C13 The Invitation And The Threath

In response to the extraordinary revelations from the astronauts' debriefings, a clandestine summit was convened.

Leaders from Earth's major powers — the Liberty League, the United Nations of Thrae, the Workers Union, the Heavenly Domain, and the Nacifra Federation— along with representatives from other nations, gathered at a secret location.

Their mission was to forge a united front in the face of the Terranum Imperium's presence and to chart a course for humanity's future.

The summit took place in the same undisclosed facility, chosen for its seclusion and security.

The environment was solemn, reflecting the gravity of the discussions that were about to take place.

The world leaders, accustomed to the spotlight, found themselves in a rare moment of privacy, away from the public eye after they announced the safe return of the astronauts.

The primary agenda was to assess the collective knowledge gained from the astronauts and to align their strategies in dealing with the Terranum Imperium.

Each leader brought insights from their nation's debriefings, piecing together a comprehensive understanding of the Terrans.

Intense debates unfolded as leaders and advisors deliberated over the best course of action.

While some argued for a cautious, defense-oriented approach, others saw an opportunity for unprecedented scientific advancement and potential alliances.

The discussions were punctuated with concerns about Thraes sovereignty, the need for advanced defense capabilities, and the potential benefits of diplomatic engagement.

The most significant decision emerged from a bold proposal by President Thomas.

"We should extend an invitation to Imperator Dracula Von Death,"

He suggested.

"A face-to-face meeting could lay the groundwork for mutual understanding and cooperation."

The idea, initially met with surprise, gradually gained support.

The leaders recognized the potential of direct communication in reducing misunderstandings and establishing a peaceful coexistence.

The summit yielded several other cooperative resolutions.

These included the formation of a joint research initiative to study and potentially adapt Terran technology, the establishment of a unified defense protocol to respond to any extraterrestrial threats, and the creation of an intergovernmental communication network for rapid information sharing regarding Terran activities.

As the summit drew to a close, Secretary-General Ngozi Adelaja of the United Nations of Thrae addressed the assembly.

"Today, we have taken a bold step towards defining our place in the cosmos. Our unity and our decisions here will be the cornerstone of a new era for humanity."

The leaders departed the secret summit with a sense of cautious optimism.

The decision to invite Imperator Dracula Von Death was a gamble, but it was a testament to Thraes willingness to engage with the unknown.

The summit had not only charted a path for diplomatic and scientific collaboration but had also marked a turning point in Thraes history — a step from the shadows of fear and into the light of potential cosmic partnership.

In the days that followed, preparations began for the historic meeting with the Imperator, a meeting that would shape the future of Thrae and its role in the interstellar community.


In the utilitarian cafeteria of the Einherjar, the air hummed with the quiet conversations of crew members.

The vast room, designed for efficiency, was filled with Terran soldiers, NCOs, and officers consuming their meals with disciplined precision.

At one of the tables, I and Wolf, sat together, engaged in a rare moment of informal discussion.

As we each methodically consumed the nutrient-rich jelly from our standard-issue nutritional packs, a staple in our diet known for its efficiency over taste in Galactic Overlord.

The jelly, a dense mixture of essential nutrients, was a far cry from gourmet cuisine, but it served its purpose well, fueling my warriors and strategists for their demanding duties.

Wolf broke the silence, his voice carrying a note of significance.

"Imperator, we've received a communication from Thrae. They've extended an invitation for you to visit their planet."

I paused, setting down my pack of jelly, my expression remained inscrutable, but my red eyes betrayed a flicker of interest.

"About f*cking time, this clearly shows that our form of governance Is vastly superior, If we were In their shoes I would have made the decision Instantly."

I couldn't help but curse sarcastically at Thraes nation's lack of efficiency.

Wolf nodded In agreement.

"Yes, Imperator. I'm very grateful for being born Into our Imperium, just the thought of living under the heel of one of those nations makes me nauseous"

Wolf who shared my world view said while taking a sip of jelly from his nutritional pack.

"What's the date and location?"

Wolf, always efficient with information, replied promptly.

"The date set is in three Thraes weeks. They've chosen a location known as the 'United Parlament,' the seat of UNOT government. It appears they want this meeting to be a statement, both in timing and venue."

Three weeks. It was a blink of an eye in galactic terms, yet for us who lacked the necessary resources to replenish our fuel reserves and start the terraforming of Sram. 

Sram the red planet, currently a barren wasteland, held the potential to be transformed into a verdant world.

Our terraforming technology, advanced though it was, required significant energy and resources.

Each phase of the process, from atmosphere generation to bio-seeding, was meticulously planned.

The transformation of Sram into a continental paradise was the number one Item on my bucket list and I wasn't going to tolerate any delays.

"Tell them to make It a week, if they refuse tell them that we need to perform our main canon's live fire testing, their oceans are the perfect place to do It"

I ordered with a tone that left no room for discussion.

"Yes Imperator"

Wolf answered as a glint of murderousness flashed In his almost Identical to mine eyes.

"I'll make sure the Thraens get your message Imperator"

Wolf finished his words as he grabbed his nutritional package and started slurping It again.

The mention of a live fire test of one of our main cannons was not just a threat, it was a demonstration of our capabilities and a reminder of our power.

While I chose diplomacy It didn't mean that I wasn't ready to show them who's the one with real power here.

If push comes to shove I was fully prepared to redraw Thraes geography maps with Einherjars mass accelerator canons.

As Wolf left to send my response, I turned my attention back to the nutritional pack, squeezing out the last remnants of the jelly.

My thoughts, however, were far from the mundane task at hand.

The upcoming meeting with Thrae's leaders at the United Parliament was more than a diplomatic formality.

It was a critical juncture that could shape the future of our interactions with Thrae.

I mulled over the potential outcomes of this summit.

A successful meeting could open avenues for collaboration, and allow me to advance on my plans.

On the other hand, a failure to reach an understanding could set us on a path of isolation or conflict which I really didn't want to happen because It was an utter waste of Thraes manpower and both of our resources.

The stakes were high, and the importance of our preparation couldn't be overstated.

Finishing my meal, I stood up, feeling the weight of the impending diplomatic mission.

This visit to the United Parliament was a chess move in a larger game of interstellar strategy.

As the leader of the Terranum Imperium, I was prepared to navigate the intricacies of this new diplomatic landscape, balancing the needs of my people with the potential benefits of forging a relationship with Thrae.

The fate of Sram, our plans for expansion and survival, and the potential for a peaceful coexistence with Thrae all depended on the outcome of the meeting.

As I left the cafeteria, the corridors of the Einherjar echoed with the quiet resolve that had always characterized my games faction.

The next few weeks would be decisive, and I was ready to lead my soldiers into this uncharted chapter of our history.