Twilight Town 1

Your next destination brought you to a world where a constant setting sun lite its world. "Twilight town…" You murmured to yourself as you stood atop of a clock tower, looking down at your map. You placed it away and stared at the sun. "A beautiful view here as well…"

"Oh, who are you?" A young voice startled you.

You turned to them and blinked at the blue eyed boy. He wore a cloak like the master of masters which startled you further. "Ventus?"

"What?" He tilted his head. "No, I'm Roxas."

"Oh, sorry…" You smiled sheepishly. "I thought you were a friend of mine for a moment."

Roxas stared at you with an ice cream in hand as you faced the sun. "Are you looking for them?"

"No, I'm not." You shook your head. "I'm sorry, were you going to sit here? I'll leave…"

"Wait, hang on!" He grabbed your hand as you turned to leave. You blinked at his sudden gesture and turned to him. "It's ok, sit here, the view is better here."

"Oh, ok." You smiled and sat with him.

He smiled kindly and looked at his ice cream. "Have you ever tried these before? They're called sea salt ice cream."

You shook your head. "No, I haven't. I'm sure it's delicious."

"It is, would you like one?" He asked, taking a bite.

"No thank you. I'll try it out next time." You smiled and faced the sun with him. "The sky looks beautiful…"

"Yeah. I come here with my friends when we aren't busy. They should be here soon…" He looked behind him before turning to you. "By the way, what's your name?" He asked.

"Oh, my name is (Y/n)." You smiled politely. "Nice to meet you, Roxas."

"Nice to meet you too!" He smiled happily.

You smiled, thinking he reminded you of someone. They both shared the same cheerfulness and eyes. You looked behind him when another figure came around the corner.

They blinked their green eyes at you. They too had an ice cream in hand. "Hey Roxas, who's this?" They asked. "You made another friend or something?"

"Axel! You're late!" He stood up to greet him. You blinked at Axel's words.

Axel grinned and rubbed his head. "Better late than not coming right?"

"I guess." Roxas smiled in amusement. He motioned to you. "This is (Y/n), she's my friend too." He gave you closed-eye smile.

You smiled gratefully at Roxas and nodded to Axel "Hello."

"Hey, looks like you found our secret spot. Bummer…" He teased as he sat down beside Roxas.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come here honestly…" You frowned.

"Hey, don't sweat it! I'm only kidding!" He grinned. "Anyway, have you seen Xion?" He asked his friend.

"No, not yet." Roxas turned to you. "Have you seen a girl with black hair and with our kind of clothes?"

You shook your head. "No."

"I see. She's taking a while…" Roxas murmured. "Hopefully she comes by soon."

Axel stretched his arms. "Anyways, you're from around here (Y/n)? I don't think I've seen you before…"

You shook your head again, facing the sun. "I'm just passing through. The sky looks beautiful here." You also thought it reminded you of the beach with Xehanort.

"Yeah, got it memorized?" Axel pointed to his temple with a wink.

You smiled in amusement. "Yeah." Your attention went to their clothes. "Where did you get those?"

"What these?" Roxas looked down at his cloak. "The organization gave them to us." Axel eyed your clothes in curiosity as you hummed. 'Organization?' You thought hopefully they weren't allies to the darkness when your keyblade flashed into your hand again. Your eyes widened. 'So soon?!'

"A keyblade?!" Roxas blinked at your blade as Axel stared in surprise. "You're like me (Y/n)?"

"What?" You blinked at him as he revealed his keyblade. "You have one too?"

"Whoa, who exactly are you (Y/n)?" Axel raised a brow with a mysterious smile.

You frowned for a moment when it began to glow. "I'm sorry but, I have to go. It was good meeting you Roxas, Axel." You nodded to them both.

"Already? But, you never got to meet Xion…" Roxas stood up with you.

You smiled sadly. "I'm sorry, I'll come by again soon."

"Promise?" He held out his hand as Axel smiled at you.

You took his hand and nodded. "Promise." You quickly ran to go around the corner when you nearly collided with someone. "Ah! Sorry!"

"Oh!" A girl blinked at you.

"Xion!" Roxas and Axel called out as your keyblade began to flash brightly.

"Roxas, Axel!" She blinked at them when she spotted your keyblade. "A keyblade?"

You smiled at the girl as she stared at you in surprise. "So you're Xion-" You said before disappearing once again.