Chapter 29 – Stealing Boss.

"Fuck me. I underestimated the NPCs a bit." – said GreyHunt while taking out a potion from inventory.

"Same. I almost ended up getting my face pierced by the spear." – said Shri.

"Well, I it was your idea to take them on by yourself." – said ClownFrog.

"Shut up!" – replied Shri.

"But anyway, they are quite strong if I say so. The guys I turned into undead have quiet high stats even though they aren't monster. On top of that they are able to equip item and if I can give them some proper armor then it will make them even more useful than my bears, so I guess I will replace my bears with them." – said ClownFrog after making his undead bears disappear and adding the skeleton.

"However, thanks to you two now we know that NPCs aren't a random pushovers or anything, they can think and strategies as well. At least we learned something today. The previous village we raided barely had any defense or people that could fight so we couldn't learn anything." – said ClownFrog.

"Yea. We can't look down on the NPCs at all. Probably this won't be the last time we will be facing NPCs enemies." – said Oron.

"Yea, yea I get, I get it. Can we go back to that guy already? I want to rest already." – said Shri while getting up from the ground.

The party returned back to the Miggrel and handed over the souls lanterns back.

[Next day.]

After I logged in back to the game I meet up with the others and decided to try and finish the quest today. There are two reasons for it. The first reason that there is a chance that guy will want us to do something else and the other is situation report. We are still working for the guild master and I don't know how much we have time left until she decides taking action herself, so it's the best idea to finish the quest given by this guy as soon as possible.


"…Okay. We have exactly 20 eyes of the stalking mantis." – said ClownFrog.

"Finaly. These bastards were really annoying to deal with them just hiding and appearing out of the blue. So, what next?" – asked Oron.

"Let me check…. We have everything now, expect blood from the blood viper. According to the info the guy provided us with, the blood viper lives in the area nearby." – said ClownFrog after checking his inventory.

"Then let's get going already." – said GreyHunt.

The party began heading towards the location where the blood viper could be find.


"…This is…. Quiet problematic." – said Oron.

The party hiding behind a big boulder saw another party fighting against giant snake monster.

[Blood Viper – Level 58] – [Field Boss]

"There are already some people fighting it, there is 5 people. What do we do?" – asked Oron.

"We kill them obviously." – replied everybody.

"That was fast reply!" – said Oron.

"Well, what else we do? The field boss takes an 8 hours to respawn and I don't want to waste time waiting." – said GreyHunt.

[The field boss respawn time depends on their level, it can even take 24 hours for one to respawn or more.]

"Yea, but won't that make problem for us? Since the situation with the PK players finally calmed down, isn't it bad idea to kill them?" – said Oron.

"Don't worry. We won't be going on the rampage or anything like that. Killing few people won't make us give us lot of trouble." – said Shri.

"She is speaking truth. As long as we don't kill too many people, the problem won't arise. And besides, we will be soon leaving this place anyway." – said ClownFrog.

"…Fine. But just remember that I did warned you this is bad idea." – said Oron.

While the party was still dealing with the boss monster, the members of the Purple Hyena guild revealed themselves and launched full out assault with long range attacks against the party from behind, hitting two members of the party that were the farthest away from the boss and killing one of the party members that was wielding a bow.


"Miya! Amari!" – said the sword wielding male player that was facing off against the boss monster.

"Tch! Gima! Hold off the boss monster! Amilia! With me!" – said the sword wielding male player.

The human male player wielding a sword and the female dark elf player wielding two daggers rushed straight towards the party.

"Go! Spare no one!" – said ClownFrog, making all of his undeads rush at the enemies.

The undead monster began rushing straight at the at the person wearing a priest outfit, but when they were about to get to them, a male player wielding a sword jumped in and cut the skeleton servants in half.


(One hit? Interesting.) – though ClownFrog.

"Amari! You, okay?!" – asked the male human player.

"Y-yea! But they got Miya." – said player named Amari.

"…." – ClownFrog looked at the corpse of the player that was just killed and realized it was a female.

"…. Wait. I just realized something." – said ClownFrog.

"Is this your harem or something?" – asked ClownFrog.

"W-what the hell are you talking about?!" – replied the male human player.

"Well, 1 guy and 4 girls...." – said ClownFrog.

"Oh, piss off! Anyway! What the heck are you doing this for?!" – asked the human player.

"Well, we have to kill that boss monster now, so we have no option but to kill you, so sorry in advance." – said ClownFrog.

"[Burning Skull]!" 

ClownFrog threw a skull engulfed in flames at the sword wielding player.

"[Grey Shield]!" 

A grey colored shield suddenly appeared in front of the sword wielding player, blocking the ClownFrog attack.

As soon as the fire from the explosion disappeared, it was revealed that the man was able to block the ClownFrog attack using his shield.

"Huh. Interesting."

"How about them?"

ClownFrog snapped his fingers and the 3 undeads zombies covered in flames appeared and rushed at the man.

"Ami! Buff me!" 

"On it!"

"[Lesser Bless: Swiftness], [Lesser Bless: Boost], [Bless: Boost]."

[Your attack speed and movement speed has increased by 5% for 1 minute.]

[All of your stats has been increased by 5% for 30 seconds.]

[All of your stats has been increased by 7.5% for 30 seconds.]

"[Grey Step]!"

The sword wielding player launched him self at the burning undeads, leaving behind a grey light.

One of the burning undead zombies tried attacking the man with his axe, but the man dodge the attack and decapitated the zombie with swift slash. The other two burning zombies tried attacking the man with their weapons, but the man just dodge one of the attacks and used his sword to parry the other zombie attack.

"[Grey Slash]!"

