Land of Departure 1

You reappeared in a different world in the middle of the night. Your keyblade flashed away and hid itself as you looked around. You removed your mask and hood and looked towards the sky, watching a few stars shoot across. "Wow…" You whispered to yourself at the scenery.

"Hey! Who are you?" Called a voice.

You blinked and looked behind you to a boy running towards you. To your interest, he had pieces of armor over his shoulder and midsection. He stopped before you and blinked his curious blue eyes at you, looking over your clothing. "I've never seen you before, are you from another world?"

Your eyes widened, wondering what to tell him when you decided to say, "I'm just passing through, and you can say that." You smiled at him.

He smiled back in excitement. "Really?! What is your world like?"

"Um…" You looked away for a moment, then faced towards the showers above.

The boy followed your gaze. "Oh! Right! I almost forgot why I came out here…" He sat down by a ledge and watched the meteor shower with you. "The meteor shower looks cool… Oh hey! Are any of those your world?" He asked over his shoulder.

You blinked at his question, then turned to him. "I wouldn't know…"

"Yeah? I guess it would be hard to tell…" He looked back at the sky. "They all look like stars flying across the sky…" You smiled at the boy, thinking he was full of light when you heard another voice come up behind you.

"Ven, who is that?" A female voice was heard. You looked behind you and spotted a blue haired girl walking your way. She smiled kindly to you. "Hello, are you new around here?"

"I…" You began. "Sort of, I'm just passing through."

"Oh? So, you're not an apprentice of master Eraqus?" She tilted her head in wonder. "Then who are you?"

'Apprentice?' You thought to yourself. 'They may be keyblade wielders as well…'

"She's from another world." Ven mentioned from where he sat. "You think you'll be able to do that Aqua? After you pass the exam tomorrow with Terra?" He asked his friend.

"We'll see." She smiled gently to him. She then returned her attention to you. "My name is Aqua by the way, and his is Ventus. What's yours?"

"I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you." You smiled politely.

"If you came from another world, are you a keyblade wielder as well?" Aqua asked. Your heart skipped a beat. You were told not to tell who or what you really were. Before you could answer, another voice joined in.

"It seems tonight is a night of gathering huh?"

"Terra!" Ventus called out to the newcomer. Aqua and you turned to the male.

He walked towards the group with his hands in his pockets when he spotted you. "Who is this?"

"I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you." You smiled in greeting.

He smiled in return. "I'm Terra, nice to meet you too. Are you here for the meteor showers as well?" He asked before glancing at the sky. "It's quite the sight to see."

"Yeah! You guys better watch while it's still going on!" Ventus said before facing the showers again.

You followed their gaze and smiled softly. "It sure is a sight to see…" You admired the sky for a bit as the others conversed among themselves.

As you watched the sky, you thought about the different worlds out there you have yet to visit. You wondered if they had the same sky as the one you were looking at now. Though you don't remember seeing a meteor shower back in Daybreak town.

"Hey (Y/n), check this out!" Ventus held up a star shaped charm in front of you. "Aqua made these for us! They're good luck charms!"

"I see, they do look cool." You smiled in amusement and looked towards the others. They each had their own charm, marking their friendship you believed. "You best cherish it Ventus." You playfully poked him.

"Of course!" Ventus grinned happily.

Aqua smiled sadly at you. "Sorry, I'll make one for you too (Y/n)."

You shook your head. "There's no need. You made those for your friends…"

"But you're our friend too!" Ventus poked you back.

You blinked as Aqua nodded in agreement. "That's right, let's be friends (Y/n)." She held out her hand to you.

You smiled, your heart beating faster as you took her hand. "Thank you."

Terra smiled your way, though he stared with curiosity in his eyes. "You're from another world, right? Are you a keyblade wielder?"

Aqua and Ventus faced you with the same expression.

You frowned then looked towards the ground. "I'm sorry, I can not say."

Terra and Aqua glanced at each other as Ventus tilted his head in confusion. "You can't? How come?"

"I…" You began when the keyblade appeared in your hand. You stared with wide eyes as it suddenly appeared and faced the others. They stared at your keyblade in awe, never seeing anything like it before. It was uniquely shaped and glittered beautifully in it's radiance. The keyblade began to glow, signaling your time to leave. You frowned once more and faced your new friends. "I'm sorry, but I have to go."

They turned to you, but smiled happily. "Alright. We hope to see you again (Y/n)." Terra held out his hand to you.

You took it, smiling at him. "Yeah, I'll come visit again. Good luck with your exam tomorrow, both of you." You smiled at Aqua as well.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to have your good luck charm ready too." She smiled in return.

"Thank you." You nodded, feeling an aching in your chest. Despite only knowing them for the small time you spent here, you didn't want to leave yet.

Your keyblade was flashing brightly now, and Ventus held out his hand next. "We'll see you soon, (Y/n)."

"Yeah, see you soon." You smiled after taking his hand. The keyblade flashed once more, taking you to another world