Chapter 230 – Orcish capital – Assault.

"Don't let them through!" – shouted the empire knight.

"Try me bitch!" – shouted ClownFrog in response before blowing up the knight alongside the other soldiers around him with an [Arcane Bomb].

(Fuck me!)

(Just how many of those war golems do these fuckers have?!)

A small army of the war golems were trying to face off against ClownFrog army.

These golems were indeed strong, but they were also fighting alongside empire soldiers backing them up.

The horde of the undead were swarming the golems, ripping them apart, but the golems were also smashing the undead to bits.

O'a was slashing and melting the golem thick bodies, but they were able to take many hits.

Hera was also helping with her magic attacks, but the golems body were quite tough.

ClownFrog was destroying golems and the soldiers nonstop, but he wasn't able to advance one bit.

The empire was stopping ClownFrog, but only temporarily.