C15 The Visit

One week later.

As the first light of dawn gently illuminated the city that housed the United Parliament, there was an undeniable sense of history about to unfold.

The bustling streets of the Nodnol city, usually alive with the sounds of morning commuters, were unusually subdued.

The residents seemed to hold their breath, aware that the events of this day could reshape their world.

The air was crisp, and the rising sun cast a golden hue over the city's iconic architecture, making the metropolis appear as if it were part of a grand stage set for an epoch-defining event.

Media crews from across Thrae had converged around the United Parliament, transforming the area into a hive of journalistic activity.

Satellite vans, lined up like a modern-day cavalry, sported arrays of sophisticated broadcasting equipment.

Reporters from various networks, some seasoned veterans and others wide-eyed newcomers, busied themselves with last-minute preparations.

News anchors, with an air of practiced calm, rehearsed their opening lines, conscious of the millions who would soon hang onto their every word.

Technicians, the unsung heroes behind the scenes, meticulously checked cameras, microphones, and connections, ensuring that not a single historic moment would go unrecorded.

Throughout the cities and towns of Thrae, large public squares had been transformed into communal viewing areas.

Massive screens, erected overnight, loomed over the gathered crowds.

People from all walks of life had come together - families with children perched on their parents' shoulders for a better view, groups of friends huddled together in excited chatter, and solitary individuals, drawn by the gravity of the event.

There was a shared sense of witnessing a moment that would be etched into the annals of history.

Some faces reflected curiosity and hope, others bore expressions of concern and skepticism, but all eyes were fixed on the screens, waiting for the summit to commence.

The arrival of Thrae's leaders was a spectacle of precision and ceremony.

President Thomas of the Liberty League was the first to arrive, his motorcade gliding through the streets with a quiet authority.

As he stepped out, he was greeted by the crisp salute of the honor guard, their uniforms impeccable, their faces stoic.

Secretary-General Ngozi Adelaja of the United Nations of Thrae followed shortly, her presence commanding and graceful.

Each leader, representing their respective nations, was welcomed with a mixture of traditional ceremonial flourishes and the strict protocol befitting such a significant event.

The air was filled with the click of cameras and the soft murmur of the crowd, as every movement, every handshake was captured and broadcast across the globe, signaling the start of a day that could forever change the course of human history.

Among the throng of journalists was a prominent reporter, known for her charismatic reporting style and a body that made most men drool at the sight of her.

As Morgana stood ready to broadcast live, her excitement was palpable.

"Today marks a new chapter in Thraen history,"

Morgana began, addressing her global audience.

"In just moments, we will witness the first official visit of extraterrestrials to our planet."

Just as the reporter said this a deep, thunderous sound filled the air, drawing the eyes of everyone skyward.

The reporter paused mid-sentence, her professionalism momentarily overtaken by sheer awe.

The cameraman instinctively pointed his camera upwards, capturing what was unfolding above.

Descending from the heavens was a formidable squadron of Mark I Wraith space fighters, sleek and menacing in their design, escorting five Styx dropships.

Their approach was precise and majestic, a display of technological prowess and disciplined formation.

The sight was so overwhelming that a hush fell over the gathered crowd, a mixture of shock, wonder, and a tinge of apprehension.

The fighters and dropships maneuvered with impressive agility, aligning themselves for landing at the cordoned-off venue.

The precision of their movements spoke of highly skilled pilots and advanced flying capabilities far beyond Thrae's current technology.

As the dropships touched down and the ramps began to open, the sense of anticipation among the reporters and onlookers was palpable.

Cameras and microphones were trained on the landing site, ready to capture the historic moment.

Morgana, regaining her composure, continued her live broadcast, her voice tinged with excitement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what you're witnessing is truly historic. These are the spacecraft of the Terranum Imperium, and any moment now, we will see Imperator Dracula Von Death himself."

She announced, her eyes fixed on the dropships Insides that revealed the formidable presence of a platoon of cosmic marines and the members of the death squad.

