it was Mitch or Mr. Jenkins. However, to my surprise, it was a different familiar face or three familiar faces that I did not want to see.

"Heya, pal!" One of them said. Their voice sounded nice, but at the same time, it sounded like the most evil voice I had ever heard.

"Where's your friend?" Another said.

"He ran off and ditched you?"

"No," I started. "He just went to get food. I decided to stay here, I'm not really hungry."

"Aw, that's a shame…"

"Can you guys just leave me alone?"

"We could," He looked at his friends. "but I don't think that would be very fun." They all smiled and started getting closer to my bunk.

"Back off." I said, trying to get them to leave, but truth is I am nowhere near as intimidating as Mitch. One of them tried to climb onto my bed, so I pushed him away, but when I did he let go of the ladder and fell to the floor. I didn't even push him hard I just nudged him. I looked down and saw the lifeless-looking boy. The other two looked at me, then back at him. One of them checked his pulse.

"You- you killed him."

"I- I didn't mean to, I was try-"

"What did you do?" They ran away. I didn't know what I did. I was scared though so I grabbed the dead body, dragged him, and put him in the supply closet.

I looked down at my hands. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to.

Mitch's POV

After the meal, I was still feeling hungry, so I went to the concession stand to get some snacks. Preferably some type of meat like beef jerky, or something like that. Kris wasn't kidding about the prices though.

"Hi, can I get a bag of beef jerky, 2 meat sticks, and a Mr. Feather?" I asked.

"Sure thing, that'll be $14.57."

I had only brought $20 for the trip. I thought it would last me all week, but apparently not. I handed him the money, grabbed my stuff, and headed back to the cabin. On the way back, I ran into Gustavo again.

"Hey Gustav!"

He looked at me with an annoyed look. He has never liked that name.


"How's it going?"

"Fine, I guess."

"Have you seen Kris? I'm thinking he's back at the cabin."

"I haven't. Funnily enough, I'm also looking for him. I was looking for both of you, but just you would be fine."

I was a bit confused by what he meant by that.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see. Follow me."

Still confused, I followed Gustavo.

Kris's POV

I needed to get out of there. Those boys were going to rat me out. I ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I ran. I ran into a forest. The forest from last night, maybe I can hide here for a while.

I stopped running and sat at a tree. I looked down at my hands, my stupid freaking hands. My breath was shaky, my hands were trembling. I didn't mean to, I kept repeating this in my mind. I pulled myself into a cradled position. I started to cry. A few drops turned into waterfalls. I was scared, I didn't know what I did. I didn't mean to hurt him. Maybe this is all a dream. A nightmare. I wanted to wake up.

My thoughts got interrupted by a twig snapping. Did they find me? I didn't look up, I kept my head in my knees.


I heard a soft, sweet voice from a girl.

I looked up and saw a girl who looked a bit younger than me. She had bright red hair. Not ginger hair, but actual red hair. She was wearing a white lab coat, with a red T-shirt underneath. A shark tooth necklace was dangling from her neck as she looked down at me. She had sharp but friendly teeth, and it looked like she had cuts on her neck.

"H-Hi." That's all I could get out.



"Here," She reached out her hand.

"Come with me."

"I-I didn't mean to." She looks at me confused.

"What do you mean?" She pauses for a moment. "Oh no. Did it happen? Did you… unalive someone?"


She smiles.

"It's okay. I get that you're confused and scared. Come with me and we'll get you all figured out."

We? I was a bit confused. Could this be a trap? She seemed unusually nice. Even though she seemed too nice, it was calming and reassuring. I didn't take her hand, scared at what might happen so I got up myself. I didn't know where she was taking me, but I followed anyway.