C78 Fire And Fury

"Listen up you lazy f*cks, the acting captain doesn't want to see any of those ugly junk of metal through his viewport, so I don't care how you do It, your orders are simple blow them to bits, thou leave a few chunks for the nerds to tinker around with"

2nd Lieutenant Chen's voice crackled in every pilot's earpiece.

"You heard the boss punch It you apes"

Captain Ravens direct commander broadcasted over the entire space fighters wings 1st group.

"Raven squadron we have a green light over"

Captain Ravens the commander of the space fighters 1st squadron declared as he hit the chemical thrusters output to max after the ground crew with mini flags with one In his two hands each gave the green light for him.

Causing the gust of blue flames to hit the raised platform behind him which created the same effect as being catapulted out from a specially designed catapult used In E*rth's past world wars.

As Ravens space fighter a deadly machine of war with 300 various space strike craft, a few frigates, two destroyers, and one cruiser mini marks painted on his dozen of time repaired outer hull flew out from the TIS Einherjars space strike craft hangar bay.

"Romeo 2 copy over"

"Romeo 3 copy over"

Came his other two flights commander's responses while his two wingmen who made up his squadron's first flight with him just acknowledged his orders by a beep each.

"Raven squadron form up on me over"

Captain Ravens ordered as his flight became the vanguard of the two space fighter groups, two space bomber groups, and two space Interceptor groups making up to a total of 163 space strike craft.

With one group from each TIS Einherjars permanent wing deployment temporarily transferred to Nova Romas airbase which totaled up to 81 space strike craft.

In the vast expanse of space, the battlefield would soon become a canvas painted with streaks of blue flame and explosions as Captain Raven's squadron had formed Into neat battle formations with him being the tip of the arrowhead, along with the other space strike craft, closing in on their designated by TAI 0 targets.

The murderous tension in the cockpits was palpable as pilots and co pilots braced themselves for the imminent clash with the enemy.

"Romeo 2, Romeo 3, maintain formation and keep your eyes peeled for any incoming threats,"

Captain Raven's voice crackled over the comms, his tone steady and commanding.

"Copy that, Raven. We've got your six,"

Came the response from Romeo 2 and Romeo 3, their voices resolute despite the impending fight.

As they approached the enemy frigates, Captain Raven's fingers danced across the holographic control panel, locking onto their targets and arming the two space torpedoes with fusion warheads Inside his space fighters belly.

With a flick of his wrist, he initiated the launch sequence, sending the deadly projectiles hurtling toward their adversaries.

"Romeo 2, Romeo 3, weapons free! Let's give them hell!"

Captains Raven's voice echoed through the squadron, igniting the bloodlust in the hearts of his pilots as they unleashed a barrage of space torpedoes toward the enemy frigates.

Together with other groups, with space bombers firing a space fighters squadron worth of space torpedoes loads In one go each.

As the torpedoes closed in, the frigates' flak and laser point defense batteries came alive, filling the void of space with a deadly barrage of counter-fire.

But the torpedoes, equipped with advanced evasive algorithms, proved to be elusive targets, weaving and dodging through the onslaught with precision.

Still, about 30 percent got hit by flak and point defense laser battery rounds and beams and exploded.

"Evade and counter, don't let those defenses take us out!"

Raven commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos as his pilots executed evasive maneuvers with practiced skill, evading the straight or directly directed at them projectiles and laser beams.

The remaining space torpedoes, now within striking distance, breached the frigates' weakened by the earlier explosion deflectors that didn't give out Instantly because TIS Einherjar soaked up most of the all destroying energy.

Thanks to their Inbuilt energy disruptors, their fusion warheads detonating with devastating force.

Mini suns and secondary explosions rippled across the hulls of the enemy vessels, tearing through armor plating and sending shrapnel flying in all directions.

Bodies got torn to bits, their blood and flesh redecorating the frigates corridors while countless orcs got sucked out Into space.

Destined forever to float the Infinite cosmos as a frozen corpse with the last facial expression they ever made forever etched onto their faces.

"Direct hits on targets, repeat, direct hits!"

Romeo 2 and Romeo 3 confirmed, their voices neutral despite the success of their mission as they witnessed the destruction wrought by their weapons.

But the battle was far from over, despite the damage inflicted, a few tougher and more technologically advanced frigates were still firing their flak batteries and PDLCs while charging up their primary coil guns and secondary laser canons.

"This is bridge command, the enemy warships are targeting TIS Einherjar, neutralize Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie targets ASAP over!"

The pilot's HUD got updated with new priority targets Instantly as they did a space bomber flight commander from the space bomber wings 1st space bomber group second squadron contacted captain Raven.

"This Is fox 3, take out Alphas top flak batteries and PDLCs and we will take care of the rest over"

Fox 3 suggested.

"Fox 3 this Raven copy over"

Captain Raven acknowledged and after that switched his channel to his squadron.

"Form up on me, fire two missiles for each Alphas tops flaks and PDLCs and finish It with a strifing run over"

Captain Raven ordered as he already maneuvered his space fighter Into position by performing several vomit Inducing turns that would have knocked out a Thraes pilot out cold but to him was a walk In the park.

"Romeo 2 copy over"

"Romeo 3 copy over"

With their orders clear, Captain Raven led his squadron into position, their space fighters weaving through the chaos of battle with practiced precision.

As they approached the targeted frigate, Captain Raven initiated the launch sequence for his sapce fighters missiles, his fingers flying across the control panel with practiced ease.

"All units, lock onto Alpha's top defenses. Fire on my mark,"

Raven commanded, his voice cutting through the cacophony of battle as his pilots prepared to unleash their payload.


With a deafening roar, the missiles with ordinary warheads streaked toward their targets, their extremely destructive conventional warheads primed and ready to unleash destruction upon the enemy vessel.

The frigate's flak batteries and PDLCs sprang to life, unleashing a barrage of counter-fire in a desperate attempt to ward off the incoming threat.

But the missiles, also equipped with advanced evasive algorithms and energy disruptors, most of them proved to be too fast and too agile for the enemy defenses to track.

One by one, they found their marks, detonating with explosive force upon impact and ripping the frigate's flak batteries and PDLCs into shreds.

"Direct hits on Alpha's top defenses! Repeat, direct hits!"

Romeo 2 and Romeo 3 confirmed.

"Copy begin strafing run, soften up the top armor over"

Instead of answering the Raven squadron dived down and unleashed a continuous barrage of laser fire and rocket propelled auto canon rounds upon the defenseless top hull of the enemy vessel.

Until they had no choice but to fly away by yanking their control sticks upwards.

Captain Raven glanced back and he could see the flight of 3 space bombers effortlessly pass through the from time to time materializing blue energy bubble around the frigate that deflected it's fellow comrade's stray rounds, laser beams, and debris.

Thanks to their Inbuilt energy distruptors that on top of the deflectors surrounded every Terran space strike craft In a disruptive energy field.