Thinking about it, Lucas saw an opportunity to get involved with Netflix's productions. He turned to Neil, "Remind me, what kind of projects are they working on?"
Neil raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise in his voice. "Oh, you're interested in the Netflix projects?"
Lucas nodded, his mind already racing with possibilities. Inwardly, he recalled the future success of shows like "Stranger Things," "The Crown," "Narcos," and the global phenomenon "Squid Game." He remembered how these shows had captivated audiences worldwide, with "Squid Game" in particular benefiting from Netflix's massive reach and effective marketing strategies, especially on platforms like TikTok.
But he knew he couldn't reveal his knowledge of these future hits. Instead, he kept his tone casual. "Yeah, I'm curious. If they're moving into original content, it might be worth keeping an eye on. Could be some interesting opportunities there."
Neil flipped through some papers in his folder. "Well, they're still in early stages. There's talk of a political drama, something with Kevin Spacey, I think. And they're looking at adapting some popular books into series. Nothing concrete yet, but they seem ambitious."
Lucas nodded, trying to contain his excitement. "Ambitious is good. They'll need to be to compete with traditional networks." He paused, then added, "You know, it might be worth exploring if there are any opportunities for us there. Maybe not right away, but down the line."
Neil looked at him curiously. "You thinking of getting into producing?"
Lucas shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "Maybe. It's always good to have options, right? And if Netflix takes off, being in on the ground floor could be huge."
Neil raised his eyebrows, a look of realization crossing his face. He remembered how Lucas's investments had been consistently turning profits, especially companies like Uber, Vine, and others. The kid seemed to have a knack for spotting potential before others did.
Shaking off his thoughts, Neil changed the subject. "Anyway, how's the project going? You're not pushing yourself too hard like before, are you?" His voice carried a hint of concern, memories of Lucas's intense preparation for the Joker role still fresh in his mind.
Lucas smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Neil. I'm dedicated to the role, sure, but it's not nearly as intense as Joker was. Besides a few slapping scenes where I take a hit to the face, there's really nothing to worry about."
Neil's eyes widened slightly. "Wait, you're getting slapped? For real?"
Lucas nodded casually. "Yeah, for the scenes. It's part of the character's journey. Fletcher, the teacher, has a... unique teaching style."
Neil looked skeptical. "And you're okay with that? Getting slapped around on set?"
Lucas chuckled. "It's fine, really. J.K. is a pro, and it adds authenticity to the performance. Trust me, compared to some of the stuff I've done for roles, this is nothing."
Neil shook his head, a mix of admiration and exasperation on his face. "You actors and your commitment. Just... try not to come out of this with a concussion, alright?"
Lucas grinned. "No promises, but I'll do my best. Who knows, maybe I'll develop a taste for it and my next role will be as a professional slap-fight champion."
Neil rolled his eyes, a mix of amusement and exasperation on his face. "Very funny, wise guy. Just remember, if you end up with a face like a bruised peach, don't come crying to me about lost modeling gigs."
Lucas smiled, a fleeting thought crossing his mind about the future popularity of slap fighting competitions like the "Power Slap League" that would emerge years later. He shook his head slightly, amused by the absurd thought.
"Alright, Neil," Lucas said, patting his manager on the shoulder. "I've got to get back to set. Try not to worry too much, okay? I promise my face will still be recognizable when this is all over."
Neil shook his head, a fond smile tugging at his lips. "It better be. Just remember, no method acting when it comes to getting slapped around. I don't want to hear about you practicing with random strangers on the street."
Lucas chuckled as he started to walk away. "No promises!" he called over his shoulder, grinning at Neil's exasperated sigh.
The filming had been progressing for two weeks, and the production was now set to shoot a pivotal scene in a local coffee shop. Outside, a crowd of fans had gathered, hoping to catch a glimpse of Lucas. The production team quickly resolved the issue by setting up a large screen, effectively blocking the view while still allowing the crew to work.
As the cameras prepared to roll, Lucas and Melissa took their places across from each other at a small table. The atmosphere was tense, mirroring the scene they were about to play out.
Lucas, fully embodying Andrew, began the scene with a cold, matter-of-fact tone. His body language was stiff, his eyes avoiding direct contact with Melissa as he delivered his opening line. As he continued, his words became more rapid, more intense, his hands gesticulating to emphasize his points.
Melissa, as Nicole, initially looked shocked, her eyes wide and hurt. As Andrew's monologue continued, her expression shifted from disbelief to anger, to a resigned sadness.
