C77 Sweet After Taste Of Ambrosia

"I'll kill her, I'll f*cking rip her apart limb by limb!"

The orch warchief with a still slightly bleeding empty eye socket roared at the top of his lungs.

Standing In the middle of his personal gunship that was trembling violently as It entered Thraes atmosphere.

It's pilot and co pilot trying their best to stabilize the gunship that was In need of long overdue maintenance.

Surrounded by his most bloodthirsty female orc warriors each equipped In a makeshift power armor that acted as his personal guards and concubines.

Shortly after the Isabellas space fighters explosion which made the orc war chief calm down somewhat, the furious war chief boarded his gunship with his shieldmaidens with the Intent to hunt down the punny female Insect that dared to Injure him like this.

"Warchief, the unknown warship what are your orders?"

The head shieldmaiden asked her voice sharpened by countless battles with a slight trace of fear regarding the warship because It was the biggest and the most heavily armed warship she had ever seen asked.

Only for a giant armored hand to grab her unprotected scarred face and start bashing her skull Into the gunship's alloy wall until It cracked open like an egg.

As the still twitching corpse slid down leaving behind trails of green blood with bits of bone and brain matter.

The orc warchief scanned his fellow female orcs with a murderous glare In his remaining eye.

As he did the orc females lowered down their gazes In submission not daring to meet their warchiefs eye.

Frankly, the orc war chief wasn't thinking straight one bit and It was showing as clear as day from his Irrational actions.

Yet not one of them dared to speak up after all their former boss was now a twitching corpse, just because she asked a simple and logical question.

"Hurry the f*ck up I want to r*pe that w*ore to death!"

The orc war chief roared while kicking the pilot's seat almost making the female orc fly out from her seat and smash her head Into the armored glass.

"Yes war chief!"


"What's the ETA until the missile battery Is back online?"

Sergeant Jager the commander of Legio I Hellas 2nd Brigade 3rd regiment 1st company second platoons first squad asked as he continued to track the Inbound gunship that looked like It was going to disintegrate at any moment In his crimson HUD.

"One more Mike sir, it's the minimum wait time without risking the electronics getting fried once it comes back online"

Sergeant Jagers soldier from the alpha fireteam answered after checking the missile batteries that cast a long shadow because of Its towering over them size control panel screen which had a holographic 60 seconds displayed.

"Bravo I want that gunship taken out ASAP use the panzerfausts"

Sergeant Jager barked as he did the Bravo team consisting of six cosmic marines sprang into action.

3 of them grabbed the control launch unit CLU for short and the other three prepared the multi purpose missiles by unscrewing their container's front caps.

Once done the first three soldiers while activating their CLUs connected them to the missiles and hosted the launch tubes containing the missiles onto their armored right shoulders.

"Switching to ground to air mode"

The operators reported by doing just that.

"Target acquired"

The soldiers reported after a crimson lock on circle appeared on the descending gunship.

"Firing! Firing!"

Hearing this the operator's deputies looked back and after ensuring there was no obstacle behind turned their heads back.


They barked as they did the operators pulled their triggers causing 3 multi purpose missiles to get ejected from the launch tubes by blasting out the middle of the back caps out.

While the missile's chemical thrusters Ignited, propelling the missiles to streak straight toward their target.

Noticing the missiles the gunships orcish pilots tried to perform evasive maneuvering as they fired countermeasures.

But they were simply descending too fast and the flares got completely Ignored by the Inbuilt advanced algorithms.

All three missiles Impacted the gunship completely Ignoring the gunships Improved deflectors thanks to Its Inbuilt energy disruptors that tore apart the deflector's energy particles.

One of the missiles destroyed the tail and Its secondary Ion thrusters, the other one destroyed the left wing with the primary Ion thrusters, and the third one directly blew up the cockpit.

Causing the scrap bird to start uncontrollably spinning as It plummeted to the ground at a 60 degree angle.

"Sierra one to papa two, one golf down I repeat one golf down over"

Sergeant Jager reported to his platoons commander Immediately.

"Papa two to Sierra one what's the estimated Impact zone over"

Sergeants Jagers earpieces crackled.

"Alpha 3 over"



As the xeno female that could only be described as the mythical vampire yanked out her fangs.

I locked my crimson eyes with her cat like purple scleras glowing ones with crimson pupils.

We both stared at each other's eyes seemingly captivated by each other's gaze but the more I looked the more pissed off I became.

I didn't know this woman but for some reason I hated her with all of my being and at the same time there was an emotion that I was completely unfamiliar with mixed In between.

Before I could sort things out Sergeant Mirovs voice rang out once again.

"Incoming, get down!"

The man barked as he did out of Instinct I grabbed the practically naked lightly tattoed woman with pieces of her burned clothes and charred flesh still sticking to her hourglass shaped body.

Causing her large breasts to press against my bulky chest as I pinned her to the ground and used my body as a shield.

I didn't know why I did It, I just did it because It felt like the right thing to do In this situation.


Who Is this man?

Isabella thought in her mind as she couldn't pry away her eyes from Dracula's crimson ones.

She completely Ignored the herculean body with steel likes muscles pressing onto her and the spinning and smoking gunship that flew right above them.

She could hear the gunship also hit the asphalt road, and continue to dig out the asphalt until It finally stopped after exhausting Its kinetic energy.

"Contact!ContactContact wait"

She heard a man roar In an unknown language which sounded like a distorted techno gibberish to her because of sergeants Mirovs fully enclosed helmets speakers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Rocket propelled 30 mm rounds, fist thick laser beams, plasma bolts, super accelerated bullets, and any other kind of conceivable by the mind weaponry flew front and back overhead her.

Yet she didn't care at all, she was too Immersed In the heavenly taste of Dracula's blood, which was the best she had ever tasted.

Compared to his the so called cream of the crop blood offered In her engagement banquet tasted like s*it.

I want more...

Isabella thought as she opened her mouth exposing her fangs ready to take another bite only for a power hammer to appear In her view.

At that moment Isabella froze, her Instincts were screaming at her to flip to the side yet her muscles didn't move an Inch.

No, I can't die like this! Not after tasting something as heavenly as him!

Isabella screamed In her mind only to feel her body get rolled to the side by Dracula who performed a side roll at the last second.

Isabella saw the murderous look In Dracula's crimson eyes and the maniacal facial expression that he was making, she felt her body tremble In fear.

I'm, I'm afraid?

Isabella thought as she continued to examine Dracula's expression that was screaming "I'm going to kill you" as he stared at something behind her who she had a pretty good idea who It was.