C21I Want Them Eradicated

The Terran response was a clear demonstration of their military doctrine: precise, unyielding, and overwhelmingly effective.

The crowd, which had once gathered in curiosity and anticipation, now scattered in a frenzied retreat, the dream of witnessing history turned into a nightmare of survival.

Through the smoke, the blue energy of the marine's deflectors and the round red glowing visors with a white skull paint job was the last thing many militants saw, as the disciplined three-shot bursts from the marines' rifles echoed the finality of the Terranum Imperium's statement: they would not be threatened, they would not be harmed, and they would not tolerate insurrection.

I stood resolute amidst the carnage, my gaze sweeping across the field where my Cosmic Marines executed their duties with lethal efficiency.

Their movements were a symphony of orchestrated violence, each stroke of their combat knives and combat katana's laser-edged blades and each shot from their rifles a note in the grim melody of war.

Wolf, ever the faithful XO, mirrored my anger. The betrayal was a wound to the pride of our Imperium, an insult to the peace we had come to discuss.

"Your orders, Imperator?"

Wolf growled, his voice heavy with the promise of retribution.

"Raise DEFCON to one,"

I commanded without hesitation, my voice the iron decree of a ruler accustomed to opposition.

"I want every Cosmic Marine on the ground. Use TAI to root out anyone connected to these militants. I authorize aerial strikes; collateral is of no concern. I want them eradicated."

Wolf nodded, a predator ready to unleash the full might of our forces as he pressed his earpiece and gave the order to the officers In Einherjars bridge.

"And if Thrae's leaders try to interfere with our military actions, you are cleared to respond with force,"

I added, the finality in my voice leaving no room for interpretation.

As I spoke, I scratched off the scar on my forehead, a superficial wound to my otherwise indomitable form.

Beneath my fingers, the already-formed fresh scar tissue revealed Itself, a testament to the advanced biological augmentations that ran through my veins.

Our regeneration capabilities were unmatched, thanks to the additional genetically engineered organ that produced bio engineered cells that would scab any wound we suffered Instantly It was a blend of science and might that made the Terranum Imperium soldiers near-indestructible.

"Also tell them to leave a few alive for Hans to Interrogate and Frank to experiment on"

Wolf's hand moved subtly to his earpiece as he confirmed the receipt of my additional instructions.

Hans and Frank who was the head of R&D, known among the ranks for their own brand of ruthlessness, couldn't conceal their grotesque delight at the prospect of new subjects for their dark crafts.

As one of the cosmic marines seized a would-be assassin, his hand tightening around the militant's neck, the order to stay with his lethal force came through.

"All marines this Is youre XO leave a few alive I repeat leave a few alive over"

With a grunt of frustration but unwavering obedience, the marine rendered the militant unconscious, a specimen now spared for a fate yet to be determined by the twisted minds of the Imperium's interrogators and scientists.


Within TIS Einherjar, a hive of activity erupted as Wolfs order to raise DEFCON to one was received.

The ship, a leviathan of steel and advanced technology orbiting above Thrae, transformed into a nerve center of military efficiency.

The Tactical Artificial Intelligence (TAI) system, a digital entity pulsating with the collective knowledge and strategic prowess of the Terranum Imperium, immediately sprang into action. It began coordinating the deployment, its electronic synapses firing off orders and calculations at a pace incomprehensible to the human mind.

In the command center, a cavernous room aglow with holographic displays and pulsing lights, officers and specialists worked in a feverish tempo.

Screens flashed with real-time data, maps of Thrae, and profiles of potential militant targets.

"The Threans tried to assassinate our Imperator, deploy the whole f*cking Hellas legion to the ground the Imperator wants every conspirator dead!"

Barked Wolf, his voice echoing through the command center. His command initiated a flurry of activity, with personnel rapidly relaying orders and confirming execution.

The hangar bays, vast spaces that housed the cosmic marines' dropships, became scenes of organized chaos.

Squads of cosmic marines, their power armor a seamless blend of defense and intimidation, quickly assembled in formation.

Weapons were checked and rechecked, from the menacing rifles to the laser-edged combat knives, each instrument of war a masterpiece of Terranum engineering.

The air was thick with determination and urgency.

Each marine knew the gravity of the situation; their deployment was not just a response to an attack but a statement of the Imperium's might.

As the dropships powered up, their chemical thrusters roaring to life with blue flames, the sound reverberated through the hangar bays like the growl of a giant beast awakening.

Pilots performed their pre-flight checks with practiced ease, their hands moving over controls with the precision of seasoned veterans.

In the medical bay, the staff prepared for potential casualties, though the cosmic marines' formidable armor and regenerative capabilities made such events rare.

Medical supplies, advanced healing devices, and trauma kits were readied, ensuring that any injured would receive immediate and effective care.

Meanwhile, the officers In the bridge-operated TAI, to hack Into every device It could hack into on Thrae and started analyzing all the Information identifying hotspots of militant activity.

It seamlessly relayed this information to the dropship pilots and cosmic marines Hellas legions officers and NCOs, ensuring they would land in the heart of the conflict with precise knowledge of their objectives.

As the dropships together with fighters, bombers and Interceptors departed the Einherjar, they descended towards Thrae like metallic birds of prey, ready to unleash the full wrath of the Terranum Imperium upon those who dared defy its authority.

Back on the Einherjar, the atmosphere remained charged with focus and anticipation.

The ship, a symbol of the Imperium's power, stood ready to support its forces, a guardian watching over its warriors as they dove into the crucible of battle.


As the sounds of gunfire and chaos erupted outside the United Parliament, the Thraen leaders were swiftly ushered away by their security teams.

They were led to the underground bunker, a secure facility designed for such emergencies. 

In the Bunker the leaders gathered around a secure communication console. President Thomas is in the center, visibly shaken but trying to maintain composure.

"What in the world just happened out there? Was that an assassination attempt?"

President Thomas asked.

"It seems so. The reports are still coming in, but it looks like Dracula Von Death was the target."

Secretary-General Ngozi Adelaja responded.

"This is catastrophic. An attack during a diplomatic summit? What does this mean for our relations with the Terranum Imperium?"

The horrified at the possible Terranum Imperiums response President Orlov raised the question.

"Our immediate concern should be the safety of the people outside. We need to ensure no harm comes to the civilians and the press."

Premier Zhou declared.

Suddenly UNOTs security Chief entered the room and handed over a report to Secretary General Ngozi Adelaja.

"Mam, the situation outside is escalating. Our forces are trying to contain it, but it's chaotic."

The security chief explained but the truth was that their military police couldn't do anything to stop the cosmic marines from doing whatever they pleased they were simply terrified of the 240 centimeters killing machines.

"This is... unbelievable. Imperator Dracula Von Death survived a direct hit? His skull deflected a .50 cal bullet?"

The schoked secretary general exclaimed.