C14 The Delivery Of Draculas Ultimatum

Back on the Einherjar, Ensign James Harper, the communications officer, was given the order to relay Dracula's message to Thrae.

James didn't hesitate for one second as he initiated the transmission. His fingers moved with practiced precision over the controls, establishing a secure channel to Thrae's leaders.

"Attention, leaders of Thrae. This is Ensign James Harper from the Terranum Imperium's Spaceship, Einherjar,"

He began, his voice betraying none of the tension that filled the room.

"I convey a message from Imperator Dracula Von Death."

Pausing for a brief moment to ensure the gravity of the situation was clear, he continued.

"The Imperator requests that the summit at the United Parliament be rescheduled to one week from today. Non-compliance with this timeline will lead the Imperator to consider live fire testing our main cannon's combat readiness in your oceanic regions"

Across Thrae, the message was received with a mix of shock and urgency in various communications centers.

In the Liberty League's center, the officer on duty, Captain Richards, stiffened upon receiving the message. He immediately escalated it to President Thomas.

"Sir, we have a situation,"

He said, his voice urgent. The room became a flurry of activity, with analysts and advisors scrambling to assess the threat's credibility and to prepare a briefing for the president.

At the United Nations of Thrae, the message reached General Amari, the head of communications. His experienced eyes widened slightly as he absorbed the implications.

"Get me the Secretary-General,"

He ordered swiftly. The staff sprang into action, understanding the severity of a potential military demonstration by the Terranum Imperium.

In the Workers Union's command center, Colonel Ivanova received Harper's message with a grim expression. She immediately relayed it to President Orlov, emphasizing the urgency.

"President Orlov, we have a critical communication from the Terranum Imperium,"

She announced, her voice steady but laden with concern.

The Heavenly Domain's communication center, usually a hub of disciplined activity, fell into a tense silence as Harper's message played. Senior Officer Zhang quickly briefed Premier Zhou, highlighting the potential ramifications of the Terranum Imperium's actions.

In each center, the same sense of gravity prevailed. Thrae's leaders now faced a critical decision, one that would test their diplomatic skills and their resolve in the face of a potential display of Terran military power.

The message from the Einherjar had changed the nature of the summit, turning it from a diplomatic engagement into a high-stakes negotiation with an assertive extraterrestrial power.


In the wake of Dracula's firm demand to expedite the summit, a wave of urgency swept through the halls of power on Thrae.

The leaders of the Liberty League, United Nations of Thrae, Workers Union, and Heavenly Domain, and other heads of state, along with their advisors and strategists, were plunged into frantic preparations.

The possibility of the Terranum Imperium performing a live fire test on their oceans if their request wasn't met loomed over them like a dark cloud.

President Thomas convened an emergency meeting with his top military and diplomatic advisors.

"We can't risk provoking the Imperium,"

He stated gravely with a face that looked like he had eaten s*it.

"We need to accommodate their timeline. Let's expedite the preparations for the summit at the United Parliament."

The room buzzed with activity as officials coordinated logistics, security measures, and protocol for the Imperator's visit, all while grappling with the daunting reality of hosting one of the galaxy's most powerful figures.

Secretary-General Ngozi Adelaja faced her own set of challenges.

"We have less than a week to prepare for a meeting that could define our future,"

She addressed her team. The United Nations of Thrae's diplomats were tasked with crafting a diplomatic strategy that would not only respect the Imperator's position but also safeguard their own interests.

Security teams were put on high alert, and the best linguistic experts were called in to ensure communication would be flawless.

President Orlov of the Workers Union held an urgent session with his defense council.

"We must show strength, but also willingness to cooperate,"

He asserted. Military preparations were accelerated, not for aggression, but to demonstrate their readiness to defend their sovereignty if necessary.

Simultaneously, cultural advisors were briefed to ensure that no Terran customs were inadvertently disrespected.

The Heavenly Domains Premier Zhou gathered his top advisors for a strategy session.

"Our approach must be balanced,"

He advised.

"We must seek a peaceful engagement while preparing for all contingencies."

The Heavenly Domain focused on gathering intelligence on the Terranum Imperium, hoping to gain insights into the Imperator's personality and possible intentions.

In every capital, the same scenes unfolded — a mixture of fear, respect, and the dawning realization of the new era they were stepping into.

Diplomats, military leaders, scientists, and cultural experts worked around the clock, their efforts synchronized to ensure the summit would not only proceed smoothly but also mark the beginning of a new chapter in interstellar relations.

As the day of the summit approached, the leaders of Thrae couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation mixed with a cautious hope.

The Imperator's visit was not just a diplomatic gesture; it was a test of their ability to navigate the complexities of an interstellar relationship with an entity as powerful and enigmatic as the Terranum Imperium.

The stakes were high, and the eyes of the world were watching.


In the days leading up to the historic summit between Thrae's leaders and Dracula, a wave of anticipation, anxiety, and curiosity swept across the planet once the various nation's leaders announced the upcoming summit.

Public reaction to this unprecedented event varied widely, creating a mosaic of opinions and emotions.

The global media were in a state of constant activity, with news channels and online platforms providing round-the-clock coverage.

Speculations, expert analyses, and sensational headlines dominated the airwaves and digital spaces.

Some reporters focused on the potential technological advancements and peace prospects, while others stoked fears of alien domination.

In the political arenas of the Liberty League, United Nations of Thrae, Workers Union, and Heavenly Domain, leaders and lawmakers engaged in heated debates.

Some politicians saw this as an opportunity to strengthen their global standing, while others expressed concerns about national security and the potential loss of sovereignty.

Major cities on Thrae witnessed public gatherings, ranging from support rallies to protest marches.

Pro-Terran groups advocated for peace and cooperation, seeing the summit as a step towards a larger cosmic community.

In contrast, anti-Terran factions feared losing their cultural identity and independence, leading to demonstrations against the summit.

Universities and research institutions became hotbeds of discussion. Academics and students organized forums and debates to discuss the implications of the summit.

Scholars in international relations, astronomy, and xenobiology provided insights, while some researchers hoped for a collaborative future in scientific exploration.

On social media, hashtags related to the summit trended globally. Memes, opinion posts, and viral videos added to the cacophony of voices.

While some social media influencers spread optimistic messages about interstellar diplomacy, others propagated conspiracy theories and fear-mongering narratives.

Artists, writers, and filmmakers found inspiration in the upcoming summit, leading to a surge in alien-themed creations.

Music, literature, and movies reflecting the theme of interstellar relations and Terran intrigue captivated the public imagination, influencing popular culture.

Religious leaders and philosophical thinkers pondered the existential implications of the summit.

Some religious communities saw it as a fulfillment of prophecies or a test of faith, while others called for unity and peace in the face of a new cosmic reality.

Philosophers debated the ethical and moral dimensions of engaging with an extraterrestrial civilization.

The global economy experienced fluctuations as investors and businesses speculated on the outcome of the summit.

Some sectors anticipated new markets and opportunities, while others prepared for potential disruptions.

As Thrae prepared for the summit, it was clear that the event was more than a political meeting; it had become a global phenomenon, touching every aspect of human life.

The summit had ignited the collective imagination of Thraes inhabitants, who now looked to their leaders to navigate this uncharted territory.

The decisions made at the summit would not only shape the future of Thraes interstellar relations but also define humanity's role in the greater cosmos.