Chapter 242 - Blood Mountains.

"Hm…. This is problematic." – said Tail while ridding giant ant.

"Hm? Is something wrong?" – asked Cave while also riding one of Shri ants.

"According to the map, the blood mountains are located quiet far from our current location."

"What about the other 2 locations?" – asked Tail.

"Let me check…. The jewel hive is the closest location to us, but the mad beast garden is straight up across the entire empire." – said Tail.

"The blood mountains are quiet far away from our current location and it will definitely take a long time to just get there alone."

"Well, what other option do we have mate?" – asked Wretch while riding an undead horse.

"Like the boss said before, without the proper base, we can only dream about fighting the empire."

"Still, it's pretty annoying."