C65 Journey Of Hope

The hum of the airplane's engines filled the cabin as Anna, Tom, and Klaus sat among the other passengers, each lost in their own thoughts as they journeyed towards Nova Roma.

The aircraft was packed with people like them, all seeking a new life and opportunity under the banner of the Terranum Imperium.

Anna glanced at her brother, Tom, who sat beside her, his face pale and drawn from the strain of the flight.

She reached out and gently squeezed his hand, offering him a reassuring smile.

"You're doing great, Tom,"

Anna said softly, trying to comfort him as he battled against his discomfort.

"Just a little longer, and we'll be there."

Tom managed a weak smile in return, grateful for his sister's support.

He had never been fond of flying, and the cramped conditions of the aircraft only added to his discomfort plus his body ravaged by cancer wasn't helping either.

But he was determined to endure it for the chance at a new beginning in the Tereanum Imperium.

As Anna tried to soothe her brother, Klaus, sitting across the aisle, spoke up, his voice cutting through the drone of the engines.


Klaus asked, his gaze falling on Toms bald head and frail body with a mixture of sympathy and curiosity.

Tom nodded, his expression grim.

"Yeah, fourth stage,"

He admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"The Imperium's my only hope now."

Anna nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the weight of their situation.

The Terranum Imperium offered advanced medical treatments and technology that could potentially save Tom's life, and they were willing to do whatever it took to give him that chance.

Anna's gaze shifted to Klauss leg, noticing the stump.

"I lost it in WW 2,"

He revealed upon noticing Anna's gaze, his tone somber as memories of his own past resurfaced.

Anna nodded in understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the sacrifices Klaus had made in service to his country.

"I see,"

She murmured, her gaze meeting his with empathy.

"If you don't mind me asking sir are you also joining the militaris then?"

Anna asked her curiosity getting the better of her.

Klaus leaned back in his seat, his thoughts drifting to his own future in the Terranum Imperium.

"Yeah, preferably the navy as a space fighter pilot,"

He said with determination, his eyes glinting with resolve.

Anna nodded, impressed by Klaus's sense of purpose and determination.

"And you two?"

He asked, turning the question back to her.

Hearing this Anna sighed bitterly, a hint of uncertainty in her expression.

"Don't know. I'm just a school dropout,"

She admitted with a self-deprecating smile. "And my brother, well, he got admitted to the hospital at age 14, so I have no idea where we'll be stationed. But I think I'd prefer the navy too."

Anna and Klaus exchanged a knowing glance, understanding the uncertainty and hope that filled Anna's words.

They were all embarking on a journey into the unknown, but together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Suddenly the aircrafts speakers crackled to life.

"Attention passengers we are approaching Nova Roma, we will be landing shortly"

The pilot announced referring to the Island by the name the Imperator had given In his live Interview.

Only for some thing out of most of the passengers expectations to occur.

An audible gasp escaped from some of the passengers as a flight of Terran wraith fighters appeared, forming a protective escort around the aircraft.

The sight of the sci-fi military space craft designed primarily for space combat with the ability to operate In atmosphere sent shivers down the spines of those onboard, their minds racing with thoughts of danger and uncertainty.

Anna and Tom turned to Klaus, seeking reassurance in the face of their fear.

With a calm demeanor, Klaus explained, "Relax, it's standard protocol for any military. They're just ensuring our safe arrival."

His words helped to ease the tension in the cabin, as passengers exchanged relieved glances and settled back into their seats.


Morgana and Marcus who had finally somewhat adjusted to the changes of their bodies stood on the almost completed airbase's airfield packed with defensive weapons and buildings Installations.

Where ever a weapon could be placed It was placed not one inch of land was untouched.

The both of them were surrounded by a fireteam of fully geared-up and armed marines.

The sound of their black waxed on polished to perfection knee length leather boots echoed across the tarmac as they adjusted to their new roles, dressed in all black standard issue service uniforms like every other officer of the Militaris.

Morgana straightened her officer's cap and smoothed down her trench coat, while Marcus adjusted his collar.

They were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead, their resolve unwavering in the face of uncertainty.

"Alright, start rolling, Marcus,"

Morgana said, her voice firm and commanding as she gestured towards the landing airplane escorted by a flight of Wraiths In the sky.

Marcus nodded, as he activated his glass see-through holographic tablet.

With a swift tap, he initiated the command, causing a Militaris-grade drone equipped with a cutting-edge 360-degree camera to hover into the air.

The drone whirred softly as it ascended, its camera capturing every angle of the scene below.

Marcus monitored the live feed on his tablet, his fingers moving deftly as he directed the drone to focus on the Thraens disembarking from the airplane.

Meanwhile, Morgana surveyed the scene before her, her eyes scanning the Thraens as they filed out of the airplane.

They were a diverse group, each one clad in their own unique attire, but united in their purpose to join the Terranum Imperium.

The airfield buzzed with activity as ground crews stood by to assist the newcomers, guiding them towards designated areas for processing and orientation.

Cosmic marines stood watchful, ensuring order and security amidst the influx of arrivals.

"Alright let's go"

Morgana who had been tasked by Hans to record the entire process for propaganda reasons barked, her reporter mind taking action.


As the aircraft's engines began to wind down, signaling their arrival at Nova Roma, Anna, Tom, and Klaus gathered their belongings and prepared to disembark.

The sight of the Terran wraith fighters forming a protective escort around the airplane had initially sent shivers down their spines, but Klaus's reassurance had helped to calm their nerves.

Anna reached out to Klaus, offering him a supportive arm as they made their way down the narrow aisle towards the exit.

Klaus, leaning heavily on his crutches, struggled to maintain his balance, his missing leg proving to be a challenge on the stairs.

"Here, let me help,"

Anna said, her voice filled with determination as she guided Klaus down the steps, her strength bolstered by her desire to assist her fellow passenger.

Together, they navigated the stairs, Anna providing support every step of the way.

As they reached the bottom, Anna carefully lifted Klaus's wheelchair from the cargo hold, setting it down on the tarmac with a gentle thud.

"Thank you miss,"

Klaus said, his voice filled with gratitude as he settled into the wheelchair, relieved to finally be on solid ground.

With Klaus safely seated, Anna turned her attention to Tom, who had managed to make his way down the stairs with the assistance of a sympathetic flight attendant.

She offered him a reassuring smile, her eyes reflecting her concern for her brother's well-being.

"Are you okay, Tom?"

Anna asked, her voice filled with genuine concern as she reached out to steady him.

Tom nodded weakly, his face pale from the strain of the flight.

"I'll be fine,"

He said, his voice barely above a whisper.