
The camera rolled once again. Damien watched intently as J.K., embodying a warm and kind Fletcher, praised Andrew for his playing. The contrast was striking.

Immediately after, they filmed another take where J.K. sharply called out, "Are you with me, Nieman?"

Lucas, as Andrew, looked completely lost. "I'm... Ye-yeah..." he nodded, his eyes refocusing as if snapping out of a daydream.

After Damien called cut, they quickly edited the new footage into the existing scene and gathered around the monitor to review.

"Hm..." Damien stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Adding this scene certainly looks... well, not bad. Showing Andrew imagining Fletcher's positive reaction, only to have it shattered by reality later, definitely enhances the scene."

Lucas nodded in agreement. "It lets the audience see from Andrew's perspective. They'll connect more easily, seeing themselves in Andrew's shoes."

J.K. raised an eyebrow, catching on. "So the audience will be more affected by the harsh reality when it hits, huh?"

Damien hummed contemplatively. "This style isn't entirely new. There are other films that use similar techniques to show a protagonist's imagination." He referenced a few examples, discussing how they effectively used this storytelling device.

The group continued to analyze the scene, debating the merits of this new approach.

As they discussed, Lucas felt a sense of satisfaction. This was why he loved acting - not just performing, but contributing to the overall vision of the film. He knew that this small suggestion could potentially add a whole new layer of depth to Andrew's character and the audience's experience of the story.

Before Lucas knew it, the filming had progressed smoothly, and they were now in the midst of one of the more intense scenes. Lucas was at the drums, enduring a verbal lashing from J.K.'s Fletcher. When it came time for J.K. to toss the chair, however, things didn't go quite as planned.

The chair sailed past Lucas, missing its mark and crashing into a row of saxophones and trumpets set up for the band scene. The instruments toppled over with a cacophonous clatter, causing everyone on set to wince.

J.K. immediately broke character, his face a picture of concern. "Oh, shit. I'm so sorry," he said, rushing over to check on the musicians who had been sitting near the instruments.

Austin, one of the band members, waved off J.K.'s apology. "No worries, man. Hazards of the job, right?"

J.K. ran a hand over his bald head, shaking it ruefully. He looked to Damien, clearly expecting to reshoot the scene.

Damien approached, gesturing towards the spot where the chair should have landed. "Remember, aim for here, just like we rehearsed," he said, his tone patient but firm.

J.K. nodded, "I know, I know. I just... threw it a little off. Won't happen again."

Lucas, seeing J.K.'s frustration, decided to lighten the mood. He sauntered over, a mischievous grin on his face. "Hey, Fletcher," he said, mimicking Andrew's nervous tone, "why don't you just aim for me next time? I promise I'll dodge."

The tension on set broke as J.K. and Damien burst into laughter.

"Don't tempt me, kid," J.K. shot back, a smile replacing his earlier frown.

As the crew reset for another take, the atmosphere had noticeably lightened. Lucas caught J.K.'s eye and gave him a reassuring nod. Mistakes happened, but it was how they recovered that mattered. And right now, everyone was ready to nail the scene on the next try.

They reset for the reshoot, and this time, J.K.'s aim was true. The chair flew towards Lucas, who displayed impressive agility as he dodged it perfectly. The chair clattered to the ground exactly where it was supposed to, harming neither people nor instruments.

J.K. remained in character, not breaking his intense Fletcher persona, but internally, he felt a wave of relief that the scene had gone smoothly this time.

As they continued filming, J.K. began with light slaps to Lucas's face, gradually building up the intensity as Fletcher's frustration mounted. By the end of the scene, he was delivering sharp, resounding slaps that echoed through the set.

Once Damien called cut, J.K. immediately dropped his stern demeanor, looking at Lucas's reddened cheeks with concern. Lucas met his gaze and gave a reassuring nod, silently communicating that he was okay.

As they gathered around to watch the playback, J.K. couldn't help but quip, "I hope you won't file a lawsuit against me, Lucas. I swear those slaps were all Fletcher, not me."

Lucas chuckled, rubbing his cheek dramatically. "No worries," he shot back with a grin. "I'll just make sure my next project involves me slapping you around for a change."

