Daybreak Town 2

You reappeared in Daybreak town, and stood in an alleyway leading towards the fountain square. You quickly pulled on your (f/c) (f/a) mask and walked towards it. You spotted other keyblade wielders chatting and smiling as they relaxed by the fountain.

The scene made you think of something. 'There weren't as many keyblade wielders where I've traveled so far… is it because of the war that'll soon trample the peace we have here?' The thought made you frown behind your mask when someone grabbed your attention.

"Master (y/n)! Are you ok?" A keyblade wielder asked with a worried look.

You blinked at a few wielders standing in front of you, wondering what you were doing spacing out in an alley way. "Ah, nothing! Um, what are you guys up to?"

They glanced at each other before shrugging. "We were just taking a break before heading off to collect lux again."

"I see, you should relax while you can then." You nodded. "Anyway, have fun!" You quickly waved and ran off in a different direction.

You ended up somewhere else when you spotted Ira walking by. "Ira!" You ran towards him.

He stopped and turned your way. "(Y/n), you've returned…"

You nodded when you stood in front of him. "Yeah, how are things here?"

"Same as usual." He nodded in return when he glanced the way he came. "I just came from speaking with the master… "

You nodded again, knowing what their meeting was about. "Did he tell you he was going to-"

"Disappear? Dim? Fade? Yes…" Ira nodded, clenching his fist. "Also about the inevitable war… (Y/n), do you think we can stop it from happening?" He asked with a hint of hope.

You blinked at his question. "What?"

He sighed and turned to face the clock tower. "This world is full of light, the master said. He bestowed us these keyblades but, they can't protect the world we have now. He said we have look out for what comes after the war…" He thought out loud, sharing his thoughts with you.

You stared at him. "Ira, do you think we can stop it if we tried?"

"I want to try." He replied, turning back to you. "I don't want to lose anyone to the darkness, nor let the light expire."

You nodded, agreeing with him. "What did the master say when you said that?"

"Good luck." Ira sighed.

You giggled. "That sounds like him."

Ira smiled a little. "(Y/n), what do you think? You can travel into the future because of your keyblade right? What did the worlds look like where you've gone?"

You frowned behind your mask, knowing full well you aren't supposed to reveal anything of the future. "Um, Ira, you know I can't-"

"I know, I'm… I'm sorry." He turned away. "I just-never mind, forget I asked that. I have things to do, I'll see you later…" He began walking away.

You hurried and grabbed his hand. Your action made him turn back to you in surprise. "I can't reveal what's in the future, but I can give you my opinion. Would you be satisfied with that?"

He parted his lips. "I don't know but, please tell me."

"Well, I think we have nothing to worry about. They were beautiful, and bright, so were the people I met…" You told him with a bright smile. 'Well, except for Xehanort… there was definitely something odd about him…' You thought to yourself.

Ira hummed at your answer, then smiled. "Thank you. Don't worry, I won't tell the master that you told me this."

"Hey, I didn't do anything wrong!" You pouted playfully.

"Thanks." Ira chuckled and held your hand back. You both shared the warmth in your hands before he let go and continued his way.

You watched him leave and held your hands. "Oh Ira…" You whispered sadly. You understood what he was thinking. You loved the world surrounding you right now, and would hate it to see it be enveloped by darkness. You too felt like you should at least try to save what you can.

Later on that night, you were watching the stars as you thought of the meteor shower back in the land of departure. You began to wonder if Aqua or Terra passed their exam, and if Ventus was ok. His eyes covered your mind as you thought of Roxas and Sora next. They all seemed awfully alike, that you couldn't help but think they were tied in some way.

Riku popped into your mind next, then Terra. They too seemed like they resemble each other in a way. Then there was Aqua and Kairi… and Xion. They all had similarities that made your heart ache in a way. Did they know each other in some way? Then again, your keyblade tend to take you to random places in time, both far and close. This made you think of Ira next. 'He was pretty down about the war... I understand well of how he feels, but is it possible to stop the inevitable?'

You were lost in thought when your chirithy appeared. "Good evening, Master (Y/n)!"

"Chirithy, hello." You smiled at the small creation of your master.

"What are you thinking about?" It asked.

You looked back at the sky. "About every little thing that comes to mind I suppose…"

It hummed. "Even about Master Ira?"

You blinked and turned to it. "What makes you think that?"

"Well, you seem to cheer him up earlier… I thought you may be still worried about him." It replied, hopping in its spot.

"I guess, I am still worried about him…" You answered honestly. "Is he ok?"

"He's probably going through the book right now. You both should be getting sleep though. Tomorrow is a brand, new day!" It jumped happily.

You smiled in amusement. "You're right. Let me go remind Ira of that before doing so. Thank you, chirithy." You petted the small spirit and stood up from the roof, heading towards Ira.

The unicorn master was indeed going through the book when you found him. You shook your head with a sigh, knowing how thorough he rather be. "Ira…" You called out to him as you entered the room he was in.

He looked up from the book with a start. "(Y/n), you're still awake?"

"Yeah, I'll head to bed after this of course. You should too…" You smiled warmly at him.

"Right…" He looked back at the book.

You stared at him before walking closer. "Ira, I know you want to stop and save this world from the war, but I doubt you'll find any more than you already know from the book."

"What do you mean?" He asked, turning to you.

You smiled in amusement and closed the book beside him. "I mean, I think you should get some rest and not read over what you already know."

He sighed. "(Y/n), I don't think you understand but, we're running out of time as we speak. We don't know when the end will come, and the darkness never rests…"

You stopped him by grabbing his hand. He was again taken aback from your action. "You're wrong there, I do understand, and I do know. But we aren't like the darkness, Ira. We need sleep, and sleep gives us energy to do what we need to do during the day. Now what happens when we don't sleep?" You asked, placing your hands on your hips as you playfully questioned him.

"We don't have energy…" He replied like a scolded child.

You patted his shoulder. "Good job! That's the right answer! Now, what are we going to do after this conversation?"

"I get it (Y/n)." He chuckled with a shake of his head. You smiled with him when he patted your head. "Thanks again." He said softly.

"You aren't alone in this Ira, remember that." You told him.

"yeah, I know." He nodded, pulling his hand back. "Come on, lets get some sleep." You followed him out the room after you both shared a smile.