Private Concert

As the production team arrived in Indio, California, there was a palpable buzz of excitement in the air. The crew and cast piled out of their vehicles, stretching after the long journey.

Lucas and Taylor, despite their attempts to remain low-key, were immediately recognized by the hotel staff as they entered the lobby.

"Oh my god, it's Taylor Swift!" one young receptionist whispered excitedly to her colleague.

Another staff member approached Lucas, pen and paper in hand. "Mr. Knight, would it be possible to get an autograph?"

Lucas smiled warmly. "Sure, no problem." He quickly signed a few autographs for the eager staff members.

As a bellhop fumbled for his phone, asking for a selfie, Danny Boyle stepped in. "No pictures, please," he said firmly but politely.

Lucas nodded, giving the disappointed staff an apologetic smile. "Sorry, guys. Maybe next time."

As they walked away, Lucas turned to Danny. "Thanks for that. Sometimes it's hard to say no."

Danny patted him on the back. "Part of my job, isn't it? Can't have our star getting mobbed before we even start shooting."

They made their way to the elevator, Lucas adjusting his cap lower over his eyes.


Meanwhile, across Indio city, production assistants were busy scouting for extras to fill the crowd scenes. The deadline was looming, and they needed a significant number of people to make the scenes look authentic.

Max, one of the crew members, approached a group of three young men chatting near a coffee shop. "Hey guys, you interested in making some quick cash?" he called out.

The three - Adrian, Matthew, and Douglas - looked up, eyebrows raised in suspicion.

Adrian spoke first, "What's this all about?"

Max explained, "We're from a film production. We'll be shooting in a day or two, and we need extras."

Douglas's eyes lit up. "Film production? I'm in!"

Matthew nudged him, cautioning, "Hold on. What exactly would we be doing?"

Max smiled reassuringly. "It's simple. You'll act as fans, shouting 'Jackson' throughout the scene. Easy stuff."

"That easy?" Matthew asked skeptically.

"Yep, that easy," Max confirmed. "It's $20 per person, but if you bring friends, I can bump it up to $30 each."

Matthew scoffed, "Only 20 bucks? No thanks."

Adrian nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we'll pass."

Douglas, who had been excited initially, now looked disappointed. "Well, if it's not a big film or anything, I guess we're out."

"You sure you guys want to pass this up?" Max asked, sensing their hesitation.

"Yeah," Adrian nodded, the others following suit.

Max decided to play his trump card. "This is a big film. The scene you guys are needed for, a major actor will be playing in it!"

The three, who were about to leave, paused in their tracks. "Big actor?"

"Yes, yes. You guys will never regret it if you participate," Max said, his enthusiasm growing.

Douglas's eyes lit up with excitement. "Is it Leonardo DiCaprio? Or maybe Brad Pitt?"

Max smiled knowingly. "I can't say who it is due to confidentiality reasons, but he's definitely famous. You'll like him."

The three exchanged glances, their interest clearly piqued.

"Alright, I'm in," Douglas said, his earlier reluctance forgotten. "If a big actor is involved, pay doesn't matter."

"Me too," Adrian chimed in, with Matthew nodding in agreement.

Max grinned, satisfied with his success. "Great! Let me get your contact info, and I'll send you all the details. Remember, the more friends you bring, the better the scene will look!"

Across Indio, other crew members like Max were using similar strategies to pull in the crowd. They quickly discovered that the promise of payment wasn't nearly as effective as the mystery of a famous actor being involved in the scene.

As word spread, more and more locals began to sign up, eager for the chance to be part of a big Hollywood production and possibly catch a glimpse of a major star.


Two days later, Adrian, Matthew, and Douglas arrived at the Empire Polo Club in the early morning hours. The usually open venue was tightly secured, with guards checking everyone who entered.

"We're extras for the film," Adrian explained to a burly security guard, who nodded and waved them through after checking their names off a list.

Inside, they were struck by the sheer number of people already gathered. The promise of a 'mystery actor' had clearly been a powerful draw.

As they made their way through the crowd, snippets of conversation floated around them.

"If it's not a big actor like that guy said, I swear I'm gonna throw this water bottle at the stage," a young man grumbled to his friend.

His companion laughed. "Yeah, right. You and what arm?"

Nearby, a group of girls were speculating excitedly.

"What if it's Ryan Gosling?" one squealed.

"Nah, my money's on Bradley Cooper," another countered.

An older man shook his head. "You kids don't know anything. It's probably someone like George Clooney."

