Chapter 199 - Underground city – Ambushed.

(Fuck me!) – though ClownFrog.

(Do I really have no choice but to use the flag and the mask powers right now?)


(There is not enough undeads. I need more before I can even think about activating them or I will just waste them!)

(I don't know what the hell enemy aim is.)

(Are their goal is to slow us down so they can deal with others? Or they maybe have some others cards up their sleeve that they want to use on us to kill us?)


"Oron, GreyHunt and the little bastard's guild!" – shouted ClownFrog.


"You deal with the gargoyles!"

"Rampage! Blueberry! You said hold down the giants for some time, yes?! Then do it!"

"You! Newbies help them as well!"

"Zod! You too help with the giants!"

"Shri! You focus on supporting the others with your monsters."

"And I will deal with the undeads with Hera and O'a."

"Fuck holding back everybody!"