
In the coming week, Bruno and Lucas's collaboration deepened. Their creative synergy made them make progress rapidly, within a week they had successfully completed recording the basic track of their first song.

A week later saw them make another one with Lucas singing for a Bruno's song and vice versa. This was an interesting interchange of styles that brought in new dimensions into the performances of both artists.

When they were finishing up on the initial arrangement, it was time to go for post-production phase. The sound engineers, mixing specialists and mastering technicians were ready to fine-tune these tracks to perfect.

"Ok, let's have some magic," said Bruno rubbing his hands together.

Lucas nodded but frowned at his watch. "I wish I could stick around for this part but I can't reschedule some other commitments."

Bruno waved him off. "No worries, man. I'll keep an ear on things here."

Lucas thanked him and the production team, trusting in their expertise.


As Lucas stepped into the bustling Los Angeles International Airport on April 18, 2013, he was immediately met with a wave of recognition. People turned, pointing and whispering, some boldly approaching for autographs or photos.

Jack and Simon, ever vigilant, quickly moved to form a protective barrier around Lucas. The airport security, recognizing the situation, stepped in to help manage the growing crowd.

Lucas sighed, adjusting his sunglasses. "If only I could disguise myself," he muttered to Jack.

Jack nodded sympathetically. "I know, sir, but airport regulations..."

"Yeah, yeah," Lucas finished, resigned to the attention.

As they made their way through the terminal, the crowd's excitement was palpable. Lucas could hear snippets of conversation:

"That's him! The guy who took down Harvey!"

"Lucas Knight! Can you believe it?"

Suddenly, a young boy's voice cut through the noise. He was struggling against the security barrier, his face flushed with excitement.

"I wanted to become an actor just like you, Lucas!" the boy shouted. "And I'll send evil to jail like you!"

The crowd around them erupted in laughter, some finding the boy's enthusiasm endearing, others amused by his naive determination.

Lucas couldn't help but smile. He paused, much to his security team's chagrin, and waved at the boy. "I'm supporting you, buddy!" he called back.

The boy's face lit up, and the crowd's energy seemed to shift from frenzied to warm.

As they continued on, Simon leaned in. "That was nice of you, boss."

Lucas shrugged. "Kid's got spirit. Who knows? Maybe he will be the next big thing."

They made their way to the VIP lounge, leaving behind a buzz of excitement and a young fan with stars in his eyes and a new determination in his heart.


Later at Fox Searchlight, Lucas found himself face to face with Nelson Dragna, one of the producers who had greenlit his script. Nelson held the script in his hands.

"This script you've written, based on a 1954 and 1976 screenplay 'A Star Is Born'... it's really good, Lucas," Nelson said, genuine appreciation in his voice.

Lucas nodded, a small smile on his face. "Thanks, I appreciate that."

Nelson hesitated for a moment before continuing. "The casting is mostly settled, but... I'm still not sure about Taylor Swift."

Lucas leaned forward slightly. "Don't worry about Taylor. We've already discussed it, and we've even recorded a song for the film."

"I know, I know," Nelson said, rubbing his chin. "But can she really act?"

Lucas nodded confidently. "Yeah, she can. Plus, her role shouldn't be too challenging for her. She's playing an aspiring music artist - that's pretty close to home for her."

Nelson seemed to consider this for a moment before moving on to his next concern. "And about the directing - are you really sure you want to take that on?"

Lucas didn't hesitate. "I've got some directing experience under my belt. But if you're worried, we could bring in another director to assist me."

Nelson nodded slowly, seeming to warm up to the idea. "That could work. It would give us some added security."

They continued to discuss the details. Despite Nelson's concerns, there was an underlying excitement about the film's potential.


As the day progressed, Lucas found himself in a whirlwind of meetings. He sat down with the writers, bouncing ideas back and forth to refine the script.

"What if we add a bit more tension in the third act?" one writer suggested.

Lucas nodded, "I like that. It could really drive home the conflict between fame and personal life."

Later, he got to meet the rest of the cast. He greeted each of them warmly, trying to set a positive tone for the production.

"Hey, great to have you on board," he said, shaking hands with one of the supporting actors.

By the end of the day, Lucas felt both exhausted and exhilarated. There was still so much to do, but the project was finally taking shape.

The next morning, Lucas arrived at the studio early, reviewing some notes when he spotted a familiar face.

"Taylor!" he called out, a grin spreading across his face. "Long time no see, stranger."

Taylor Swift turned, her face lighting up with a smile. "Lucas! God, it feels like forever, doesn't it?"

