C64 Rising Fortress, Falling Realms

A few days later.

The sun beat down mercilessly on the island as Terran engineers and technicians worked tirelessly to build the foundations of the Imperial palace which would become the heart of the soon to be christened Nova Roma Island In the honor of one of the greatest civilizations In Earth's history.

The air was thick with the sound of machinery and the scent of sweat, as drones, bots and humanoid robots buzzed assisting in the construction process.

These machines had no need for rest and they had no room for error, each task was accomplished at maximum efficiency and quality.

In one corner of the island, alloy factories hummed with activity, churning out the materials needed for the palace's and ewrything else's construction.

These giant smelters built In a matter of days with the help of TIS Einherjars 3D printers melted down raw ore into molten metal, which was then poured into molds to form beams and panels for the building's framework.

Specialists carefully monitored the machines entirely operated by TAI 0, ensuring that each piece met the exacting standards of the Terranum Imperium.

Nearby, consumer goods factories churned out supplies for the 80 thousand Terrans, from food and clothing to furniture and electronics.

With efficiency that bordered on the miraculous, assembly lines whirred as they produced everything needed to sustain the growing population of the Island that was being turned Into one giant military base.

Fusion energy plants dotted the landscape, with auxiliary ones, their towering turbines harnessing the island's natural resources to generate power for the burgeoning infrastructure.

Solar panels gleamed in the sunlight, soaking up energy from the sun to supplement the island's electrical grid. Meanwhile, geothermal and wind turbines tapped into the island's volcanic activity and prevailing winds, providing a steady stream of renewable energy.

Amidst the construction chaos, farms and hydroponic gardens sprouted up, their verdant fields a stark contrast to the industrial landscape.

Here, drones and robots overseen by specialists tended to rows of crops, ensuring a steady supply of fresh food for the men of Militaris.

Hydroponic systems provided an efficient way to grow produce in limited space, while automated irrigation systems ensured that every plant received the water and nutrients it needed to thrive.

In the distance, mining rigs rumbled as they dug deep into the earth, extracting precious resources to fuel the island's growth.

Teams of robots and personnel of Militaris worked tirelessly to extract ore and minerals, loading them onto conveyor belts that carried them to processing plants for refinement.

The island's rich deposits of metals and rare earth elements that by Thraen technology level couldn't be extracted were vital to the Terranum Imperium's expansion efforts, and every ton extracted brought them one step closer to their goals.

As the civilian infrastructure took shape, cosmic marines worked in tandem to fortify the island's defenses.

Reinforced trenches with reinforced concrete roofs snaked their way across the landscape, providing cover for soldiers and armored vehicles alike.

Bunkers were dug deep into the earth, their reinforced concrete walls offering protection against enemy fire.

Underground tunnels crisscrossed beneath the surface, providing covert access to key locations and safe houses in case of emergency.

Flak batteries, multipurpose missile launchers and mass accelarrator canons which were nowhere big or strong compared to TIS Einherjars but were more than enough to punch through anything Thrae had were installed at strategic points around the island, their utilitarian and menacing designs blending seamlessly into the landscape.

Teams of technicians worked tirelessly to calibrate the weapons systems, ensuring that they were ready to respond at a moment's notice.

With each installation, the island's defensive capabilities grew stronger, deterring any would-be aggressors from challenging the might of the Terranum Imperium.

As day turned to night, the island buzzed with activity, a hive of industry and military precision.

Terran engineers and cosmic marines worked side by side nonstop, their efforts focused on one goal: to create an impregnable fortress that would serve as a beacon of power and authority for the Terranum Imperium.

And as the Imperial palace rose from the ashes of the island's past, it stood as a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity and the relentless pursuit of progress.


Thomas sat behind his desk in his spacious office, his brow furrowed in frustration as he listened to his chief of staff deliver the latest briefing on the state of affairs concerning Terranum Imperium.

"Sir, I'm afraid the situation is escalating rapidly,"

His chief of staff began, her tone grave. "Every satellite that passes over Nacfrican Island is getting hacked. We're losing valuable intel on their operations and troop movements."

Thomas sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Well at least their not blowing them up... Sigh* How have we fallen since when did the Liberty states couldn't see everything It wanted to see"

Thomas couldn't help but lament at the fact that for the first time I'm a long while Liberty States could no longer spy on anyone It pleases.

"It gets worse, sir,"

His chief of staff continued, her voice grim. "Our citizens are outraged at the Terrans' use of flak batteries and the forceful eviction of Nacirfan Federation citizens from the island. There have been protests erupting across the country, and our political oppents are using It to put pressure on us If this goes on I'm afraid that this will be you're first and final presidency sir"

Hearing this Thomas clenched his fists only to unclench them because what else could he do?

It's not like he could call Dracula and tell him to start acting like a good dog or else, the simple fact was that Terranum Imperium was virtually untouchable.

Not only did those lunatics not care what others thought about them and their leader but they also were so technologically advanced that Thraes ultimate deterent aka nukes had no effect on them.

Sure they hadn't tested that yet but they sure as hell weren't willing to find If they were or not.

Afterall even if they could destroy the Island there was still a massive warship In Thraes orbit acting like a sword of damicles.

Their scientists had determined that a single shot from one the warships main canons can easily wipe out an entire city.

And there are more than one, the warship Is armed to the teeth and they didn't dare to think about what kind sof other weapons of mass destruction an Intergalactic civilization such as themselves possessed.

"Do something about It, I don't care what but just do It, make concessions to our opponents and promise some stuff to the masses It doesn't matter what It takes, anything else?"

Thomas asked as he pinched his nose while leaning Into his chair.

"I'm afraid there's more, sir,"

His chief of staff said, her expression troubled.

"We've been tracking the number of our own citizens who have been granted citizenship by the Terran Imperium, and it's growing at an alarming rate. Many of them are buying plane tickets from the airlines sanctioned by Terranum Imperium to fly to Nova Roma to join the Imperium."

Thomas's who already knew about the Imperium's recruitment ad, heart still sank at the news.

"So we're not only losing control of the Thraen territory, but we're also losing our own citizens to the enemy?"

His chief of staff nodded grimly.

"Yes, sir. It's a dire situation, and I'm not sure what our next move should be."

Thomas once again leaned back in his chair, feeling the weight of the world pressing down on him.

He had worked tirelessly to build a prosperous nation, only to see it unravel before his eyes at the hands of an enemy he couldn't hope to defeat.

"Alright that's enough for today leave me alone..."

As Thomas watched his chief of staff leave the office, he couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness wash over him.