C20 Assasination Attempt

@MightyMover: "Whoa, did you see Dracula smash that table? That's some serious strength! Never seen anything like it. It's like watching a superhero movie in real life! #PowerPlay #TableSmasher"

@StrengthSeeker: "That table didn't stand a chance. Dracula's physical prowess is off the charts! Makes you wonder what else he's capable of. #SuperStrength #ImpressiveDisplay"

@ImpactIvy: "Just witnessed a display of raw power by Dracula. That table-breaking moment was both scary and awe-inspiring! #UnbelievableStrength #PowerfulLeader"

@DecisiveDiana: "Dracula's impatience with the leaders is totally justified. They need to step up! Action is needed, not just endless debates. #NoTimeForHesitation #StrongLeadership"

@CommandingCarl: "Loved how Dracula called out the indecisive leaders. Finally, someone who demands action and isn't afraid to show frustration! #TakeAStand #BoldLeadership"

@ActionAdvocateAlan: "Dracula's frustration with the leaders' indecisiveness was palpable. It's time for decisive actions, not just words. #DemandingAction #LeadershipShowdown"

@FuturistFaith: "Dracula's answers are straight to the point. He doesn't sugarcoat anything. Love the directness and honesty. #DirectAnswers #NoNonsense"

@GalacticGoddess: "His responses are so raw and unfiltered. It's refreshing to see such straightforwardness in a world of diplomatic double-talk. #TruthBomb #RealTalk"

@RealistRick: "Dracula's blunt responses to reporters' questions were something else. No beating around the bush, just straight facts. #BluntTruths #StraightShooter"

@YouthfulYasmine: "That rejuvenation tech sounds like a miracle. Imagine being young again! Could change everything we know about aging. #FountainOfYouth #AgeReversal"

@TechTrekTyler: "Dracula offering life extension tech is a game-changer. The implications for humanity are enormous! #LifeExtension #CuttingEdgeTech"

@EternalEvelyn: "The idea of reversing aging with Dracula's tech is mind-blowing. Who wouldn't want to be 20 again? #ReverseAging #TechnologicalMiracle"

@PowerPlayPaula: "Dracula's dominant personality is so attractive. He's a leader in every sense – strong, decisive, and commanding. #CharismaticLeader #DominantPersonality"

@CelestialCassandra: "He's not just a leader; he's an alpha. His dominance is captivating and strangely alluring. #AlphaMale #LeadershipGoals"

@DominanceDevoteeDeb: "I can't get over Dracula's commanding presence. He exudes a level of dominance and control that's both intimidating and attractive. #MagneticLeader #DominancePersonified"

@AstroAffairsAnalyst: "This summit is a turning point. Dracula's presence and approach are changing the game. The future of Thrae will be shaped by these events. #HistoricSummit #NewEra"

@SpaceSagaSamantha: "Watching this summit is like witnessing history in the making. Dracula's impact is undeniable. He's shifting the balance of power. #GlobalImpact #HistoricEvent"

@CosmicCommentator: "The summit has taken an interesting turn with Dracula's bold stance. This will be a day talked about for generations. #SummitSurprises #HistoricDialogue"

@FutureForwardFrank: "300 years of life? That's beyond anything we've imagined. Terranum Imperium's tech is game-changing. #LifeExtension #TerranumTechnology"

@GalacticGuru: "No rights in the Militarium? That's intense but expected from a civilization like Terranum. #SpartanLife #TerranumDiscipline"

@TechTrendTara: "The Imperator's indifference to Thrae's economy says a lot about his priorities. He's playing a different game. #StrategyOverEconomics #ImperatorInsights"

@CosmicCuriosityCat: "Loyalty and dedication as the only expectations. That's a strong foundation for any empire. #LoyaltyFirst #TerranumExpectations"

@SpaceAgeSamantha: "The idea of families joining later in the lunar colony is fascinating. It shows long-term planning and care for societal structures. #LunarColony #TerranumFamilyPolicy"

@AlienAffectionAmy: "That 'get used to it' attitude is somewhat chilling, but it's clear the Imperator means business. #AdaptOrPerish #TerranumWay"

@GeneticGenius: "Genetic resequencing for all ages, even embryos? That's some advanced science right there. Terranum Imperium is leagues ahead. #GeneticResequencing #AdvancedScience"

@CelestialCritic: "The Imperator's confidence and straightforward approach are refreshing. He's not here to play politics; he's here to make deals. #NoNonsenseLeader #DraculaDeals"

@IntergalacticInfluencer: "Watching the reporters being silenced by the Imperator's answers was something else. He commands the room like no other. #CommandingPresence #ImperatorRules"

@StarrySkySophie: "Dracula's responses show he's not just a ruler; he's a visionary. His view on civilization and leadership is something else. #VisionaryLeader #DraculaDynamics"

(Okay I admit I might have gone overboard with bullet comments this time)


After answering al the questions I gestured to Wolf. His command was swift, a single word that rippled through the ranks of my Cosmic Marines.