As she approached, Lucas gave her a quick hug. "How've you been? Ready to become a movie star?"

Taylor laughed. "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess. This is all so new to me."

Lucas nudged her shoulder playfully. "Hey, you've got this. Don't forget, you're just playing a more famous version of yourself."

Taylor rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Oh, is that all? Piece of cake then."

They walked into the studio together, chatting and laughing.


As Lucas and Taylor began rehearsing with the supporting actors, Lucas felt himself slipping into the character of Jackson Maine. Despite his efforts to avoid using his Mind Workshop technique, he found the character taking shape within him almost instinctively.

His posture changed subtly, shoulders hunching slightly as if carrying the weight of fame and addiction. His eyes took on a weary, haunted look, reflecting Jackson's inner turmoil. Even his voice seemed to deepen, taking on a gravelly quality reminiscent of a hard-living musician.

As Lucas continued to embody Jackson Maine, his co-stars watched in a mixture of awe and slight unease.

"Man, It's like Lucas channeling this burnt-out rock star vibe. It's kinda eerie." one of the supporting actors whispered to another.

His colleague nodded. "Yeah, but I mean, it can't be that hard for him, right? Famous actor playing a famous musician? Not exactly a stretch."

Taylor, meanwhile, was visibly struggling with her role. She fumbled her lines and seemed unsure of her movements, her frustration growing with each take.

Noticing her difficulty, Lucas forced himself to step out of Jackson's persona. He approached Taylor during a break, his demeanor shifting back to his usual self.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked gently.

Taylor sighed. "I don't know, Lucas. I thought this would be easier. I mean, I'm basically playing myself, right? But it feels... off somehow."

Lucas nodded understandingly. "It's not as simple as just being yourself. Here, let's try something."

He guided her to a quiet corner of the set. "Forget about the lines for a second. Tell me about your character. Who is she to you?"

Taylor paused, considering. "She's... she's me, but not me. She's who I could have been if things had gone differently."

Lucas smiled encouragingly. "Yeah. Now, think about her dreams, her fears. What drives her?"

As they talked, Taylor's tension began to ease. She started to connect with her character on a new level, beyond just the surface similarities.

"Thanks, Lucas," she said after a while, looking more confident. "I think I get it now."

Lucas patted her shoulder. "You've got this, Taylor. Always remember that you're not just playing a version of yourself. You're creating a whole new person."


As days turned into weeks, Lucas noticed his body changing more rapidly than usual, probably because of the effect of Mind Workshop. His facial hair grew thick and full, while his hair lengthened and took on a wavy texture.

By the time the group gathered for the first day of filming, Lucas's transformation was impossible to ignore. His co-stars couldn't help but stare, some with admiration, others with bewilderment.

Taylor, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, finally spoke up. "I've been meaning to ask this, Lucas... Are you using some kind of magic hair grower to sprout all this so quickly?"

The other co-stars burst into laughter, and even Lucas couldn't help but smile.

"Maybe," he replied with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Or maybe I'm just that committed to the role."

One of the other actors chimed in, "Seriously, man. What's your secret? I've been trying to grow a beard for months and it's still patchy."

Lucas shrugged, running a hand through his now-long hair. "Good genes, I guess."

The makeup artist, who had been hovering nearby, shook her head in amazement. "Well, whatever you're doing, it's saving us a ton of time in the makeup chair. You look like you walked straight out of a '70s rock concert."

As Lucas finished joking around with the cast and crew, he turned to meet the director who would be assisting him on the production. His eyes widened in surprise as he recognized a familiar face.

"Danny!" Lucas exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face. "It's been a long time."

Danny Boyle nodded, a warm smile on his face. "Look at you, all grown up. The last time I saw you, you were just an aspiring actor playing Aron in 127 Hours. Now, you're taking down Hollywood bigwigs and directing your own movies. Time flies, doesn't it?"

Lucas chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, life's been... interesting, to say the least."

Danny clapped him on the shoulder. "The moment I heard you needed some help with directing, I volunteered myself. Couldn't pass up the chance to work with you again."

"I appreciate that, Danny," Lucas said sincerely. "But why'd you want to jump on board? Surely you've got your own projects lined up."

Danny shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Well, I figured if you're bold enough to take on Harvey Weinstein, your movie's bound to be interesting. Plus, I wanted to see how my former protégé has evolved."

Lucas laughed, feeling a mix of gratitude and nervousness. "No pressure or anything, right?"

"Oh, tons of pressure," Danny replied with a grin. "But I've seen what you can do under pressure. Remember that boulder scene?"

They both chuckled at the memory.