Looks like the boss is coming towards us, show me your worth gobu I said as I ordered him to kill the boss.

Yes master he said as he ranned forward towards the orc.


Looks like he is pissed I said as my hands put released some mana.

As a golden looking thrown with red cushions came behind me I started to lay back .

As I sit on the comfortable chair, I looked forward to the fight with gobu and the orc.

Gobu and the orc rushed at eachother but I was certain gobu's speed was way faster.

As they began to close in distance.

The orc swang his big wooden bat from right to left towards gobu.

But gobu just fucked and gave him a punch towards the stomach.

-3 hp

The orc was sent a few metres back because of the weight of the punch was over 2 tons.

The orc was a bit surprised by the fact that he got pushed.but the orc was even more angry now.

The orc again charged towards Gobu but before he could move gobu came Infront of him as he punched at his face with his full force.

-203 hp

This time instead of going few meters away he was sent flying and crashed at one of the ceilings.

I was a bit surprised by his move{Wait did he use my technique?}

{The technique he used isn't just any techniques you see.}

{It's a technique that allows you to put not just attack externally like any punch but also an internal pressure aswell}

{With it's use my punch will not only damage the skin bones. It will transfer pressure to your things like nerves, muscles}

{Or in simple terms it will double the punching power of your attack}

As a 4 foot giant green orc stoodup from his place, he was pissed,his neck and head had nerves looking like they were about to burst.


He looked like he wanted to kill us 1 million times over.

He let go of his wooden bat.

Suddenly he ranned towards gobu but not at the speed as before but faster way faster.

He was so fast Gobu couldn't react to it, as he was punched right in his face.


{Looks like berserk skill is activated} I said as I looked at it with curiosity as to what gobu would do.

Gobu was sent flying towards another side of the ceiling ashis gaze fixed on the orc boss he looked at the orc with his eyes saying

"You are dead".

The orc came rushing at him but before he could fully punch gobu.

Gobu Also us was speeding like crazy and he punched the orc coming at him with insane speed.

{Skill berserk SS is activated by gobu}


The orc was punched right in his face but the orc didn't even flinch as his fist went right to gobu's face.

But gobu dodged it to the right as he was about to go for a jab to the orcs face the orc tried kicking gobu with his legs.

But just jumped and stood on his feet.

You should know your place slow poke.

He said as he kicked the orc with his right leg as he was standing on the orcs right leg.


The orcs nose started to bleed and he started to fall down.

Gugggghhhh, his anger was growing stronger by the seconds as the orc tried to stand up.

Gobu punched him in the face again as he put all his body weight in it.



The head slammed on the floor as a thounderes sound rang out throughout the cave.

But gobu didn't stop there, no he was far from finished.

He looked at the bleeding orc that had a green head but was turning red due to anger and the blood.

He just slammed his leg on the face.



He started to put pressure on it as he put all his mass in it.









But suddenly he felt a hand grabbed his lower knee part.

He immediately punched the orc in his face.

Ugghghhggg,he was spitting blood know.

-10 due to blood loss.

-10 due to blood loss.

-10 due to blood loss.

-10 due To...



The orc was loosing so much blood from his face that it was covering his chest now.

But he didn't let go of his grip on gobu.

As he started to lift gobu's leg.

Gobu pressed even harder on his face with all his might.









The orc was slowly but surely letting the grip loose but he didn't let go of it.

The orc was trying his all to make the leg get out of his face.


He was desperately trying to remove the leg, took bad he was angry and didn't know he could punch to make a better chance of surviving but he wasn't even thinking right now.

As I was watching this unfold. To my suprise I saw a 1 meter tall goblin runed towards the fight.

I immediately shoot 2 mana arrow since it should kill it.

Suddenly around that goblin a yellow barrier formed.

As one of the arrow crashed into it, the arrow couldn't pirce it but it did leave a small crack.


The other arrow that came at him pierced through the barrier.

And made the goblin bleed from his chest as he was also laid to the floor.


The goblin was bleeding but something suprised me , something I didn't know was unfolding Infront of me.

-10 due to bleeding

-10 due to bleeding

-10 due to..



That goblin injured by the arrow close to death, wasn't looking at me with anger.

But looking at the orc with eyes that were fully yellow but with something extra the waters in the goblins eye or should I say tears were following through that goblins eyes.

As I saw this I was surprised by my head started to go forward a little.

The orc that was struggling to push the leg when his eyes saw that goblin I just attacked full of tears and blood.

He was shocked by it.

He looked at it with eyes wide open.

Suddenly, something happened.

The orc which was on the verge of giving up suddenly was struggling far more than before.

As he shouted his voice his lost strength suddenly came back .

Gugggghhhhhuuuuggghguuugh .

{SS rank berserk is having a special effect for a special situation.}

{Now all stat will be multiplyed by 5 times at the cost of 10 health per second}

I was surprised by the new found strength of the almost given up orc.but I also wondered how gobu will handle it.

Suddenly the orc which was struggling suddenly grabbed gobu's leg at an insane grip as he and he slammed Gobu to the right of the ground at an insane speed.


Gobu who was initially dominating the match, lost so many hp in one hit.

The orc slammed Gobu one more time to the left.


I suddenly looked serious as I suddenly activated my mana arrow just in case of danger.

As the orc started to run towards the crying goblin that was bleeding from her? chest.

Wait a minute is that goblin a girl? I looked at it while contemplating what was happening.

As the orc runned towards the goblin in an instant. As he grabbed the goblin with one hand on her back and another one her bleeding chest.

His eyes that were once full of rage was now full of sadness as he tried lifting her and taking her somewhere.

But before he could do that.

[Ding gobu has activated call of master (SS)]

Gobu was suddenly about to hit the orc when the orc sensed it.

But the orc couldn't care less about it he just ranned.

{Since call of master increases stats by 150 percent or 2.5 times }

{Combined with his berserk it will increase his stats by 5.5 times.}

{While the orc only has 5 Times stat increase with hp drain and mana drain]

{No way in hell would he be able to leave here without me stopping gobu}

Gobu instantly catches up to him as he kicked the orc on the legs back.

The orc was in a lot of pain as he was about to fall to the ground and slid through the rough ground.

As he called he was started to roll around for some time before slamming in the wall of the cave.



And as I had thought the girl goblin is still alive the orc protected her but because of bleeding every second and the orc being injured no way they were about to survive.

Guguggigugu. guuu

As gobu was about to kill them with a big hit,

But he suddenly stopped right before killing them with a punch.