
As gobu was about to kill him with a big hit, surprisingly he stopped just before killing him with a punch.

As he looked at me with some kind of expectancy from the distance.

I shouted.

You can let him go as I said as I stood up and ran at full speed coming there in an instant.

I looked at the orc begging with his eyes and the dying goblin girl on her last breath.

I saw something different about them although humans would have killed him immediately or made him a slave.

My thought was something else.

When I saw this orc trying his best to save the goblin girl with all his might even though he was about to give up.

I remembered my past aswell, the time when I had given up on life but decided to live the brutal life with hardship just for a girls happiness and survival.

I did whatever I could to make sure she was who she wants to be and made sure she was happy to live with me.

But whwn I saw this orc an angry meathead doing the same for this goblin, I immediately became a little considerate to what I want to do.

I looked at them as I remembered my past with Aisha both hugging eachother with there

Tears as to when our parents were dead.tgey were doing the same thing they were both hugging eachother for dear life as the orc looked at me with pleedingnees to let them go.

I suddenly turned my head as I was ashamed of myself as to what I was about to do.

I broke my own mindset, not to kill unless they get in my way.

But All I did was barg in there camp and started to fire my arrows , and for what reason?, just to check the strength of a shadow.

Have I gotten mad, If I was in his position I would be angry aswell. And I would be doing everything to protect her exactly what he is doing.

I was thinking of my own profit not even having hesitation killing just because.

I thought I was aware of my sorrunding but I just did what every human does kill for curiosity and fun.

I took out an potion I got from the second round.

I took out the red vile of liquid.

I raised my other hand as I created two glasses.

I started to pour both of these glasses with the red potion.

After filling it I bend down a bit as I poured the glass of liquid down both of there mouths.

I looked as I saw there injuries healing at a visible rate.

I looked at gobu that had the same reaction as ever cold and not of any emotions.

But I do remember gobu suddenly stopped before I even gave him an order.

I guess gobu is a part of me since he also must think of there behaviour as the same as mine and my sister's.

Or he just guessed I was gonna stop him anyway..

As I saw them looking at me with hope ,cautious ness and scared I looked at them as my eyes suddenly turned cold as I started to leave.

Gobu let's leave. I ordered as I began to run towards the entrance of the dungeon we came from.

Yes master he said as he gave a glance back one last time before running behind me.

The orc and the goblin was confused by it but also they began to stand up and were both very happy that they survived it.

As they began to hug eachother as there tears ran there was happiness that had never felt the happiness of surviving the fight you almost gave up on but kept persisting.

But as they were happy about their survival in the shadows was an eye watching them and looked at the leaving figures with suprise and curiosity In their mind.

I was surprised to find someone so strong for a low level like that since I have never seen someone fighting that orc when on the Same level, i have seen that orc single handedly destroy parties of human players on the same level .

but what I was more surprised about was him letting go of the orc and the goblin , why did he attack it when he didn't even plan to killing it, did he just wanted to test his skill or did he wanted me to know About his existence.

And that boys eyes I feel like I have seen them before as if I am too familiar with it. As the shadowey figure disappeared from there.

As I ran through the cave I was in my mind at that time but I didn't pay attention to it as I reached the exit.

I looked at gobu with my eyes.

He immediately understood the meaning as he went back to my shadow.

I looked at the Orange portal as I walked in it , but I had one thing In my mind throughout the running. I didn't want that creature to fallow me. I couldn't even sense it until I focused on it , but thankfully I didn't react to it.

As I walked out of the portal, I was full of fear as to what that thing was I had never felt so much danger instinct come to me when my body came a little closer to it when I ran at the orc.

I was stunned to find such a thing in a dungeon for beginners.

I couldn't even see it's panel when I tried to see it.

all I could see was a dark figure that was hiding In the shadows and my body was giving so many signs of danger.

I immediately came back after I gave the orc the elixer and acted like i was doing my natural thing.

Just by accidently seeing it i felt so much pressure come to me.

As I walked out of the portal both the preistess and the guild master was there.

They both didn't expect me to come out so early.

What happened? They both asked in confusion.

I looked at my card.

Name: black

Race : human



Bank :10 million 30 thousands

I showed them it. With my hands raised.

As the both of them looked at my level they were both shocked as I became level 20 in such a short amount of time in that dungeon.

What ?

As I looked at there shocked eyes, my eyes turned towards the red gate.the last baganier dungeon I looked at my own strength and wondered who that thing was .

If that thing had decided to kill me it would have done it easily but it didn't it didn't even try to enter the fight. Instead just kept watching.

Now let's look at the spoils shall we? I said as I looked at my storage space.

9 c rank (40 to 80 stats) Mana crystals of goblins.

2 golden jewellery from the goblins I theift from.

And some Magic crystals from the cave I found randomly.

I looked at the not so many items I gained from the dungeon. As I started to take them all out.

I looked at the guild master as I told him.

Do these things have any value?

He closely looked at all of the items as he said.

This c rank mana crystals will fetch 600 per crystal.

And the jewellery will cost 300 for one.

And the magic crystals will cost 1c per gram and since there aree about 10 kg it would be 10,000c for the magic crystals.

{I didn't expect the random things I just picked were valuable}

{If I calculate all of the prices together the total mana crystals will cost 5400c and the jewellery will cost 600c and the magic crystals will cost 10000c and combined it would be 16000c in total.

{I still wonder how people can't make Money this easily}

{Although I did go to a boss level dungeon but still or is it because I have higher luck than others that I gained this much.}

{Well it seems like I just gained more wealth}

I looked at the guild master as I said can you sell this or buy it from me.

Of course I will buy whatever you give me aslong as it has value.

Okay than I will be going inside the red one now so give the coins to Sara instead she would give it to me later.

Wait, didn't you just cam from a dungeon and you are planning on going in a even higher level one now?

yes so? I looked at him with a face without expressions.

No I just thought you would be more tired .

He looked as if wanting apologise.

Bo need for concerns I can handle it easily.

I said as I started to walk towards the red gate.

Although both of them were surprised by it sare seemed like she was proud of somthing.

But I didn't mind as I choose the boss defeculty in this one as well.

I was sucked through it.