Standing an imposing 240 centimeters tall, these elite warriors were clad in intimidating power armor, a sight that was both awe-inspiring and slightly unnerving.

The reporter's voice trailed off for a moment as she, along with the gathered crowd, watched the marines and death squad members line up in perfect formation.

They formed a tunnel, standing in two rows with their faces turned inward, their assault rifles - massive and sophisticated in design - held in a disciplined stance that no Thraen soldier could easily replicate.

The cameras, operated by skilled technicians, zoomed in to capture the incredible detail of the cosmic marines' armor.

Each suit of power armor was a testament to countless battles, its surface etched with the marks of warfare – scratches, dents, and scorch marks that told silent tales of fierce combat.

These were not ceremonial guards; they were hardened veterans of the Terranum Imperium's military campaigns.

The intricate design of the armor revealed a fusion of strength and technology.

Its battle-worn appearance did not detract from its imposing nature; rather, it added a layer of respect and fear for those who wore it.

The armor was more than just a means of protection; it was a symbol of the marines' resilience and the Terranum Imperium's formidable presence in the cosmos.

The reporter, capturing the moment, spoke with a mix of reverence and a hint of fear.

"These soldiers standing before us are a clear display of the Terranum Imperium's might, I can only Imagine what kind of cosmic horrors these Terrans had faced."

The gathered crowd, including dignitaries and civilians alike, couldn't help but stare in awe.

Whispers ran through the crowd as people speculated about the battles these soldiers might have fought while the Internet got flooded with netizen's bullet comments.

@GalaxyGazer99: "😮 Those soldiers are HUGE! I've never seen anything like them. #GiantWarriors #TerranumImperium"

@SciFiSam: "🔥🛡️ The battle scars on that armor... looks like these guys have been through some serious stuff. #BattleHardened #SpaceWarriors"

@NerdvanaNick: "Is it just me, or am I seeing real-life s*a*e m*rin*s? #SciFiBecomesReality #EpicArmor"

@WarStoryWillow: "Those scorch marks and dents tell more stories than we'll ever know. Wonder what kind of battles they've seen. #WarStories #IntergalacticCombat"

@SpaceOperaSophie: "Literally looks like they've stepped out of a sci-fi movie set. Those soldiers are intimidating AF. #TerranumPower #NotMessingAround"

@AstroAlex: "I'm both terrified and in awe of these overgrown soldiers. The reality of interstellar war just hit home. #TerranumMight #RealityCheck"

@DeepSpaceDani: "Wow, seeing the actual battle damage on their armor makes this whole situation way more real. It's not just a diplomatic visit; it's a show of military strength. #PowerDisplay #DiplomacyOrIntimidation"

@TechTrekTyler: "Can we take a moment to appreciate the tech behind that power armor? Looks advanced beyond anything we have on Thrae. #TechGoals #AdvancedCivilization"

@CosmicCara: "These guys are the real deal. Makes you wonder what they're capable of in combat. #FearAndRespect #CosmicWarriors"

@FutureFictionFan: "This is literally like watching a sci-fi novel unfold in real life. Those soldiers are something else. #LivingInASciFiWorld #TerranumArrival"

The very sight of the marines and their battle-damaged armor served as a stark reminder of the Imperium's extensive experience in interstellar warfare and the harsh realities of a universe where conflict was evidently a common affair.

As the broadcast continued, the focus shifted to the anticipation of the Imperator's arrival.

The presence of these battle-hardened soldiers only heightened the sense of expectancy.

It was clear to all that the being who commanded such warriors was not just a leader but a ruler of immense power and influence.

The camera panned back, capturing the formation of marines and death squad members, standing in disciplined silence, their gaze fixed ahead.

The air was thick with tension, and the world watched, holding its breath for the first appearance of Imperator Dracula Von Death – a figure who, until this moment, had been shrouded in mystery and awe-inspiring tales.

This event was not just a meeting of nations; it was an introduction to a new era in Thraen history, where the lines between myth and reality were forever blurred.