Chapter 287 – First Tournament – Second Phase: First battle.


(Where the fuck is everybody?) – though Rampage.

Rampage current location was on the bottom right part of the map where a mountain forest was located.

(Last time I straight up encounter players soon after spawning in…. But now where the hell is everybody?)

(Did I spawned in some location away from anybody?)

(On top of that I'm in a fuking forest again! Why?)

(Well… Most of the map in the previous event was covered with trees…. Hm…. They did that again? Really?)

(But didn't Oron said that there will be way more players on the map than before? So then shouldn't I found anybody by now or something?) – though Rampage while walking around the forest.

(Should I just train mode and just wreck everything in my path and destroy everything until I found somebody?)