The man sword began glowing with the grey light before then using his sword to strike at one of the zombies and killing it.


(It died?! Weird. It wasn't a lethal type attack like cutting neck or something. Was it by any chance a light or holy element skill? But it didn't looked like any of the stuff on the net related to the classes I read online.)

(There is no mistaking it, this guy has rare class like me!) – though ClownFrog.

"[Burning Skull]!"

ClownFrog shoot another projectile the man while the man was still fighting the last burning zombie.

The man noticed the attack incoming and quickly backed away, making the attack only hit the zombie, however the zombie wasn't bother by the attack and launched an attack at the man with its axe, managing to hit the man in the shoulder.


"["[Heavy Sword Strike]!" ]!" 

The man used a skill and cut the zombie in half with his sword, killing him.

After killing the last burning zombie, the man quickly looked towards the ClownFrog.

"[Grey Step]!"

The man used his movement skill again, leaping over the undeads that were blocking his path and coming straight at the ClownFrog.


"[Burning Ribcage]!"

The man tried slashing ClownFrog with his sword, but his sword was stopped by a giant ribcage on fire that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

[Burning Ribcage] – [Level 3]

[Active] – [Cost: 300 Mana] – [Cooldown: 3 minutes.] – [Category: Spell / Necromancy / Fire]

[Create a burning ribcage barrier that absorb any attacks that would hit you. The ribcage endurance is equal to the user [Intelligent] stat times 1.6 (1 + skill current level times 0.2{currently 0.6}.]

[When the barrier is active, the player will restore 0.5% of their max HP every second.]

[The barrier lasts up to 30 seconds.]

"Straight for the king, huh?!" – said ClownFrog.

"[Bone Arrow]!"

ClownFrog shot an attack at the close range at the man, hitting him while he was trying to get away.


"By the way, you shouldn't have left them alone mate." – said ClownFrog.


The man quickly looked behind him and saw both the priest as well as the female dark elf were killed by the Shri and GreyHunt.

"[Necro Shot]!"

Because of the sudden distraction, the man ended up getting hit right in the back by the ClownFrog.


"And you shouldn't turn your back to the enemy you idiot."

The man quickly turned around towards the ClownFrog, but before he realized he was already surrounded by the undeads from all sides.

"Bye, bye harem fucker!" 


"[Grey Blade]!" 

The man activated the skill, making his sword emitted a grey light. After activating his skills the man continue fighting against the undeads horde, killing them over and over, however also suffering a lot of damage while dealing with them. The man continue struggling and killing any undeads he could, but over time he began losing more and more HP.

"You motherfucker!" 

"[Grey Boost]!" 

The man body began glowing with grey-

"[Burning Skull]."

As soon as the man activated the skill, ClownFrog hit the man with the [Burning Skull], not giving a chance for the opponent to take any action.

"Sorry, but I say no to the power of the friendship bullshit!" – said ClownFrog,

However the man wasn't finished yet and leaped again at the ClownFrog.

(He survived that?!)


The man swinged his sword, destroying ClownFrog barrier.

(Got him!) – though the swordman.

The man tried swinging his sword again at the ClownFrog, but before he could do that, multiple spears pierced right through his body, stopping him in time before he could attack the ClownFrog again and finish off the man that was already low on HP.

"…Fucker…." – said the man before dropping dead on the ground.

"….Holy shit, he almost got me! I wasn't expecting that at all." – said ClownFrog.

(Crazy fucker. I wasn't expecting him to cut half of my undeads down! He even took all of my strongest ones as well.) – though ClownFrog.

(He even had some sort of ace in the sleave at the end and manage to get rid of my barrier! If the undeads weren't nearby, he would have killed me for sure.)

(Who the hell was he?)


"Shit!" – said the female player with horns that was holding off the boss monster with her shield after noticing the harem man dying.

"Sorry!" – said Oron.


Before woman could realize, a crossbow bolt suddenly flew at her and pierced through her mouth.


"Holy shit?! She survived that?!" – said Oron after noticing that the female tank didn't died from getting shot through her mouth.

However, the boss monster ended up ending the girl afterwords.

"Oh, never mind." – said Oron.

"Hey! Is she dead?" – asked Shri while running towards Oron.

"Yea! The boss got her!" – said Oron while dodging the boss monster attacks.

"A little help here?!" – asked Oron while trying not to get hit by the boss monster.

After the entire player party were killed by the Purple Hyena guild, the ClownFrog and the rest took over the boss fight and ended up killing the boss monster.

"Uff. I didn't realized the boss monster was already so low on HP. Good thing that we decided to move before it was too late." – said GreyHunt.

"Yea. But we manage the stuff we wanted and two of these people dropped something!" – said ClownFrog.


"Oh! What did they drop?!" – asked excited Shri.

"…. Em… One of them is a dagger you can buy from the blacksmith and the other one is a mana necklaces that nobody needs."

"…. Well, that sucks." – said Shri with annoyed look.

"Anyway, who was that guy? That swordman. – asked ClownFrog.


"Was something wrong with him?" – asked Oron.

"No, well…. I think he had a rare class like me. He used some skills that I don't think every appeared on the forums or anything."

"Really? Huh. I was expecting to run into those kind of players sooner or later, but not so soon. By any chance he found a single type uncleared dungeon or finished some sort of quest?" – said Shri.

"Who knows? Either way, he was bit annoying. We should keep our guards up when dealing with those kind of people." – said ClownFrog.

"…. Man, I kind of hope we get our own rare class soon or something." – said Oron.

"Yea, that would be nice." – said Shri.

"I agree as well, maybe we will get something like class book from that guy? Common, we already have everything, so let's go back already." – said GreyHunt.