Chapter Thirteen

"And we'll start now," he said as he pulled me up to my feet abruptly.

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked as we made our way out of school.

"On a date. I know you don't have any classes today, right?" he replied. People stared as we passed by them, some even glaring at us. Ha! Let them be envious. I thought to myself. We walked towards the bus stop and waited for a ride there.

"Being without a car is quite a hassle," Tyrone suddenly remarked.

"Are you missing it? Why don't you just go back home?" I inquired.

"Nope, I can handle this, Diane. It's not like I'm trying to boost my pride, but maybe a bit. I want them to see that I can manage on my own, that I can support myself through my own efforts," he explained. I couldn't help but feel proud of him. He wasn't as immature as I thought.

After what felt like an eternity, a crowded bus finally came into view. The passengers seemed to outnumber the available space, making it difficult for me to inquire about our destination. As I tried to find a comfortable spot, Tyrone did something unexpected. He pulled me closer to him, as if protecting me from the jostling crowd. I couldn't help but notice how intensely his heart was beating, just like mine.

I wondered if his heart always thumped like this, or if it was a response only triggered by our proximity. Never had I experienced such a powerful heartbeat, except when he was right beside me. It was as if our hearts were dancing to the same rhythm, connected by an invisible thread of emotions.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally arrived at a bustling mall. Once inside, Tyrone suddenly stopped in his tracks, looking somewhat puzzled as he scratched his head. It was evident that he had a question in mind, but there was a hint of embarrassment holding him back from asking.

"What is it, Ty?" I asked him curiously.

Tyrone's voice trembled with nervousness as he stammered, "Uhm, w-well, Diane, I don't know what to do. Should we eat first or go around?" His shy demeanor only made him even more endearing, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his cuteness.

"Diane, come on. You're the first girl I've ever asked out," he confessed, causing a warm blush to spread across my cheeks. I felt flattered beyond words, a sensation of being cherished and treasured washing over me. It was as if I held a special place in his heart.

"Uhm, actually Ty, I don't know either. You're the first one who asked me out too," I admitted bashfully. Memories of high school crossed my mind, where some had tried to pursue me, but my heart had remained indifferent to them all.

"That's good to know," Tyrone replied with a smile, his hand guiding me gently toward the bustling food court. Despite his earlier apologies, expressing his concern about not taking me somewhere grander, I reassured him that I was more than content. It wasn't about the location or extravagance, what mattered was being in his company, and that was enough to make me happy.

We ordered a value meal for forty pesos. He even insisted that I add more to my order, but I declined. I didn't want to eat too much and empty his allowance. While we ate, I couldn't help but feel a bit awkward. He was staring at me the whole time, and I wasn't sure if I was eating too much or if I had something on my face.

As we sat together, I playfully remarked, "You know, Ty, I might evaporate any minute with you staring at me." Despite my attempt at humor, he continued to gaze at me with a look of wonder, as though I held some magical allure.

"I'm just wondering how lucky I am to have you, Diane. You're not like the other girls out there who are high maintenance. You're simple, and I think that's why I'm falling for you," he confessed, causing a surge of warmth to flood my cheeks. His sincere words touched me deeply, and I felt a sense of being appreciated for just being myself.

"Are you trying to sweet-talk me? Maybe you just want me to say yes to you," I teased, attempting to lighten the moment, and his smile grew wider. I enjoyed our playful banter, which seemed to strengthen the connection between us.

"Come on, just try it," I urged him with a smile, encouraging Tyrone to join in the fun. After savoring our delightful meal together, he suggested heading to the arcade. Eager to explore more adventures with him, I happily agreed. As we entered the arcade, we found ourselves playing a round of basketball, and I was truly astonished by Tyrone's incredible shooting skills. He had a natural talent for the game, and it was exhilarating to witness his prowess.

As we strolled further, we stumbled upon a couple engrossed in a captivating arcade machine. Intrigued by the excitement around, I watched closely as others eagerly waited for their turn. It was a novel attraction, and my curiosity piqued.

Tyrone noticed my interest and asked, "Do you want to try?" Hesitation crept into my mind as I noticed the 20-peso cost per attempt, and the number of people who had failed to grab any toys. But Tyrone's playful insistence pushed away my reservations.

"Come on, don't deny it!" His charming plea convinced me to give it a shot. Without any hesitation, Tyrone swiftly approached the counter and exchanged a hundred pesos for tokens. I felt a tinge of concern, worrying if he would still have enough money left for our date. However, he seemed determined to make me smile, and so we waited for our turn, excitement building.

Watching others play heightened the thrill, especially when someone came close to successfully capturing the elusive teddy bear. The couple before us had a stroke of luck, and my heart couldn't help but feel a hint of envy at their adorable prize.

"I'll get you the cutest bear," Tyrone promised with a warm smile. This time, it was his turn to play.

As he focused on the game, I could sense his determination. But despite his efforts, he faced disappointment as the bear slipped from his grasp on the third try. The attendant's concern grew as Tyrone persisted, attempting for the fourth time, yet still missing the prize he aimed for.

"Let me try," I said, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Tsk, it should be me. I should be the one to get that bear for you," he muttered, but he stepped aside to let me play.

"If I get this, then I'll give it to you," I declared with a grin. I chose a bear that was simple yet adorable, something to remind him of me. It wasn't easy to grab it since the bear's hold was loose, but luckily, I succeeded. I squealed with joy and hugged the bear tightly. I was so excited to have it.

"Why are you pouting?" I asked him playfully.

"It's frustrating. I should have been the one to get that for you," he confessed, genuinely disappointed in himself.

"Oh, come on! Don't be so dramatic," I teased, handing him the teddy bear.

"What's this?" he asked, looking puzzled, but he took the bear from me.

"It's just a simple white teddy bear," I replied with a philosophical tone. "But really, it's for you. Let's be different."

"That's for you, not mine," he said, trying to give the bear back to me, but I refused to take it.

"You'll make me upset," I warned Tyrone, my playful threat evoking a sigh from him. Yet, he remained silent, his response more profound than words. Instead, he tenderly intertwined our hands, and a genuine smile illuminated his face.

Throughout the day, we engaged in various activities, each moment brimming with joy and happiness. What I cherished the most was that it wasn't a typical extravagant date. Instead, we found bliss in simply relishing each other's presence. Wasn't that what truly mattered in the end?

Tyrone appeared somewhat embarrassed by his choice of activities, but I knew there was no reason for him to feel that way. If we were enjoying ourselves together, everything else paled in comparison.

Secretly, I wished for time to halt, as if this first date could stretch into eternity. It was a rare combination of simplicity and delight, leaving me yearning for more moments like these. Although I wasn't ready to confess it yet, I was beginning to know Tyrone better, and my preconceptions of him as a brat were slowly dissipating.

Should I continue playing hard to get? My heart wrestled with the idea, torn between the thrill of being pursued and the desire to reveal my true feelings. Every moment spent with him tugged at my heartstrings, and I couldn't deny the growing attraction between us. But there was something exhilarating about the chase, and I relished the uncertainty of where our connection would lead us.