Destiny Islands 2

You once again arrived at a beach with a sun casting its light over the waters. "Am I back in Destiny islands again?" You murmured as you stared at the scene. After all your travels so far, the sky seems to catch your eye every time.

"It came from over here!" You heard yelling behind you and turned to face 3 friends running towards you. You blinked when one of them seemed so familiar. 'Roxas?' You thought.

"Hey! Were you the cause of the light?" Said a boy with familiar blue eyes and brown hair.

"Yeah, I think so." You nodded.

A boy with silver hair raised a brow. "You think so?"

"You're from a different world, aren't you?" A girl with red hair smiled kindly your way. "I never seen you here before."

'How many times am I going to hear that line…' You thought before nodding. They already saw the flashing light of your keyblade, you couldn't deny it now. "Yeah, I'm (Y/n)."

"I'm Sora! These are my friends Riku and Kairi!" Sora introduced them.

"Hello." You nodded to them both. 'So, this boy's name is Sora. Ventus and Roxas… they all share the same eyes…' You thought in wonder.

"How did you get here?" Riku asked.

Your (e/c) eyes turned to him. "With the light." You answered simply. It wasn't a total lie on your part.

Riku hummed at your answer as Kairi nudged his side. "Hey, don't go questioning her. I don't think she's all bad. Right?" She gave you a close-eye smile.

You smiled warmly in return. "Right." You then noticed a bottle in Sora's hand. "What's that?"

Sora blinked and looked down at his hands. "Oh! The King's message!" He glanced at you. "Sorry! But we have to go, it was good meeting you!"

You nodded with a smile. "You too, where are you going?" You asked. You were honestly curious about where he was going.

"To see king Mickey, he needs us." He nodded with Riku before glancing at you and kairi. "We'll see you soon!"

"Right, see you soon!" Kairi waved at them as they left. "Those too… They've become more reliable, saving other worlds, making more friends... It's no wonder they've grown up so fast." She giggled to herself. You glanced at her. She reminded you of Aqua, a caring sister and a beam of light in the group. You smiled when she turned to you. "So (Y/n), what world did you come from?" She asked.

You smiled wryly. "Sorry, but I can not say. But it's a world far from here."

"Ok, tell me about it." She smiled. "You see, this is our world… It's not much, but its home, and the view is beautiful." She said as she turned to the setting sun.

You nodded in agreement. "Yeah, the view is beautiful. This place reminds me of other worlds I visited. Well, the sun does…"

She nodded with you. "Yeah, reminds me of Twilight town."

"You've been to twilight town?" You asked in surprise.

She giggled at your reaction. "Is that a surprise? Well, I guess it was, how do I say this…" She hummed to herself in thought. "Like it was meant to be, like fate, to visit the other worlds. I don't know, I guess it just happened that I end up in other places with Sora and Riku…"

You tilt your head at her. "Does that mean you're a keyblade wielder too?"

"Keyblade wielder?" She turned to me. "Oh, I did use a keyblade to help Sora and Riku. You can say that." She smiled gently.

You nodded then began to wonder why the keyblade has yet to make its appearance. You looked back at the sky. "My world is full of light…" You began as Kairi smiled in response. "But I don't know for how long. I was told I had nothing to worry about since I can always go back and have fun with my friends… but knowing the fate they will soon-" you stopped when Kairi placed a hand on your shoulder. "Kairi?"

"I think, you should do as your told." She said. "I'm sure the person who told you that, didn't want you to feel sad or anything. They wanted you to feel happy and live forever in everyone's hearts. That's what I would have wanted for my friends."

"You think so?" You looked down towards the sand. "I just thought that, everyone deserves to know what will happen to them in the future…"

She tilted her head again. "Do you know?"

You blinked, then shook your head. "No, I just mean that everyone should be prepared, that's all." You smiled wryly. 'I got to be careful of what I say…'

Kairi smiled in response. "Ok, will you be staying a while? I'd like to talk with you more…"

"um…" You looked down at your hand, the keyblade flashing in appearance. You sighed with a smile. "No, I have to go."

Kairi eyed your keyblade in surprise. "Wow, it's a lot different than Sora's and Riku's."

You chuckled as it began to glow. "It is." You held out your hand. "I'll see you again soon, Kairi."

She took your hand and gave you a bright smile. "Yeah, see you soon."

With that, the keyblade took you to another world.