C58 Bloodlust Amidst Chaos

Before she could process the full extent of the danger, a deafening crash echoed through the club as the first of the scavenged frigates slammed into the outer hull of the space station, sending shockwaves rippling through the structure.

Panic turned to sheer terror as Isabella realized the gravity of the situation.

They were under attack.

And she was trapped in the middle of it, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide as chaos reigned around her, Isabella's instincts kicked into overdrive.

With a surge of adrenaline, she pushed through the crowd, her eyes scanning frantically for an escape route.

But as she reached the exit, a massive explosion rocked the club, sending shrapnel flying in all directions.

With a cry, Isabella was thrown to the ground, her world spinning out of control as darkness closed in around her.

Only for her supernatural regeneration to kick In.

"You've got to be f*cking kidding me..."

Isabella cursed under her breath as she stood up while her body expelled the shrapnel from her, as her bones knitted and wounds closed.

Isabella looked In disbelief at the 9 feet tall muscular female orcs built like bodybuilders armored In makeshift tribal-looking armor and armed In an assortment of cold and hot weapons of different designs and technological levels.

She saw the female orcs storm Into the crowd around her and start massacring everyone they saw while roaring at the top of their lungs.


Isabella cursed as all the hair on her body stood up causing her body to Instinctively enter full vampire mode after seeing a female orc lock her rifle's muzzle which was basically an autocannon on her.

As black arteries and veins spread out through Isabella's body, her senses heightened to a supernatural level.

With a primal instinct for survival, she reacted with lightning-fast reflexes.

With a burst of speed that seemed to blur the lines of reality, she darted to the side, narrowly evading the hail of armor-piercing high-explosive shells that erupted from the female's orcs rifle's muzzle.

The shells impacted the alloy floor with deafening explosions, sending red hot shrapnel flying in all directions as Isabella continued her lightning-fast maneuver.

With each step, she moved with preternatural grace, her movements fluid and precise as she danced around the deadly barrage of gunfire.

As the female orc struggled to track her elusive target, Isabella seized the opportunity to strike.

With a growl, she lunged forward, her claws extended as she closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye.

The female orc, caught off guard by Isabella's sudden assault, attempted to bring her rifle to bear, but it was too late.

With a swift and decisive motion, Isabella jumped onto the female orc and grabbed her head, her claws digging into her skull and pulling with everything she had while pushing the orc's shoulder with her feet.

A spray of blood erupted from the orc's headless neck as the corpse staggered backward, her rifle falling from Its grasp as It fell to the floor with a thunderous thud.

As Isabella sat on the massive orc's chest she felt a primal satisfaction as her chest rose up and down.

She couldn't help but lick her canines with her tongue, but as she surveyed her surroundings.

She immediately snapped back to reality, her bloodlust clouded mind returning to clarity.

S*it I need to get the f*CK out of here now!

Isabella cursed to herself as she stood up and started sprinting towards the hangar bay only to encounter frenzied female orcs.

Isabella saw an orc pin down a demon male, rip off his clothes, and start riding him like a rabbit In heat.

She couldn't help but frown In disgust at the sight of It.

One of the main reasons why orcs were so dreaded apart from being considered the deadliest race when It came to ground combat.

Was the fact that they could only reproduce with other species, so far no one could answer the question why was that.

But after studying enough orcs corpses the galaxy's various biologists had come to a unified conclusion.

Which was that orcs were a manmade biological product most likely made by an ancient civilization that got destroyed by their own war hounds.

As for the reason why ewryones came to that kind of conclusion well the orcs definitely didn't evolve naturally, traces of genetic engineering with no regard for the patient's lifespan or well being were all over In their DNR which seemed to share common ancestry with another galaxy's most despised race.

Which were goblins but unlike their distant cousins that were the galaxy's number one public enemy the little disgusting critens had become an Inseparable part of the galactic community by becoming the galaxy's biggest loan lenders and bank owners.

No matter how much they were despised or what they did everyone could only grit their teeth In anger and close their eyes.

Because with a single snap of their fingers, the goblins could make their economies which were completely reliant on them at this point collapse Instantly.

Without hesitation, Isabella ran past the frenzied orc not the least bit entertained at the prospect of engaging the orc In combat and that was because although the orcs didn't have ridiculously fast regeneration like she did.

They still had a ridiculously high endurance with regeneration capabilities that came second after vampires.

So then you combined those two things you got an unstoppable 9 feet tall killing machine that will still keep fighting even after having a dozen of fist sized holes In Its body.

Only to freeze In place after seeing a 3 meters tall male orc clad In patchwork power armor obliterate Into meat paste a fully geared up In combat armor stations security guard who was firing his laser rifle In full auto at the orc with his power hammer.

Isabella watched In horror as the orc yanked out his power hammer from the alloy floor's bloody dent and rested It on his armored shoulder.

Her instincts screamed at her to run, to find another way out, but before she could even think of a plan, the orc's attention snapped to her, his eyes filled with a primal lust that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Hehe, a vampire? You will make a perfect mating partner for me!"

The orc's voice was thick with lust as he charged straight at Isabella, his massive form barreling toward her with terrifying speed.

Isabella barely had time to react before the orc was upon her, his fists swinging and his power hammer whirling through the air with deadly intent.

Ducking and weaving with supernatural agility, Isabella did her best to evade the orc's onslaught, but his sheer size and strength made him a formidable opponent.

With each blow that came crashing down, she felt the kinetic force and gust of wind generated by his sheer physical strength reverberate through her body, threatening to overwhelm her.

But Isabella refused to back down, her determination burning bright even in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the orc unleashed a flurry of kicks and punches, she danced around him with fluid grace, her movements a blur of speed and precision.

While she she swiped her claws left and right leaving deep gauges In the orc's patchwork power armor.

However, her luck ran out when the orc landed a devastating knee kick to her stomach, the force of it knocking the wind out of her and sending her flying through the air like a ragdoll.

As Isabella's body crashed Into an alloy wall she felt her bones shatter and her organs rupture.

While her body slid down like a wet sponge to the ground leaving behind a trail of black blood.

Her view was pitch black and she could barely think straight because of her cracked skull and damaged brain that was being rapidly repaired by her body.