Destiny Islands 1

With a flash of light, you looked across the sea in front of you in awe. The vast view with the setting sun made your lips part at its beauty. After a moment, you decided to look at your given map and figure out where you've traveled.

"Destiny islands…" You murmured before looking around. The beach was calm with the wind blowing from the sea. It blew against your robe, making it sway in the breeze as your hood fluttered with it.

Your eyes however, stopped at a silver haired figure looking out towards the waters. You thought of approaching the man when a cloaked figure beat you to him. You watched as it shuffled closer and talk to him. With a tilt of your head in curiosity, you decided to get closer, keeping yourself hidden.

You made your way closer to them as they spoke among themselves and waited for the cloaked figure to finish. The cloaked figure touched the figure's hand when he held it out to your confusion. You were startled when a dark void appeared behind it before it walked inside the portal. 'I thought only heartless came from there-!' You thought.

You hadn't realized, as you stared at it leave, that the man from before was walking towards you. "Who are you?" He asked.

You gasped in surprise and faced him. Your eyes searched his behind your mask as he stared at you. "You're not from here…" He said.

"No, I'm not." You straightened yourself up.

"Are you from the future as well?" His eerie yellow eyes watched you mysteriously.

"I can not say." You replied after a moment. After witnessing what you saw, you thought he was rather comfortable around the cloaked figure. 'He could be an ally of the darkness…'

He hummed, a small smile on his lips. "Is that so? Interesting…"

"Y-yeah…" You weren't expecting that reaction. You watched him turn his back on you and face the sea. His silver hair swayed at the breeze along with your robe.

He was silent for some time before he opened his mouth. "This world, is much too small…"

You followed his gaze. "But it's beautiful, isn't it?"

He huffed. "It gets boring watching the same thing over and over." He turned to you, his eyes filled with interest. "Your world, what is it like?"

You faced him, wondering what to tell him without lying. "Well, it is full of light…" You said.

He stared at you, before returning to the sea. "Really now? For how long I wonder…"

You almost narrowed your eyes behind your mask. How would he know what would happen to your world? You crossed your arms. "For as long fate allows it to have."

This grabbed his attention, and he faced you again with a playful smile. "Fate? So you're saying, for as long fate allows it, it will eventually fall to darkness?"

"I didn't mean that…" You replied, shifting your head down. You wondered who the cloaked figure was, thinking it probably did something to this man.

The man let out a soft chuckle. "I see. Who are you, regardless of where you come from?"

"I'm (Y/n), and that's all I will say." You held your head high and placed your hands behind your back as you introduced yourself.

"Well (Y/n), my name is Xehanort. If fate will allow it, our paths will cross again…" He said, looking behind you. "After all, you may be a time traveler, like that man from before…"

You blinked and followed his gaze. "Ah!" You gasped at the keyblade in your hand. It was flashing brightly. 'It's time?!' You thought.

Xehanort smiled in amusement. "Until next time, (Y/n)."

You watched the light completely consume you before disappearing from his sight.