Chapter 76 – Extermination Squad meeting.

So, with no option left we decided to hunt monsters non stop in order to level up as much as possible.

It may seem simple enough, but…. After we got past level 200, our leveling speed got decreased by a lot.

First thing first, we did manage to find a solid hunting ground with some high level monsters wondering in it. They were not exactly extremely strong monsters, like the monsters from the swamp but they did had a much higher level than us.

But…. Em…. The most of the time we would manage to level up to 3 times and we also somehow leveled up 4 time one day. 

Before, we would be able to level up even 5 times in the swamp or more in a single day and if not we could even level up bit more, but now even after securing a solid hunting ground, we are still not leveling up as much as before.