Chapter Twelve

As our professor began his announcement about the upcoming field trip, I felt a sense of unease settling within me. I wasn't particularly fond of these excursions, finding them too costly and time-consuming. But I knew I couldn't afford to miss it, as it would significantly impact my grades.

The locations were revealed one by one, and my heart sank when I heard that we were headed to a farmhouse in Tagaytay.

Rye noticed my discontent and shot me a sassy remark, his playful attitude never failing to elicit a smile from me. "You don't look thrilled," he quipped.

"Do you have anything to be thrilled about?" I retorted while still slouched in my seat.

He pretended to adjust his imaginary hair, giving me a sarcastic reply, "Wish I did, you know."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics. Rye had a way of lightening the mood even in the most mundane situations. "So, how's your love life going?" he inquired mischievously.

"My love life? Really? Is that what you think I'm up to?" I playfully responded.

"Well, it certainly seems that way," he teased, and I threw a paper at him, which he effortlessly dodged. "Hey, isn't there a badminton game today?"

Oh no! I had forgotten about the game, and I slapped my forehead in frustration. Rye noticed and reminded me that it was okay to miss it. Our school had this peculiar way of scheduling activities, with some professors conducting regular classes even during school events.

"Let's watch the game, Rye," I suggested. He nodded in agreement and turned his attention back to our professor.

The air around me buzzed with excitement as the crowd cheered loudly. The open gate of the school had attracted students from other campuses to witness the badminton tournament. Amid the sea of people, my eyes were fixated on one player, and my heart skipped a beat. It was Tyrone!

He exuded a captivating aura as he played, his intense focus solely on his opponent. The girls around me couldn't help but swoon at his every move, but I tried to remain composed, not wanting to distract him.

I stood among the spectators, restraining myself from cheering too loudly, though my heart urged me to root for him. Tyrone's agile and skilled gameplay left no doubt in my mind that he was a force to be reckoned with on the badminton court. This was the first time I had seen him play, and I was mesmerized by his performance. As the game progressed, Tyrone's lead continued to widen, and the cheers from the audience grew louder.

Then, a familiar voice called my name, and I turned to find Ary approaching me. He was my childhood friend and was like a brother to me. It had been a while since I last saw him due to family circumstances, but here he was, standing right in front of me. I couldn't help but engulf him in a warm hug, a wave of nostalgia washing over me.

Ary's family and mine were once close when we were young, but after my dad passed away and they moved somewhere else, we lost contact. As I gazed at Ary, I couldn't believe how much he had transformed into a handsome man. His long hair was now tied in a stylish man bun, and his fit physique revealed well-defined biceps through the shirt he was wearing. His moreno skin and chiseled jawline added to his charm, and I couldn't help but notice how attractive he had become. Surely, many women would want his attention.

"Crezury Martin!" I greeted him with his full name.

His smile was radiant as he replied, "You've grown so much, baby. And you look beautiful!"

I blushed at the compliment, and he teased me with the old nicknames our parents used to call me. We quickly caught up on each other's lives, with Ary telling me he was studying engineering at Brendon University. He also revealed that he was a football player for his school, a fact that

didn't surprise me given his athleticism.

"You've grown so much too. You must have gotten taller and more handsome! A lot of women must be after you", I teased him, and his cheeks turned slightly pink. It was reminiscent of how he used to blush when we were kids.

"Well, you've changed a lot too, baby," he said, using the childhood nickname my parents had given me. I pouted playfully at the reminder.

"Don't remind me. It's been a while since we saw each other," I said, feeling a hint of sadness. Ary was right; I had grown up and matured in the years we were apart.

"Yes, you are right. I'm glad I saw you here," Ary said, offering understanding and support. We exchanged stories, catching up on each other's lives and laughing like in the good old days.

We heard someone clear his throat, and both Ary and I turned to see Rye standing there with a meaningful expression. I quickly shook my head, gesturing that his assumptions were not true.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ary. This is my friend, Rye. Rye, this is Ary, my childhood friend." I introduced them to each other.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Rye said, extending his hand to Ary.

"Likewise. Is she not giving you a headache?" Ary asked with a mischievous grin. Rye chuckled and nodded, instantly connecting with Ary's humor.

"Hey, I am not a headache," I protested playfully.

"Yes, you are," Rye teased, earning a laugh from Ary and me. The three of us engaged in conversation while the badminton game continued.

"By the way, are you supporting a player?" Ary suddenly asked, changing the topic.

"Oh, yes! Tyrone's playing badminton," I replied, excited to see Tyrone in action.

"Ah, Tyrone. Your friend," Ary said, raising an eyebrow and smirking. I chuckled at his teasing.