They advanced, a wall of black, red, and white sci-fi camouflage pattern power armor, and the reporters scattered like leaves in a storm, their earlier boldness dissolving into a primal instinct for self-preservation.

The path cleared, we strode towards the awaiting dropships, the thud of our boots a rhythmic promise of departure.

Yet, as I neared my dropship, a prickling sensation crawled across my senses — the sixth sense that had saved me more times than I cared to count.

I pivoted on impulse, the world narrowing into a tunnel of clarity as I faced the silent threat head-on.

The incoming projectile—a .50 caliber sniper round—was an unwelcome intruder in this choreographed dance of power.

It met my forehead with a graze, its lethality undone by the hidden resilience of my enhanced skull, a testament to the Terranum Imperium's advanced augmentation process.

My bones, enriched with nanocomposite alloy, were as impervious as the armor that encased my cosmic marines.

The would-be assassin's moment of shock was their undoing.

My marines, ever vigilant, had already located the source of the attack. Their helmets, equipped with cutting-edge sensors and targeting systems, locked onto the assailant's position.

The scopes on their rifles, integrated with their visors, zoomed in to bring the perpetrator's stunned visage into sharp relief.

Without a second's delay, they responded with the ruthless efficiency bred into every Terran soldier.

The 30mm armor-piercing high explosive rounds—each one an engineered masterpiece of destruction—rocketed from their rifles with lethal precision while the hot cartridges got ejected to the side.

The rocket-propelled rounds tore through the air, a brief glimpse of incandescent fury before they found their mark.

The assassin's body was no match for the Terranum Imperium's firepower that was designed to punch through power armors deflectors and Its armor plates.

In a devastating display of force, the attacker was obliterated, reduced to mere fragments of existence together with the room he was In—a stark warning to any who dared challenge the Imperator's reign.

The aftermath of the marines' retaliation was instantaneous and visceral.

Reporters, who moments before had clamored for a sensational story, now stood frozen, their eyes wide with a mix of horror and disbelief, their ears ringing from the sound of gunfire.

Cameras, still rolling, captured the stark reality of Terranum Imperium's ruthless efficiency, broadcasting it live to viewers across Thrae.

Civilians watching from screens in homes, public squares, and office buildings were hit by a wave of shock.

The scenes of violence, so suddenly and graphically displayed before them, sparked a cacophony of reactions.

Only for further chaos to ensue as missiles fired from portable missile launchers streaked out from various windows towards the dropships and fighters whose pilots were already prepared with fighter pilots already climbing Into the air.

While militants armed with pistols, submachineguns, and assault rifles poured out from the still-shocked Thraen crowds.

The chaos that erupted was like a scene from the darkest science fiction, suddenly all too real.

The reporters, once eager for a glimpse of the extraordinary, now found themselves witnesses to a battleground.

Their cameras, the eyes of Thrae, streamed the pandemonium live to millions, the narrative of the day taking a nightmarish turn.

In homes and offices, civilians were glued to their screens in disbelief.

The supposed peace summit had devolved into an open conflict, with missiles screaming towards Terran ships.

Yet, as the smoke from the explosions dissipated, the Terran vessels stood unmarked, their blue deflectors flickering like a calm sea after a storm—a visual testament to their technological superiority.

On the ground, the marines moved with lethal precision.

Each movement, each command, was calculated and flawlessly executed.

The militants' bullets, a futile attempt at resistance, were mere sparks against the force field that enveloped the marines.

Their retaliation was swift and deadly, a disciplined execution of combat protocol.

The screams of "Humanity first! Death to aliens!" rang hollow in the face of the Imperium's might.

The militants, emboldened by fear and hatred, emerged from the crowd only to be met with a swift end.

Their ideology, no matter how fervently believed, could not penetrate the armor of the cosmic marines.