Adrian, Matthew, and Douglas exchanged glances, their own excitement mixed with a hint of skepticism.

"Man, this better be worth it," Matthew muttered.

Douglas nodded. "Yeah, if this turns out to be some B-list celebrity, I'm gonna be pissed."

Adrian tried to stay positive. "Come on, guys. They wouldn't go to all this trouble for someone nobody's heard of, right?"

As they found their assigned spots in the crowd, the anticipation in the air was palpable. Everyone was on edge, eager to see if the mystery actor would live up to their expectations.

Danny Boyle stepped onto the stage, adjusting the microphone. "Hello, hello," he said, his voice booming through the speakers. He surveyed the eager crowd before continuing, "Hello everyone, I'm Danny. We're about to start filming soon. I need you all to only shout the name 'Jackson,' and please stay in your assigned spots. Thank you."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd.

Douglas, taking in the bustling crew and camera setups, whispered to his friends, "So this is what a real film production looks like."

Adrian and Matthew nodded, equally impressed.

Danny spoke again, "The actor will be here any minute now. We're going to rehearse the scene with him. Remember, your only line is 'Jackson.'"

As the crowd waited with bated breath, a man with wavy blonde hair and a bushy beard emerged from backstage, guitar in hand. At first, there was confusion as people tried to place the familiar yet different-looking face.

Then, as his image appeared on the large screen, recognition dawned.

"Hello everyone. Lucas Knight here. Thank you all for volunteering for this scene," Lucas said, bowing slightly.

Adrian, Matthew, and Douglas exchanged shocked glances. They hadn't expected Lucas Knight, of all people, to be the mystery actor.

The crowd erupted in cheers, their excitement amplified by Lucas's recent notoriety for standing up to Harvey Weinstein.

"Woo! Lucas!" someone shouted.

"Knight, kiss me!" a fan yelled.

"I want your baby, Knight!" another screamed, causing laughter to ripple through the crowd.

The energy was electric. People who had come expecting a quick payday were now thrilled to be part of Lucas Knight's latest project.

"Man, I can't believe it's actually him," Matthew said, his earlier skepticism completely gone.

Adrian grinned widely. "This is gonna be awesome!"

As Lucas began to explain the scene, the extras listened with rapt attention, determined to do their part in making this film a success.

The day had barely begun, but already it was shaping up to be an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

As Lucas explained the scene, the crowd listened intently, their excitement palpable.

"Alright, guys. Me and the band will play the instruments for illustration," Lucas said, his voice carrying across the field. "It's okay to cheer, but please don't mention my real name in the scene."

A ripple of laughter went through the crowd and crew.

Lucas nodded to the band, signaling them to start. As they began to play, the extras watched in amazement, feeling as if they were at an actual concert.

Then, Lucas started to sing, his voice raw and powerful:

"Black eyes open wide

It's time to testify

There's no room for life

And everyone's waiting for you"

The crowd was stunned into silence. They had expected an instrumental demonstration, not a full-blown performance.

Adrian turned to his friends, his eyes wide. "Holy shit, he will actually sing!"

Matthew nodded, equally impressed. "I thought this was just gonna be, like, fake playing or something."

Douglas was practically bouncing with excitement. "This is so cool! We're getting a private Lucas Knight concert!"

As Lucas continued to sing, the energy in the crowd began to build. People started swaying to the music, some even singing along to the chorus after hearing it a couple of times.

"Man, I can't believe we almost passed this up," Adrian said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Matthew grinned. "Best twenty bucks I never spent."

As the song came to an end, the crowd erupted into cheers. Lucas smiled, clearly pleased with the response.

"Alright, that was great." he said into the mic.

Lucas gestured to the crew, and Danny stepped in to help with directing. The two conferred briefly, their easy rapport evident as they discussed the finer points of the scene.

After a moment, Lucas turned back to the crowd, his voice carrying across the field. "Alright, everyone, listen up. We're about to start filming for real now."

The extras leaned in, eager to hear their instructions.

"When the music starts, I want you to react like you're at a real concert," Lucas explained. "Cheer, dance, put your hands in the air - whatever feels natural. But remember, when you're calling out, it's 'Jackson,' not 'Lucas.' Got it?"

A chorus of "Got it!" echoed back from the crowd.

Danny chimed in, "And don't worry about messing up. We'll do multiple takes, so just have fun with it."

Lucas nodded in agreement. "Exactly. The more genuine your reactions, the better this scene will look. So let loose and enjoy yourselves!"

Adrian turned to Matthew and Douglas, grinning. "You heard the man. Time to party!"