Chapter 227 – GreyHunt squad – Oron sabotage.


"Admiral." – said the soldier on the ship.

"Shouldn't we join the fight and deal with the demons?"

"No." – said the admiral.

"We cannot leave our posts now since we need to be ready to leave this place at all the time."

"Besides, the vice capitan of the red swords will- "

Suddenly a bolt flew from behind and pierced the admiral head, making the bolt stick out from the front and moment later having the admiral corpse fall on the floor.


The soldier turned around and saw Oron dredged in sea water from head to toe while aiming with his crossbow.

"In- '"

Before the soldier could say anything, he got hit with the crossbow bolt right in the face and instantly killed him.

Other soldiers who were on the ships instantly heard the sound of the crossbow being fired and noticed Oron, making them realize that there is an intruder on the ship and made them pick up their weapons.