Daybreak Town 3

The next day, you woke up with the sun shining through your window. You yawned and rubbed your eyes. 'What will today bring?' you wondered.

Chirithy appeared and greeted you. "Good morning Master (Y/n)!"

"Morning chirithy." You smiled and got off your bed. "Anything new?"

"The master of masters wishes to see you! I think he wants to talk about something important…" It replied.

You hummed in thought. "Alright, thank you."

"Anytime! I'll let him know you're on your way!" It said before disappearing in a puff.

You arrived in the master's office as he looked over the book of prophecies. You wondered if he was ever going to give you a book. Although, there would be no point since you can always look into the future with your keyblade. You bowed to master. "Master."

"Oh! Morning (Y/n)!" He stood up after flipping another page. "I got some news~"

"News?" You tilt your head.

"I just told everyone of their individual roles, well you probably already knew that..." He explained, waving an arm. "They were quite surprised by everything."

"I don't blame them." You frowned a little. "Master, has Luxu already left?"

"I believe he's still around." He hummed. "Don't worry, there's still time. Worried about him?"

"Not exactly, I just don't like the idea of you fading away…" You answered. You honestly didn't want him to leave. Especially when we would need him more than ever when the war comes. You thought hopefully he can prevent it, even though he's serious about not doing anything at all and focusing on the future.

The master placed his hand on your hooded head. "I know you'll miss me, but you can always come back in time and spend more time with me..."

You sighed. "I know that, but it's like going back to a point where nothing has progressed. I want to be able to go back and grow, not go back where nothing has changed…"

The master stared at you and patted your head once more. "I know, apparently your keyblade doesn't grant you that ability. Wouldn't life be more easier if it could?"

"Yeah…" You replied without a thought.

He took back his hand and paced the room. "Well, that aside, I didn't call you here for that…" He began. "As I said, I told everyone of their roles. Knowing you, I know you'll be offering advice on their roles."

You gulped and looked away. "Uh, really now?"

"Yep, really." The master nodded then turned back to you. "Let me remind you, you shouldn't say too much and upset the balance. Time travelers are sensitive when it comes to destiny and fate…" He explained in his usual casual manner as he walked back to you. "They can change events, no matter how big or small they are. So be careful! Ok?" He bent down to your level. As he said this.

You nodded in understanding. "I understand."

"Great! Oh, by the way, Aced may need your company. I think he went off somewhere around here." He mentioned.

"Alright, I will." You smiled. "I'll see you soon."

"See you soon~" He waved his fingers as you left.

Chirithy appeared after you left the room and walked down a hallway. "That was quite a talk. Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine." You said as you continued walking quickly. "Where is Aced?"

"No idea. I suggest you follow the master's instructions and find him around here." It replied. "If not, maybe he went off to that spot he often visits…"

"Where is it?" You asked, looking down at it.

"Follow me!" It jumped and ran ahead.

When you arrived at the spot your chirithy spoke about, you indeed found the bear master just arriving. His body jolt in surprise. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"

You smiled in greeting. "Hello Aced, I came to see you."

"T-To see me? What for?" He asked bewildered.

You held your hands. "Well, I heard you received your role, congratulations by the way. You're basically second in command."

"I suppose…" He muttered, walking inside the warehouse.

You tilt your head and followed him. "Are you not happy? What's wrong?"

He stopped at a corner then turned to you. "(Y/n), do you believe Ira is worthy to be leader?"

'Oh boy, how do I answer this?' You thought. You fiddled with your fingers as you thought of the right words. "Um, I don't know. I can't say since I haven't exactly tested him to see if he's qualified to be leader."

"I see…" Aced looked away in thought.

"Um, what do you think? What did the master say?" You asked.

"…He said Ira is to be leader, but my role is the most important." He said as he looked back at you. "Ira is always thinking, and he hardly takes action. That's why he assigned me as his right-hand man."

You hummed. "I think the master's right. I agree, Ira is always thinking, and he takes his time coming to decisions. The master had the right idea putting you as his right-hand man. I'm sure you're the only one for the job too. I'm guessing the master said you're the kind of person Ira needs to push him in the right direction?"

"Right! He did say that!" Aced nodded. "So, I understand he's the right person for the job, but does that mean I could never…"

You went and reached up the best you could to pat his head. He blinked behind his mask and almost stepped away when you opened your mouth. "I could tell you wanted to be leader, but I don't think the position is right for you. I don't mean you can't make the cut, I mean you're more of a person to go into the battlefield instead of staying behind and letting your underlings do the fighting."

You backed away with a smile as he stared at you with his lips parted. "Have you ever heard of a game called chess?" you asked.

"Uh, y-yes…" He nodded.

"Well, Ira is the king, I'd say Gula is the knight, Ava is the rook, Invi is the bishop and you're the queen." You explained.

"The queen?!" He burst out. You laughed at his reaction as he clenched his fists. "Don't insult me!"

"No! I don't mean it in a bad way!" You giggled and held your stomach. He sighed when you finally calmed down. "Ok, the queen can move everywhere and can do anything. That's what I mean. The king can only do so little in his position, but the queen is the ultimate piece on the board. Get it?"

"Oh! I see what you mean now… Yes! I agree, I do believe I'm more fit for this role than anyone else." He nodded to himself with a big smile.

You smiled in amusement. "Good! I'm counting on you Aced! As the master would have said, 'May your heart be your guiding key'." You placed your hand on your chest as you said this.

"Right! You too!" He walked past you with his head held high when he stopped and turned back to you quickly. He grabbed both your hands and held them between you. The strength he used was what surprised you. "Thank you, (Y/n)."

"Y-yeah, no problem." You looked down at your joined hands. "You have some big hands Aced…" You commented as you moved your hands to cup one of his own. "Like a real bear!"

"H-Hey!" He burst out again, though he didn't take his hand away. You giggled and smiled up to him as he smiled shyly in return.