Land of departure 2

After your talk with Aced, your keyblade had appeared afterwards, guiding you to another world. You found yourself back in the land of departure, and you immediately smiled in excitement. 'Ventus, Aqua, Terra…' you thought, hoping to see the first friends you made since you left Daybreak town.

"(Y/n)?" Said a familiar male voice.

You turned around and spotted Terra standing up from the staircase he sat on. "Terra!" You smiled and ran towards him.

He smiled back. "Good to see you again, and so soon."

"Oh yeah…" You removed your hood and scratched your head sheepishly. You wondered how long ago you first spoke with the trio. "Um, how did the exam go? And where are the others?"

Terra's smile dropped as he looked away. "I'm sure they're still inside… And, I didn't pass the exam."

You frowned. "You didn't? How come?"

"I couldn't control the darkness within me…" He clenched his fist and sat back down. "But I know I'm strong enough to hold it back."

You looked down. "I see…" You stood silent for a moment before looking up again. "Why don't you prove yourself?"

He looked up. "Hm?"

You smiled. "Why don't you prove to your master that you're worthy? Isn't there a mission you can do?"

Terra widened his eyes for a moment. "There may be something…"

You nodded then went to sit beside him. "Your master, what is he like?"

He smiled a little. "Master Eraqus, he's a good master. He's taught me everything I know about keyblade wielding."

"I see, he sounds good…" You nodded with him. "Terra, I think you should go back and ask for another chance. You never know if this is just a test to see if you would give up or not. I'm sure you're strong enough to hold back the darkness."

Terra smiled at you. "I guess you're right. Thanks (Y/n)."

"Indeed, you're a strong wielder…" Said a raspy voice.

"Master Xehanort!" Terra stood up.

'Master… Xehanort?' Your eyes widened, and your heart skipped a beat at the name. You turned around seeing an old man walking down the steps. His yellow eyes and silver beard reminded you of the Xehanort you met. 'He's here?!'

Xehanort smiled knowingly your way before smiling at Terra. "Just because you couldn't control the darkness in your heart, doesn't mean you can't become an exceptional keyblade wielder. The darkness can only be channeled in its essence. Master Eraqus doesn't understand, and refutes the power the darkness possesses."

You narrowed your eyes at him as Terra blinked. "I see, thank you master."

"Of course." Xehanort nodded.

Terra smiled then turned to me. "(Y/n), this is master Xehanort. Master, this is (Y/n), she's from another world. She's also a keyblade wielder."

"Oh, don't worry, I can tell." He chuckled with a glint in his eye.

'You didn't have to tell him that Terra…' You inwardly stiffened. You smiled politely. "Hello."

Xehanort nodded in response when bells were heard from all around. You blinked at the sounds as Terra nodded to you both. "I'm going back inside. You should come too (Y/n), I'm sure my master would love to meet you."

"I'll follow after you in a second." You nodded as he ran back upstairs. You looked back at Xehanort as he chuckled.

"So, the time traveler isn't a myth after all." He grinned as he walked around you. You felt a shiver through you as he eyed you. "I knew you were from a different world, but never expected you to be such a thing. My interest in you has grown…" He concluded as he stood in front of you.

"So, you're a keyblade wielder now, and a master at that." You began. "Tell me, what were your intentions just now with Terra? How can you tell him that it doesn't matter if he can't control the darkness in his heart? The darkness isn't something to be careless with."

"Indeed, I agree." He nodded with a smile. "That is why, he can learn to control it."

"Control the darkness?" You blinked your (e/c) eyes in disbelief. 'What did that cloaked figure do to him?!'

Xehanort chuckled at your reaction. "You don't understand now. But if you go back to a certain point in time, I'm sure you'll know my true intentions. Maybe, you'll even join me in my quest…" He held out his hand with smirk.

You gaped at him when your keyblade flashed into your hand. 'What-?! No! I need to go see the others! I promised!' You frowned at your thought and held the keyblade with both hands, keeping it from taking you away again.

Xehanort hummed at your keyblade and took back his hand. "It is indeed a unique keyblade, one with a mind of its own. Well, until next time, (Y/n)." He smiled mysteriously and walked into the dark void that opened behind you.

You moved away as he disappeared inside and watched the portal fade along with him. "And here I thought darkness had completely vanished after the war…" You muttered bitterly before running after Terra.