Lucas's performance was chilling in its emotional detachment. As Andrew laid out his reasons for ending the relationship, Lucas's eyes took on a distant, almost manic gleam. His focus seemed to be on something beyond Nicole, beyond the coffee shop - on some future only he could see.
When Andrew declared his desire to be "one of the greats," Lucas's whole demeanor changed. His back straightened, his chin lifted, a fire burning in his eyes that spoke volumes about Andrew's obsession.
As Nicole began to speak, Lucas's Andrew became defensive, his jaw clenching, his fingers drumming restlessly on the table. When she pointed out the flaws in his logic, a flicker of doubt crossed his face, quickly replaced by stubborn determination.
As Damien called cut, he noticed Lucas still lingering in Andrew's headspace. He approached, patting Lucas on the shoulder. "So, Andrew was really affected by the breakup?"
Lucas shook his head, his eyes refocusing as he pulled himself back to reality. "No, not exactly. It's just... I'm kind of relating to him, in a way."
Damien nodded, sensing there was more to it but not pushing further.
What Lucas didn't vocalize was the uncomfortable twist in his gut. He'd tapped into something real during that scene, imagining Nicole as Jennifer. The idea of breaking up, of pushing away someone he cared about for the sake of his career, left him feeling hollow inside. It wasn't just Andrew's emotions he was portraying; it was a fear he hadn't realized was lurking in his own heart.
As the days rolled on, the production moved to film the scenes where Fletcher introduced Ryan, played by Austin Stowell. These scenes were particularly intense, with J.K. Simmons masterfully portraying Fletcher's manipulative tactics. Lucas, as Andrew, had to convey a mix of confusion, frustration, and growing anger as Fletcher nitpicked his playing while lavishing undeserved praise on Ryan's mediocre performance.
The scenes of Andrew furiously practicing, pushing himself to the limit, were physically demanding for Lucas. He spent hours at the drum kit, his hands blistered and raw, perfectly capturing Andrew's desperate drive to prove himself.
The filming progressed steadily until the production reached the pivotal car crash scene. At the side of the set, Neil watched with growing concern as the crew prepared Lucas for the stunt. Though the scene was carefully choreographed and safety measures were in place, Neil couldn't help but worry. The impact, while controlled, would still physically jar Lucas.
Lucas sat in the driver's seat, technicians fussing over his safety harness and positioning. Despite the potential risks, he had insisted on doing the scene himself, wanting to capture Andrew's raw emotions in the moment of impact.
Neil approached the car, his face a mask of forced calm. He patted Lucas on the shoulder. "Break a leg, kid," he said, trying to keep his tone light.
Lucas chuckled, recognizing the concern behind Neil's casual words. "Thanks."
As Neil stepped back, Damien called for quiet on the set. The tension was palpable as everyone took their positions. The stunt coordinator gave Lucas a final nod, confirming everything was set.
"Action!" Damien's voice rang out.
The car, controlled by expert technicians, began to move. Lucas gripped the wheel, his face a picture of determination as he embodied Andrew's desperate rush to make it to the performance.
Suddenly, the rig simulated the impact. Lucas's body jerked forward, the safety harness catching him as the windshield shattered in a controlled explosion of safety glass.
Neil winced, watching Lucas's head snap back from the force. But true to form, Lucas stayed in character, his face contorting with a mix of pain and frantic resolve.
As soon as Damien called "Cut!", a team rushed to the car. They quickly assessed Lucas, ensuring he was unharmed before helping him out. Despite the jarring experience, Lucas was already discussing the next take with Damien, his focus unwavering.
Neil approached Lucas, concern etched on his face. "You alright, kid?"
Lucas nodded, rolling his shoulders to shake off the tension. "Just fine. Nothing I can't handle."
Weeks flew by, and as the filming for "Whiplash" concluded, excitement began to build for the premiere of "The Artist" on May 4th.
Outside the theater, Joey and Mike stood in line, tickets in hand, engaged in an animated discussion.
"So, the film's gonna be in black and white and completely silent? No dialogue at all?" Joey asked, skepticism clear in his voice.
Mike nodded, "That's what the trailer showed. But I guess we'll see for ourselves soon enough."
Joey furrowed his brow, unconvinced. "I don't know, man. How interesting can a movie be without any voices and just in black and white?"
Mike shrugged, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "That's the thing, isn't it? It's different. Plus, Lucas Knight's in it. He always seems to pick interesting projects."
As the line began to move, Joey muttered, "Well, it better be good. I didn't stand in line for an hour to watch a glorified silent film."