Chapter Thirty-Eight

I took a step back. His gaze was intense, as if penetrating into the depths of my soul. Though he knew I could see him, he seemed indifferent, almost as if he wanted me to know he was watching me. My heart pounded fast, and I couldn't understand why sudden fear gripped me. I couldn't face him; it was as if I wasn't ready.

"I-I'm leaving," I stammered to Troy. I immediately went to our table, not even waiting for his response. I just needed to get out of this place, away from here. My hands trembled as I gathered my belongings. I couldn't tell if Troy was following me.

I noticed Rye watching me with concern. His eyes questioned what was happening, but I couldn't answer him right now. With a quick explanation, I rushed out of the club, bumping into people in my haste.

"Diane, what's going on?" It was Rye. He was the first to catch up with me, grabbing my arm and not letting go, no matter how much I tried to pull away.