C59 Fury Unleashed

As she struggled to stand up, she felt a massive hand close around her head, lifting her up to meet the orc's gaze.

"Stop resisting already little vampire woman"

The orc growled, his voice dripping with menace only to receive a bloody spat Into his face which enraged him to no end.

"Go f*CK yourself..."

Isabella cursed as she activated her hypnosis giving her all, and as she did the orc war chief froze for a second his mind consumed by Isabella's racial ability.

As he did she summoned every ounce of strength she had left and drove her right hand's claws into the orc's right eye, feeling the satisfying crunch of bone as she yanked them out with a sickening squelch.

With a roar of pain, the orc released Isabella, clutching at his grotesquely bleeding empty eye socket as he stumbled backward.

As Isabella landed on the ground, she rose to her feet and started limping forward.

As Isabella limped toward her partially cannibalized space fighter courtesy of the demihuman merchant, her mind raced with a single thought: escape.

Every step sent waves of pain shooting through her body, but she pushed through, her supernatural regeneration knitting together the wounds inflicted by the orc's brutal assault.

Her fighter, a sleek and formidable craft despite its partially canabilized appearance, loomed ahead, its hull already battered and scarred from stray shrapnel and weapons projectiles.

Ignoring the chaos around her, Isabella focused on reaching her ship, her every movement fueled by the burning desire to escape the space station before it was too late.

With each step, her body regenerated, the pain fading into a dull ache as her injuries healed at the naked eye's visible speed.

While the beastly roars of the orc war chief who had part of his brain damaged by Isabella's attack filled her ears.

As the orc kept trashing In a place like a wild beast as his body did It's best to heal It's life threatening wound.

Finally reaching her ship, Isabella wasted no time in climbing Into her cockpit, her hands flying over the holographic control panel as she powered up the spacecraft's systems.

Alarms blared and warning lights flashed as the ship came to life, its engines humming with energy as it prepared for takeoff.

"Come on, come on,"

Isabella muttered under her breath, her fingers dancing across the controls as she initiated the pre-flight sequence.

With a roar of Impulse thrusters, the space fighter lifted off the hangar bay floor, hovering in mid-air for a moment before blasting forward with incredible speed.

As Isabella piloted the ship through the chaos of the space station, she couldn't help but glance back at the scene unfolding behind her.

The female orc raiders were everywhere, their hulking forms wreaking havoc as they stormed through the corridors, leaving destruction in their wake.

But Isabella had no time to dwell on the chaos below.

With a grim determination, she focused on the task at hand – escaping the space station and reaching safety before it was too late.

With practiced skill, she maneuvered the fighter through the labyrinthine corridors, dodging debris and sporadic enemy fire as she made her way toward the nearest exit.

Just as she reached the outer perimeter of the space station, a barrage of enemy fire erupted from the surrounding frigates, their weapons locked onto her ship with deadly precision.

Isabella gritted her teeth and pushed the fighter to its limits, weaving through the incoming fire with expert precision.

"Come on, you piece of junk,"

She muttered, her hands flying over the controls as she fought to keep the ship intact.

With each passing moment, the enemy fire grew more intense, threatening to overwhelm her defenses and bring her ship crashing down.

But Isabella refused to give up.

With a defiant roar, she pushed the ship's engines to their maximum output, rocketing forward with blinding speed as she raced toward the edge of the space station's gravity well.

As she reached the outer perimeter, she activated the ship's subspace drive and subconsciously Inputted Los systems coordinates, the fabric of reality warping and twisting around her as she punched through into the void of subspace.

But just before she blinked out of existence a blue laser finally depleted her fighter's shields as It did, the head thick laser beam burned through the fighter armor plating.

Before the fighter's AI could issue a string of damage warnings the fighter blinked out of existence and entered subspace.


Imperial Vampirian States homeworld.

Since Isabella's ran away nothing seemed to be going Vlads way, no matter how they searched the men and women under Vlad still couldn't pinpoint his daughter's location.

The girl was too adept at covering her tracks and It drove him mad beyond words because any time his wife was going to come back from her diplomatic mission.

And then she finds out what transpired, well Vlad shuddered at the thought of It, although he was the progenitor of his species so was his wife.

If he was Adam then his wife was Eve, and there's nothing more scarier than a livid progenitor vampires.

As frustrated Vlad, beyond words, entered his study room, he froze upon seeing his wife, Vanessa Tepesh Dracuela who was the spiting Images of Isabella only a much more mature version basically a MILF.

She stood at 220 centimeters tall, her presence filling the room with an aura of authority and power.

Vanessa's crimson eyes glinted with barely contained anger, and her white loose hair cascaded down her back in a wave of deathly elegance.

Despite her age, her flawless porcelain skin spoke of eternal youth, and her features, carved with an otherworldly beauty, held an air of regal sophistication.

Clad in a gown of deep red velvet that hugged her curves that could make any man salivate from just one glance, she exuded an aura of both sensuality and danger.

Every movement she made was deliberate and calculated like a predator stalking its prey, and as her gaze fell upon Vlad, he couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine.

As Vlad stood transfixed by his wife's commanding presence, Vanessa's voice pierced the silence of the room like a razor-sharp blade.

"Tell me, Vlad,"

She began, her tone laced with thinly veiled fury.

"How should I take this? After working my ass off as an ambassador to the elve c*nts, I come back only to hear that you decided to marry off our daughter to that good for nothing little s*it"

Vanessa barked while hissing through her fangs.

"And If that wasn't enough you allowed her to run off g*d's know where! And you call yourself the Dread Lord! Dread Lord my ass!"

Vanessa roared as she slammed her fist Into the ancient black table with skull and bones carvings made from marble like material that was almost as old as them.

"M...my table!"

Vlad cried out feeling his heart bleed as he saw the table split In half because of Vanessa's supernatural strength.

"S*it It, you c*nt!"

Vanessa cursed as she stood up and grabbed an equally valuable vase and threw it, causing It to shatter upon hitting the wall.

"What the f*CK I was thinking then I married you?!"

Vanessa started cursing at the top of her lungs as she entered full vampire mode and started trashing Vlad's study room.

She punched, kicked, and threw anything that she could find completely unbothered by the historical and monetary value the room contained.

As Vanessa's fury unleashed like a tempest in the room, Vlad could do nothing but watch in horror as his once orderly study was torn apart by her uncontrollable rage.

His heart sank with each shattering object, each blow to the room's historic artifacts, each destructive act that marred the sanctity of their home.

"Vanessa, please!"

Vlad pleaded, his voice barely audible above the cacophony of destruction.