Chapter 155 – Party time.

[At real world – Grill house.]

"Cheers!" – said the ClownFrog, Blueberry and Rampage.

"Ah… I think it was few years since I last time ate a proper stake." – said muscular woman named Rampage in game.

"Then eat as much as you want. We earned a shit tons of money from the game that you can go wild." – said the man named ClownFrog in game.

"Anyway, did you read the stuff online about us? It's completely chaotic." – said the girl named Blueberry in game.

"Yea. Some people are cursing out our names for reviving the queen while some others are praising our names." – said ClownFrog.

"But mostly people are now consider us "The masterminds that were behind everything."."

"So pretty much people are seeing as both the villains and heroes right now."

"But in reality, we are just villains." – said Rampage.

"Yeb." – said ClownFrog.

"Confusion and chaos. Its nice." – said Blueberry.