Land of Departure 2 (part 2)

You were thankful the keyblade allowed you to stay longer to see your friends when you found them along with an older man in a large room. "Terra! Ventus! Aqua!" You called out to them.

"(Y/n)! You're back so soon!" Ventus ran up to you with Aqua.

"Yeah, I wanted to see you guys again." You smiled brightly.

"We wanted to see you too." Aqua nodded with Ventus. She pulled out a good luck charm from her pocket, making your heartbeat quicken. "Here, this is for you."

She handed you a (f/c) good luck charm, star-shaped like theirs, which twinkled when you held it up to a window. "Wow…" You smiled happily as you faced her. "Thank you!"

She gave you a close eye smile when she turned back to Terra and the older man. You followed her gaze as the master walked towards you. "You must be (Y/n). I've heard of you from my apprentices."

"Yes, you must be Master Eraqus. I heard from Terra that you're a good master." You bowed in respect.

He smiled kindly. "Thank you. Now, I was just about to send my pupils on a mission…" He motioned to Terra and Aqua.

"Oh! Sorry for interrupting." You frowned.

"Don't worry, I was just about finished." He shook his head then turned to Terra. "Terra, this is your chance to change my mind. Show me you are worthy for the mark of mastery."

Terra stood up straight and bowed. "Yes master, I promise, I won't fail again." He nodded determinedly before leaving for his mission.

"Hey, wait, Terra!" Ventus ran after him.

You tilt your head when you glanced at Aqua. She had a slight frown on her face. "Aqua, are you worried about Terra?"

She turned to you. "Yeah, I am. Did you know he failed the exam?" She asked.

"Yeah, and why." You nodded. "Don't worry Aqua, I have faith that he'll control the darkness."

She smiled. "Yeah, me too. Still, I have to look out for him, just in case." You nodded in understanding as she straightened herself out. "Well, I'm off. It was good seeing you again, (Y/n)."

"yeah, good luck out there." You smiled and watched her go. You glanced at the master as he smiled kindly your way. "Master Eraqus, you raised good keyblade wielders. I know they'll be just fine."

"I know that well." He nodded in agreement. "Still, make sure you don't change anything on your travels. They will face many hardships on their journeys, in some moments they will even lose faith. For I know they are your friends, and you want to help them as much as you can, but you mustn't involve yourself too much."

"I understand." You nodded. "I see you already knew who I was then huh?" You rubbed your head sheepishly.

He chuckled. "Go on now, Ventus would love your company. He won't be going out now, so stay by his side while you can."

"Right, thank you." You bowed when you heard Aqua calling out Ventus's name. Both you and the master blinked then ran outside. You spotted Aqua looking towards the sky as you caught up to her. "What's going on?"

"It's Ven!" Aqua turned to you.

"He mustn't leave. You have to bring him back Aqua." The master said quickly.

"Don't worry master." Aqua nodded to him. "(Y/n), see you soon." She smiled before transforming into some armor.

At that moment, your keyblade appeared in your hand, already flashing to its fullest. "Yeah, I get it…" You whispered to it.

Master Eraqus nodded when you faced him. "You are welcomed back anytime."

"Thank you." You smiled as the keyblade enveloped you with light once again.