C63 Echos Off Power And Devastation

"Command, this is Sierra one, Building Tango has been vacated, repeat, building Tango has been vacated. Requesting an orbital gattling strike over"

Volkov radioed in after stepping on the roofs floor.

"Copy Sierra one orbital gattling stike Ibound ETA 10 sierra over"

Came the response from the bridge.

"Move out, danger close!"

Volkov barked as he did he and his men jumped off from the three-story building and ran away as fast as they could.


The bridge was a hive of activity as report sof confirmed vacated building by the cosmic marines flooded In one by one.

While the requests for orbital gattling strikes came In one after another.

"Target coordinates confirmed, firing point defense canon 023"

Outside the bridge one of TIS Einherjars six the barreled flak batteries locked themselves on the blue planet bellow.

As they did their six barrels spun In quick succession sending out streaks of rocket propelled armor piercing high explosive 60 mm shells.

That cut throught the atmosphere like meteorites.


The ground trembled and dust rose Into the sky as the 60 mm shells Impacted their targets, the sight sent a shiver down Joseph's spine.

"They're not here to negotiate,"

Joseph muttered, his voice heavy with dread.

Catherine tightened her grip on his arm, her expression grave.

"Honey, I think we should take the offer,"

She urged, her voice trembling with fear as she glanced at the advancing marines.

Joseph hesitated, torn between his pride and the safety of their lives.

He knew that their defiance could only lead to more destruction and suffering.

With a heavy heart, he nodded in agreement.

"Yes... excuse me, where do I sign?"

He asked, his voice strained with resignation.

One of the other officials turned to Joseph with a sense of relief.

"Follow me,"

He said, leading Joseph and Catherine to a nearby table where the paperwork lay waiting.

With trembling hands, Joseph and Catherine signed the documents, their hearts heavy with the weight of their decision.

They knew that they were giving up their home, but they also knew that it was the only way to ensure their safety.

As they handed the signed papers back to the official, a sense of defeat washed over them.

They watched helplessly as the cosmic marines continued their operation, clearing out the remaining buildings with ruthless efficiency.

With each explosion of the TIS Einherjars flak batteries shells, Joseph and Catherine's resolve crumbled further.

They knew that their lives would never be the same again, but they also knew that they had made the only choice they could in the face of overwhelming force.

As they were escorted off the island by the officials, Joseph and Catherine cast one last glance back at their home, now nothing more than a smoldering ruin.

Tears welled up in their eyes as they mourned the loss of everything they had known and loved.


Marco the same guy who spread Noles post stood on his balcony, his eyes fixed on the cloudless night sky where the massive silhouette of the Terran warship, the TIS Einherjar, loomed for all to see clear as day. Ever since he had first saw It with his own eye, he had been captivated by it, spending countless hours observing its movements through his telescope.

As he watched, a sense of awe washed over him.

The sheer size and power of the warship were breathtaking, and Marco couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through his veins.

He had always been fascinated by space and the mysteries it held, and the sight of the TIS Einherjar only fueled his passion further.

Suddenly, streaks of light pierced the clear night sky, followed by the thunderous sound of shells cutting through the atmosphere. Marco's heart skipped a beat as he realized what was happening.

The TIS Einherjar was unleashing its flak batteries, sending a barrage of deadly projectiles hurtling towards its target.

For a moment, Marco stood frozen, unable to tear his eyes away from the spectacle unfolding before him.

Although the sight was breathtaking Marco knew that If the Terrans were resorting to orbital bombardment then It meant that someone f*ccked up big time.

He had to let the world know what was happening.

With a sudden burst of adrenaline, he pulled out his smartphone and activated the live stream function, aiming the camera towards the warship that was firing It's flak batteries one after another.

"Hey everyone, it's Marco here,"

He began, his voice trembling with excitement and fear.

"I'm live-streaming from my balcony, and you won't believe what I'm seeing right now. The Terran warship, the TIS Einherjar, is firing its flak batteries! I do t know who pissed them off but I hope they won't fire their mass accelarrator canons again!"

As he spoke, he added hashtags to his post, hoping to attract more viewers to his live stream.

#TISEinherjar #Flak batteries firing #LiveFromMyBalcony

Almost immediately, comments began flooding in from netizens all over the world, eager to witness the action unfolding before them.

Sugar Daddy@F*ck who the f*CK pissed dog the Terrans again! F*ck I need answer now!

Sugar Momma@I hope Its not our governments politicians, we are still cleaning the blood from our floors corridor!

SpaceNerd@Say what you want but you can't deny that It's breathtaking It's like straight out of a sci-fi movie.

Marco adjusted the angle of his camera, capturing the streaks of burning shells as they arced across the sky, each one a testament to the power of the Terran warship.

As the barrage of flak batteries continued, Marco couldn't help but feel a sense of longing.

The TIS Einherjar was a symbol of the future that many like him dreamed off, a beacon for those who weren't content of waisting their life's on Thrae working 5 days a week from 8 to 5.

He wanted some thing more, he wanted to make his life count so because EOF that just like many others he had filled out the registration form.

But sadly he didn't make the cut, but he didn't become discouraged by this.

He knew that this wasn't the end only the beginning of the Terranums recruitment at least that's what his gut feeling was telling him.


"No Thomas they aren't attacking me, they are only speeding things up by using orbital strikes to demolish buildings!"

The frustrated beyond words Abdul barked and after that put down his telephone.

As he did he started massaging his throbbing temples.

"F*ck those Terrans are nuts, who the f*CK uses orbital strikes to demolish buildings?!..."

Abdul couldn't help but curse under his breath

The arrival of the Terranum Imperium forces on the island had only added to his mounting headaches, but deep down, he couldn't deny a sense of relief.

For days, he had struggled to evacuate the island, facing resistance at every turn.

Now, with the cosmic marines deployed, the process would undoubtedly be expedited.

However, Abdul couldn't shake off his worries about the Imperator's reaction to his Incompetence that he had showed.

He had always been acutely aware of his own shortcomings, especially in the face of a man who wielded immense power and authority.

The Imperator had made it clear that failure was not an option, and Abdul feared the repercussions if he couldn't deliver.

"What to do, what to do?"

Abdul muttered to himself as he stood up and started pacing back and forth In his office.

"Well that madman at least Informed me before deploying his goons which Is a good sign..."

Abdul debated out loud.

"...But the matter still stands that I failed to deliver"

Abdul said to himself as he stopped In place and looked at the capital city of the Nacrifan Federation through his offices human sized window only to press his telephones button.

"Schedule a meeting with the Imperator, I don't care what you have to do just do It"