Chapter 174 – Rampage and Blueberry – Dungeon exploration.

Honestly, after that encounter with those 2 new corpsless variants, the fight inside the dungeon became much harder.

We were encounter more and more enemies AND the size of this place was completely unimaginable.

I and Rampage were managing, but the army of the monsters were keep fighting us nonstop.

Not only that, there were also some weird zombies or even more variants of those corpless.

We had also had to deal with those necromancers and vampires.

Honestly, Rampage had been sustaining some real injuries for some time now, but thanks to her items, classes and the vampiric race benefits, she was healing over time pretty well, but we sometimes needed to rest a bit.

This dungeon difficulty is way higher than we expected.

We maybe strong like hell, but still, we are starting to struggle a bit.