"Yeah, my friend," I said, trying to play it cool, but inside, my heart was fluttering at the thought of Tyrone.

As we watched the game, I saw Tyrone on the court, fully focused on his opponent. He played with determination and skill, and the crowd cheered for him. Tyrone's prowess at badminton wasn't something I knew before, and it surprised me. The match seemed to be going in his favor, and I cheered silently, proud of his accomplishments.

The game ended, and Tyrone suffered his first loss. I could see the disappointment on his face as he exchanged pleasantries with his opponent. My heart sank, wondering what could have gone wrong.

"Seems like Tyrone's first loss," Ary commented, and I glanced at him, nodding.

"Yeah, it's surprising. He's a great player," I said, my concern obvious.

"I heard he used to represent the Philippines in badminton and even won a bronze medal in the Summer Olympics two years ago," Ary said, sharing what he knew.

My eyes widened in astonishment. I had no idea Tyrone had such an impressive background in badminton. No wonder there were high expectations from everyone. But seeing the frustration on Tyrone's face, I couldn't help but worry about him.

Ary's revelation left me anxious, wondering why he lost to an amateur. As I saw him turn away from us, I couldn't ignore the intense expression on his face. Something was bothering him, and I was determined to find out what it was. I observed his reaction when Ary touched his arm, and it only deepened my concern. The atmosphere around us seemed charged with unresolved emotions, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something significant had happened during the game.

"S-sure, Ary, I'll go," I stammered, not waiting for his reply. My heart raced with uncertainty as I approached Tyrone, who was surrounded by adoring fans. He greeted me briefly, but then he seemed to overlook me and focused on a girl handing him a bottled water. The girl looked stunned, as if she couldn't believe what was happening. My heart sank, and a mix of frustration and confusion swirled within me. What was going on?

I couldn't deny it; I was irritated with Tyrone. I couldn't understand his behavior, why he paid attention to everyone except me, even Rye earlier. I wanted to cheer for him during the match, but I held back, not wanting to distract him. And now, he seemed to be enjoying the attention of other girls, which only fueled my annoyance.

"Diane, if you're mad at Tyrone, at least spare the innocent grass from your wrath," Rye teased beside me, eyeing a football player on the field. I absentmindedly plucked some grass, not even realizing I was doing it in my irritation.

"It's just so frustrating!" I retorted. I glanced at Tyrone again, who was still chatting with a girl I didn't know. They laughed together, and the girl even playfully touched his arm. I seethed with jealousy, unable to fathom why I felt this way.

"Don't you know that it's too early to feel this way, Diane?" Rye said softly, his eyes filled with concern. "I don't want you to look like a fool or a villain. You know well that Tyrone is a Zamora. With all the stories you've shared about his family's high standards, this situation is complicated. Yes, he may like you now, but what if problems arise? I see that you're too invested in him. But Diane—"

I gazed at him and couldn't help but chuckle. "Wow, Rye, you're really digging deep into this," I remarked, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm just worried," he confessed, and I felt his worry like a gentle touch on my heart.

"Thank you, Rye. I know all of that already," I smiled genuinely at him, grateful for his concern. I noticed Tyrone approach, and without hesitation, he took a seat next to me, making himself comfortable in the crowded field. Seriously? There was so much space, and he chose to sit beside me? It was obvious he was deliberately trying to assert his presence.

An awkward silence enveloped the three of us. I couldn't believe how things had escalated into this weird situation.

"Both of you are so dramatic. You're not even officially together, and yet, here you are!" Rye suddenly blurted out, pointing at me and Tyrone. He then walked off the field, seemingly satisfied with his statement, leaving us alone.

"You're infuriating, Diane!" Tyrone burst out, crossing his arms and pouting.

"Same to you!" I shot back, turning away from him.

"You were so happy talking to that—that guy! I felt jealous because you're not like that when we talk. I envy him, so I tried to ignore you and make you jealous, but you didn't even look at me. I can't resist you either! I can't bear it!" he exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice. "You have no idea how you affect men, Diane. You're clueless. So, before you beat me to it, I'm doing it. I'll court you, even if that's not in my vocabulary. You cast a spell on me, Diane, and because of that, I'm bound to you forever. I'll do anything for you, even if that means acting all sweet. I'll do it for you. I'm falling hard for you, Diane. Falling hard and I'm hoping, hoping that you'll catch me. Because I might shatter. I like you very much."

As he poured out his feelings, I couldn't help but stare at him, my heart pounding wildly. Was this real? Did he just say all that to me? The emotions swirling within me threatened to overwhelm me, but I masked my feelings, not wanting to give him the satisfaction just yet. But deep down, my heart was dancing with joy, knowing that he felt the same way I did.