The set erupted in laughter, the earlier tension fully dissipated.

J.K. adopted a mock-terrified expression. "Well, I'll make sure to never work with you on whatever your next project is. I value my face too much."

Everyone burst into laughter before they started preparing for the next scene.

After filming another intense sequence, they took a much-needed break. Lucas noticed Neil entering the set and greeted him warmly.

"Hey, what's up? What are you doing here?" Lucas asked, surprised to see his manager.

Neil smiled, tossing a file to Lucas. "Well, we've actually been butting heads with Big Machine Records. They're asking for some pretty hefty performance commitments, and if you don't meet them, there could be financial and legal consequences. Given that you're, well, Lucas Knight, I told them that wasn't going to fly."

Lucas grinned, appreciative of Neil's understanding. "You know me well, Neil. I can't commit to tours or whatever so early. I'm packed with projects as it is."

Neil nodded, then added, "The label seems to think you should focus more on your music career than acting. They believe you're more popular in music."

Lucas sighed. "They're really stubborn about these requirements, huh?"

"Yep," Neil confirmed.

Lucas flipped through the file, frowning slightly. "Maybe we should look at other labels?"

Neil nodded, a hint of excitement in his eyes. "I'm way ahead of you. And let me tell you, there are quite a few fighting for you right now."

Lucas raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh yeah? Anyone interesting?"

Neil leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Let's just say some big names are very interested in having Lucas Knight on their roster. We've got options, kid."

Lucas nodded, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "I just don't get why Big Machine is pushing for such big commitments now. Why can't they stick to our previous agreement?"

Neil sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Look, kid, it's all about maximizing profits. When we first signed with them, you were still relatively unknown. The contract we negotiated then was pretty favorable to us, but now that you're a big star, they're looking to cash in."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "They don't want to settle for what they see as small potatoes anymore. They're eyeing the big bucks now that you're Lucas Knight, superstar."

Lucas's brow furrowed. "But didn't I bring them a ton of profit already? The collabs with Taylor and Bruno have millions of views, and the sales are through the roof. We're topping charts left and right."

Neil nodded, but his expression remained grim. "I know, I know. But here's the thing - even that, as incredible as it is, isn't the kind of profit they're after now."

He leaned in, lowering his voice. "These performance commitments they're pushing for? We're talking massive tours, constant public appearances, the works. They want to milk the Lucas Knight brand for all it's worth, and then some."

Lucas let out a long breath, processing this information. "So basically, they want to own my life for the next few years?"

"Pretty much," Neil confirmed. "They see dollar signs when they look at you, and they're not being subtle about it."

Lucas shook his head, a wry smile on his face. "Well, I guess that's showbiz for you. Always wanting more."

Neil clapped him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, we've got options. We'll find a label that respects your need for balance between music and acting. Your talent speaks for itself - we just need to find the right partner who sees the big picture."

Lucas chuckled, a hint of cynicism in his voice. "Well, I kind of doubt we'll find the 'right' label. They probably all have the same intentions as Big Machine."

Neil shook his head, his tone serious. "So what? Are you going to give up your music career because of it? I wouldn't suggest that. You're big in the music scene." He glanced around the band set, gesturing broadly. "Even now, the project you're working on is focused on music, instrumental at that."

Lucas nodded thoughtfully. "I know. But maybe I could have my own label. If that's possible."

Neil's eyebrows shot up. "You'll struggle with that, kid. It's not as simple as it sounds."

After a moment of silence, Neil changed the subject. "By the way, that company you invested in before, Netflix? They're beginning to create original content." He paused, his expression uncertain. "It's on the rise since its fallout with Blockbuster."

Lucas raised an eyebrow, genuine surprise in his voice. "Really?"

Inwardly, Lucas realized he had completely forgotten about his investment in the company. He'd been so focused on his acting career and music that it had slipped his mind. But hearing about Netflix's move into original content sparked something in him.

Outwardly, Lucas kept his expression neutral, not wanting to show his hand just yet. "That's interesting," he said casually. "Any idea what kind of content they're looking at?"

Neil shrugged. "Not much detail yet. But it's a big move for them, trying to compete with traditional TV networks."