red dungeon

As I reached for the red dungeon, I was sucked through it. And I was transported.

As I opened my eyes to look at the place I was sucked through to. I was surprised by the places structure.

I looked at all directions just to be sure and I was shocked by it all.

This place was totally different from the previous dungeon, it was like watching a mud pond and a clean river.

This place looked like it was a structure of humans.

The wall were all blue bricks and it's height was about 30 metres above and 100 meters wide. With pilliers on each 20 meters distance.

There were four different paths in here with the center being 10 by 10 meters.

This place smelled like bricks and cement.

But the thing that shocked me the most was about the fact that this place was visible.

There are no light source but I could still see them clearly.

As if the blue bricks were shining themselves.

I looked at all of the directions as i heard a notification on the system.

I clicked on the notification as I saw the massage.

You are in a boss room, either give up now and return or continue and kill the boss to return .

Warning,if you continue you cannot return until kill the boss,get killed, or survive for 30 days here.

I looked at this warning with some cautious ness.

The difference changed drastically when I got from the orange dungeon to the red dungeon.

If I am correct this dungeon is going to be very hard to complete by looks of it.and by the fact that I got a warning to give up right there.

I looked at all of the directions as I started to check on which place I should go.

I will not kill if it unnecessary but if I am getting something in return than why not.

I also have to make sure I am strong to protect my love so I will do anything to gain it. I said as I choose which place I was going.

I chose the north side. I said as I pointed at it.

But before that I said as I pulled out the pendent from my neck.

{MANA SEARCH} kuro said In his mind.

He looked at all of the directions in awe.

I opened my eyes as I looked at the north side.

I see I whispered in a small voice with a sneer on my face.

I slowly started to walk towards it as I started to pick pace and started to run at my full speed.

In just some seconds I passed through several unsuspecting monsters.

Jhuuk, a wind past by them.

All of the low level monsters with no gaurd were confused what passed by.

As I suddenly stopped in the middle of running.

I looked at the giant majestic door that had carvings on it that were giving it a scary vibe.

The giant blue door was about 20 meters in height.

Although small comapred to the ceilings but it is quite big if you have to look up to see it's top.

It was square door.

I slowly got close to it as I started to touch the door.

As my fingers touched the giant door, my fingers felt a cold sensation of rocks.

I suddenly posed myself to a pose like I was about to punch this thing.

I looked at it as I put a punching pose, left hand ahead right hand behind my right leg also behind.

{My punching strength is 200 or 2 tons with berserk skill it could go to 6 tons and with my technique it will double the effect so my punching power should be 12 tons }

I quickly move my hip and put a perfect punch on the giant majestic blue door.

As my knuckles touched the door, a sound resonated through out the cave.


As if a metal was being hammered with a stronger created a big sound.

As I look at the rubles and the big 5 meter hole I created.

This should be a good entry for those bastard's.

I said as I started to jump on the rubles.

[Jumping power is detrimind by the strength , speed and weight of it]

[You multiply the strength with the speed and divide it with the weight]

[For example if you have 10 strength and 10 speed with 80 kg.]

[You will multiply 10 Times 10 which is 100 and divide it by the weight like 100 divide 80 weight or kg]

[Which the answer Is 1.25]

[And that is your jumping strength 1.25 meters]

[And because the MC has 200 on each str and SPD and the weight of 80 kg]

[200 times 200 Which is 40000 and divide by 80 kg or weight.]

[He can jump 500 meters in the air at max power.]

[I know that is absurd but I couldn't find another method to show the jumping power of people without absurd numbers that actually had math In it ]

As I jump through the rubles with ease like I was walking but just upwards since I didn't even feel like I was jumping.

As I got to the top of it I looked at alot of two legged lizards getting crushed by the huge rubles.

I looked at one of them .

Lizard men









Skill: strength enhancement (A): increases strength by 2 TIMES FOR 1 MINUTE WITH AN HOUR COOLDOWN.TIME CAN BE STACKED BY 3 TIMES

{These were not ordinary stats, unlike the goblins and humans this monsters stats were way higher.}

{Just like how a level 1 goblin and a level 1 human had a huge difference in stats.}

{These blueish buff 9 feet creatures Also had a huge difference in stat than humans.}

{There is probably a rank in which creatures are ranked.}

{With how much I have seen humans are probably are barley in middle part. Since not so many of us are that strong .}

{With what I can see this Lizards are probably also in the middle rank but still higher than humans in stats.}

Shadows I called.

As from my shadow 14 black figure came .and Bowed to me.

I looked at the upgraded shadows after my title got upgraded.









Skill: MASTER CALL(B): increases stats by 50 percent when called by master and you can teleport to your master or your master can teleport to you.

{ Oh looks like there stats and skills have been upgraded}

{Well then let's finally use you all shall we}

I looked at the lizards that were all out of the rubles.

And all of them that were about a 100 looked at me with disdain and anger in there eyes.

But one thing was for sure they were also scared of me ,a person that could break such a door was bound to be strong.

As all of them put forward their spears.

(1.5 times str with the spears)

Well looks like there will be a blood bath.

Go and kill them all I ordered to the shadows with a calm voice.

As I created a golden throne with a red cushions on it.

I sat on it as I I crossed my leg and rested my arm and watched the war opening.

As my shadows jumped forward 50 meters ahead and grabbed a lizard and slammed him to the ground.


He immediately grabbed his spear from the lizard and jammed it through his chest.

-1440 critical hit.

He again pulled it out and jammed it again.

-1440 hp.

Ding +1000 exp.

Ding you have leveled up

Level 21(0/1000)

Stats of mine:204

Free stat:16

Like the stat point given Is again doubled but the exp needed is again 10 times increased.

So every 10 level is a changing phase than.

And my shadow also must have increased stats so they are about have an unfair fight a fight of my shadows dominating.

As my other shadows also started to come down and grab the lizards before lizards could resist because of my shadows being at least more than 2 times faster my shadows started to grab and smash their face with their fist.

But the lizards were experienced soldiers.

They although we're weaker but they almost had 10 times more people that could be enough to wear out and kill my shadows since my shadow don't have finite stm.

I looked as my shadows started to take their weapon and started to attack them with it .

But the lizards were notover yet they started to use their skills.

(Strength enhancement)

Now that there str was doubled there str was somewhat on the same level as my shadows.


One of the lizards screamed before coming towards my shadow but before he could hit .



My shadow sliced him in half before he could attack.

-20 bleeding




Ding you leveled up

My shadows were getting stronger the more I level up so they were nothing.

Now let's check what happens next as I looked at another door behind the lizards that was way more bigger.

And probably had one of the special species in it.